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Messages - serenityrose

Pages: [1]
Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Bring back old FH!! PLEASE READ!!
« on: April 08, 2018, 07:03:17 pm »
KikioryLandia and Valar.Morghulis and Morgra, thank you so much for taking the time to read what I have said! <3

@Valar.Morghulis and Morgra, I appreciate what you said! And you're very true. I have faith in the production of FH and hopefully it will bring amazing ideas! Seeing what you have said made me see a whole other side of things. I guess it is the community and the people that people miss haha I totally get you there. I'm very glad we could reason with each other and I do apologize to the creators for what I have said as I know they do work very hard. I should have worded myself better. Like I said, I did not want to hurt anyones feelings. Phew ^^'

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Bring back old FH!! PLEASE READ!!
« on: April 08, 2018, 05:24:04 pm »
I recently had a talk with the older members of FH and we've decided to give this a try. Could we have the old FH back? With the South Pole and Bonfire Island? I mean I think im allowed to state my opinion here and I wish to not hurt people feeling but only to spread the truth and I know most people agree. So hear me out..This FeralHeart sucks and you know it does XD So many of the wonderful things have disappeared with this update. I know most people have left this game for a while and come back to being disappointed. I know we can download the old maps but its not the same because its not on the main server. Everyone should see the beauty in the previous maps. Anyways, I will always love FH even in its most garbage times. Only bc of the awesome people!! So Admins take this into consideration~ Peace =^w^=

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