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Topics - Fearlesswolf

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Game Discussion / The Roleplayers
« on: December 27, 2015, 05:51:28 pm »

So, I was struck with the realization last night that there are so many different types of roleplayers on Feral-Heart. What I noticed is those who claim to be "Literate" Roleplayers, meaning they roleplay with an excessive amounts of detail, tend to push away and ignore those who aren't as detailed. I must admit, I am one of those.

No, I am not saying every Advanced roleplayer does this- I've just seen it a lot in Bonfire Island.

So, I was thinking. What if we, as the experienced players, teamed up and met at Bonfire? I know it can get laggy there, but please bare with me. What if we, instead of ignoring the newer roleplayers, approached them and started a roleplay with them? What if we helped encourage them and guide them? I just feel like too many of the older players who roleplay daily ignore those who post a sentence or two.

Yes, I understand that our posts take longer than usual. But, most of those new players are aware of that and will wait.

I know as a younger player, I would be in awe watching one of the Literates roleplay. Watching them post one after the other after the other. I would want to talk with him or her. I would look to him or her as a mentor. Now, if I were to approach that said player and try to roleplay with him or her, only to be ignored, I would feel insignificant. It would hurt and I would begin to question myself. But that's how I would feel- left out.

How would you feel?
What would you do?
Put yourself in the shoes of those new roleplayers.
What are your thoughts on the Literate roleplayers?
Would you, as an advanced roleplayer, take time to slow down and roleplay with those not as experienced?

As for me- of course I'll slow down and spend time with the new players. I feel like it's part of being an older player.

I apologize in advance if this topic isn't the best or in the right location. I had to get it off my chest and into the community.

The death of the devious Scar has spread through the lands like a wild fire; he was, afterall, the biggest threat of the lands, especially the Pridelands.

But alas, he didn't pass without leaving some type of mark;

Both King Simba and Queen Nala have been severely wounded in some shape; both have physical wounds but the mental cut deeper than one would expect. Another attack by the Outlanders could send one, or perhaps both, to their death.

But Scar's gone...
Meaning the Outlanders have no leader..
They wouldn't dare attack..

Wrong ; The Outlanders are enraged by their King's death. They want revenge; they want to see the Pridelands suffer like they have too. Standing with them; as their new leader is the one and only Zira. Oh yes, she has returned. Though her intentions at this hour have not become known nor has she made an appearance. She waits for the right time to strike; to make the King and Queen suffer for what they have done. It's war she is planning and this time, she has every intention of taking these Pridelands.

But a Queen, needs a King...

Correct ;  A Queen does need a King. But Scar was her King and he's gone. That means one thing and one thing only; this mad lionness is in search of one. The only way to become a Queen is to have a chosen King to stand beside. She's looking for the perfect lion ; one much like Scar, but stronger and perhaps wiser than he was. She has a plan, though it will take a while to set in motion.

In the meantime, however....

Simba and Nala have seemed to drifted apart in more ways than one. Both have had different viewpoints of the entire Scar situation. During this time, both have had no choice but to ignore their wounds. Both are struggling through what seems to be an Internal Conflict. There is, however, one thing they can both agree on- they want to be cubs again; they want to be able to run around the Pridelands without a care in the world. Being a King and Queen isn't an easy task; the stress isn't something one can merely ignore. They have no knowledge on Zira's return, nor do they know the things she is planning.  A Kingdom needs its Superiors, the two cannot see it at this point...
There is one question lingering within the air...

Will the Pridelands Survive the Return of the Outlanders?
Will this be the End?

The Lion King: The Next Chapter is a mapped, plotted and sited group of Roleplayers. At this point in time, we are accepting members. We do expect a Roleplay Sample just because we need to make sure we're accepting only experienced Roleplayers. If you have any questions about this group, message me privately and we'll talk some more!
The plot is always growing; the Roleplays are long and can get dramatic. Please keep that in mind when joining us. It's hard to predict things here, just be prepared for a sudden change in events.

Status : Accepting


So you've heard of the TLK roleplayers by now.
You've seen them in Bonfire, haven't you?

Why, of course! But have you tried joining their Roleplays? Perhaps you've tried but gave up because of your Roleplay level?

Well friends- let me introduce you to The Lion King: A New Chapter .

Who are we?

TLK:ANC is a group of experienced roleplayers that have the goal of getting 'Literate' roleplayers into TLK Roleplays. We, unlike the open roleplays, are plotted, sited and mapped. We do not require a character from the movie- oh no- you can join as any feline you have! We ask that you follow the plot and take part in our daily roleplays.

How do I join?

Joining TLK:ANC is easy! All you have to do is contact 'Fearlesswolf' on game or through messaging here. You may be asked to provide a Roleplay sample, though its rare.

We are currently accepting members.

Game Discussion / Adoption Centers
« on: July 09, 2015, 03:25:02 am »
Adoption Centers in Bonfire. Your thoughts on them?

First and foremost, I think it's a considerate and sweet thing to create! There are tons of new players that want to start their FH adventure as a pup/cub. It gives them an immediate family and pack/pride plus a start in the RP life.

But, unfortunately, the AC'S have some flaws. I've seen some overcrowded Adoption Centers with pups, cubs, dragon eggs, etc. I've watched, out of an entire group, only two or three get adopted. I've seen people give up and walk away because they never get chosen. So in that instance it's like the MateCenter.

But, I do belive the Adoption Centers mean well; not everyone can get adopted. Which is a let down. Once you find that family though, the wait becomes worth it.

So, what do you think?

Game Discussion / TKL RolePlayers?
« on: July 03, 2015, 04:56:10 pm »
Hey guys! c: TLK roleplayers; we've all seen them. What are your opinions and experiences with them?

To be completely honest, I enjoy seeing the TLK roleplayers. Yes, it can get dramatic. Espcially when theres a Scar and Simba there. Those who take part in the TLK RPs not only get Roleplay experince but meet some of their closest friends there. I myself have found myself playing as Scar lately and creating a pride, but thats not what this is about. Yes, it can get annoying when you're sitting around trying to talk and you can't becuse the extreme amount of posts that are flying through your chat. But it's all good fun, right? ^-^ Personally, I look at the TLK Roleplayers as a tight bunch of players that is growing daily. They don't care if you have the same character and will come over and talk with you.

I've had a blast Roleplaying with them; Ive met soooo many amazing Roleplayers and overall people because I decided to create a Scar character. Sometimes, the drama can get a little out of control but it fixes itself gradually.

So, whats your opinions? Experiences etc etc? Cant wait to hear back from you guys!

Ask Me / Ask Avy c:
« on: July 02, 2015, 05:20:50 pm »
Hii c:

Ask away! I'll try to respond as soon as I can! :3

Introduction / Newish Member
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:28:40 am »
Hello, hello 8D.

I've been playing FeralHeart for a couple years now but never posted here.

Soo, Im "Fearlesswolf" - I'm usually at Bonfire under the name "Avalon." I do RolePlay when asked.

Out of character, I'm a Fantasy Author (though i have yet to be published) and i spend my freetime outside doing Parkour.

So, yeah, that's it. I can't wait to meet more players. (Dont know what else to put)

Other Games / Mount and Blade:Warband
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:16:17 am »
Anyone play Mount and Blade: Warband? Ok well, I do. Mount and Blade: Warband is probably one of the best M&B "additions". What are your thoughts on Mount and Blade: Warband?

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