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Messages - AdeptRogue

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Re: Aro'Kai's Sudden Death
« on: July 01, 2016, 12:53:06 pm »
The only thing I'm truelly currious about is -- What happened to the REAL Superfeesh?
Did Kahara kill her? Take her out and replace her? IS FEESH A SYNTH? Wait wrong game...

It's really weird because CCLM and I were really close once -- well I felt we were  close, we had fun and did some art trades, drew something for her recently but she sorta just forgot, I ended up gifting it to her but -- anyway she became staff and this weird disconnect happened.
I suppose this whole deal is why -- but it does explain A LOT of strange things that happened in the forum.

I'm one of those REALLY old members, from back when the staff and the members totaled about 12 of us. XD
We all knew each other you know? But then certain member of the staff just started leaving, people that were my friends, like Maslien.
If anyone remembers her... ; n ;

When major parts of the staff started disappearing for long times, so did I. Then our skype group went quiet. Maslein stopped playing monster hunter with me, she stopped drawing, and someone on the staff was very sick I think-- no one would really talk about it.

Then Kaharah got a staff position. Didn't even really know who she was. But after a while, Super (Onowl at this point) was starting to be more active -- I had mostly already given up on the game, but I did think it was nice to have her being more active... Though --- something felt REALLY off about it. Normally Super felt very mature and soft spoken with a good sense of humor but -- this Onowl was oddly out spoken and would say she was into a lot of things that I honestly didn't think she'd be hugely into.

But in light of this.. I see why...

I just want to know where my old friends went. I think I'm a little more than mad that A'K made them break away from eachother like it did. *sigh*

Game Help / FeralHeart+ Preset problems
« on: April 06, 2012, 08:15:51 pm »
I don't know how to do them. XD
I just want to put the FH Presets I made into FH+

Can anyone help... I coulda sworn I had done
it once before I un//re-installed FH+.. @ ~ @;

Game Discussion / Wings are...
« on: January 02, 2012, 01:33:22 am »
First off let me start by saying that at least flying has improved some.... Some....

Now onto what I really want to say....
And that is....

Is anyone else totally not surprised that now that there are wing....
almost EVERYONE is using them now.... How annoying and totally expected...

Now mind I said Almost... As in not completely everyone... but you know.... pretty much

I love it! Now just about everyone can fly around...

Which is p-awesome cause I HATE platforming. XD

That doesn't look anything like Wolf Links Fur Pattern and guess what dip ***... his nose... IS BLACK... Not dark green. You also got his facials marks wrong and too small. Not Impressed like the rest of these.... people, who can't recognize The difference.

OH and if anyone give me that, "I'd like to so you do better!", crap. I've got just this to I DO BETTER. I make presets too. But I make realistic presets and I'd actually turn on my LoZ: TP game. and see what the ACTUAL markings look like. instead of this guess work BS you have here.

But no... great work! 8D

(From Kyugima: If you are going to comment on the forum, learn the rules, no swearing allowed.)

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