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Topics - Ellen11v

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So my boyfriend and I are consent about this drawing that I'm super willing to draw for us... <3
And I must say I am proud of it so far, with the shading and size comparison.
But I'm not finished yet (I need to finish shading my head, then add hair so we don't end bald, and finish it with some fine details)

Here's what I've drawn so far:

... I hope you like... Feel free to give feedback with tips. <3

Member Bio & Journals / What's going on in my life? [Ellen's Journal]
« on: January 09, 2019, 06:48:15 pm »

Hi guys. A lot of things have happened since I last posted here in this thread. I was in a relationship that lasted 1 year and a month-
 we broke up this january, I've been a MOTS (which was an honor), and now we're in a very serious situation with the... let's call it the citron. I have stayed home, completely isolated since 12 march, and have been depressed. I really miss my friends, but I try to cope with the situation by distracting myself, talking to my friends on discord, watching netflix, and maybe draw a little. However, i still lay in my bed most of the time. It's not a good thing, but I try not to become useless. :)

I'm no longer really active on the forum or game, sadly due to loss of interest. At least, that's how it is for now. I'm not even sure if an epic game update would retrieve me back to this home.
I don't know... I guess FH and I have just drifted apart, slowly. I'm starting to not even think about this game and my character, and I no longer really follow what's going on inside the community -and that comes from someone who used to constantly check the forums everyday, and tryharded at the minigames there were (halloween candy event anyone?)
I tried to log in to the game the other day but I just logged off shortly after. There's just nothing in it for me, not that I know it's an awesome community and game that I love... even I am not certain about why I have lost so much interest to FH. I just... have.

The only way to reach me now is through Discord. I'm there everyday.
Ellen#0666 (I have Nitro, that's why the tag is scary lol)

I feel like since I state all these things about my past relationship and the citron stuff, I felt like it belonged here in my journal.
Maybe I should have left this in the leaving section, but who knows if I will get my FH spark back? I don't even know... :P

But until then, I hope you guys stay safe and feel happy. Love you all.


Hello guys! <3

Maybe a few of my loyal friends on FH *cough* Kuri is *cough* definitely one of them <3*cough* have been thinking about why I'm not so active anymore, and well... Most of you probably don't even recognize my face here xD
But I want to clarify that I haven't left FH! I'm still around here, just mostly observing. I'm kinda "exhausted" from posting on so many threads so I'm just lurking at the most. I may hit a short comment on events and discussions, though.

Another good reason as of why I'm half online and rarely ever in the game is because... Drum roll please~

I found my lover, and his name is Christoffer (Same pronunciation as Christopher~).
We met each other through a good mutual friend, where we played a bunch of boarding- and card games on a Café (It's a fun place)
When we met, both of us had huge butterflies in our stomachs about each other. We've been in a relationship for 3 weeks now, and we both still get overly joyed by just being in company with each other ^^

Here are some pictures of me and his adorable face if you wanna see that... <3

Welp, that's about it. Feel free to ask about him  :P

Screenshots / ✿Summer Party 2018✿ [UPDATED!]
« on: July 22, 2018, 10:23:56 pm »
*M̲̲y̲̲ ̲̲S̲̲c̲̲r̲̲e̲̲e̲̲n̲̲i̲̲e̲̲s̲̲ ̲̲f̲̲o̲̲r̲̲ ̲̲F̲̲H̲̲ ̲̲O̲̲f̲̲f̲̲i̲̲c̲̲i̲̲a̲̲l̲̲ ̲̲S̲̲u̲̲m̲̲m̲̲e̲̲r̲̲ ̲̲P̲̲a̲̲r̲̲t̲̲y̲̲ ̲̲2̲̲0̲̲1̲̲8̲*

First off, I want to thank all the floofs for attending, and the staff for making it possible by putting it all excellently together!
I was so excited for the event and it was absolutely worth my time. I can't believe how heartwarming guys can be towards each other in the chat. You have my fullest respect for that!
I wish I could last longer in the party, but sadly I had to leave since it was getting very late for me (Copenhagen time~), and I was out of energy from all the hype and dancing ;o;
But again, it was a successful event! It blasted with amazing tunes from Morgra the epic DJ, and all the dedicated presets <3

Anyway, without any further ado, let's get on with the thing you're here for, my memory restoring pictures!


Group Screenshots!
From most of the FH parties, I'm known as that floof who can gather many floof at one place (oldies will know ;))


dem booties ヽ(´∇`)ノ

Pile of exhausted floofs, takin' a lil' break from all da dancing ;w;


*Party Rock Anthem playing*

Floofs raving before it even started!


*every day I'm shufflin'*

With the buds <3

With my new friend Wolfie :>

My lovely Kuri<33 He's one of da best buds!

~Delicious buffet time ;D~

Sura surely seems excited for the foodz in this one :,D

With Spinningscars trying to show us her special emote, and sadly she couldn't ;_; But it's still a noice screenie<3

Found Aedan derpin' around the water xD (perhaps it's to go away from the lag :p)

________________________________________________________________________________(somehow I can't make a real hr line here and it triggers me to the moon ;w;)________________________________________________________________________________

Handsum model photos of me, and other floofs ;]


woah fam how u do dat?? O-o

_______________________________________________________________________________________________(aaaaaaaaaand another one...)_______________________________________________________________________________________________


Hope ye like <3 See you at the next event!

Game Help / Semi-transparent Preset for Summerparty
« on: July 14, 2018, 12:00:07 pm »
Hellu floofs~
I have this problem with semi-transparency in preset making, where I'm questioning:
How come the solid part/marking of the semi-transparent head is see-through-able? (You can see the teeth, tongue, and other body parts. It's very annoying!)

I'll show you pictures of what the preset looks like in-game and in GIMP.
I'll also leak the code that I used bellow. If there are any professionals out there, I would highly appreciate it if you would let me know what's gone wrong here. I hope I can get answers before the 19th July (5 days), because that's the deadline for sending in presets to the Summer Party. ;w;


How it's done in GIMP (IMAGE HEAVY):

Semi-transparency code that I used from Ruby's tutorial
(except I made the eye parts default, because otherwise it would be unnoticeably white for some reason, and I prevented that by making them default. You can look in the code and see what I mean by default.):

Code: [Select]
material preset_3_bodyMatL
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3body.png
material preset_3_bodyMatR
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3body.png
material preset_3_headMatL
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3head.png
material preset_3_headMatR
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3head.png
material preset_3_eyeMatL
   cull_hardware none
   cull_software none
    texture preset_3eye.png
material preset_3_eyeMatR
   cull_hardware none
   cull_software none
    texture preset_3eye.png
material preset_3_tailMat
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3tail.png
material preset_3_maneMat
   cull_hardware none
   cull_software none
   depth_check on
   depth_write off
   scene_blend alpha_blend
    texture preset_3mane.png

Thanks in advance!

So when do you find it necessary enough to make a leaving post? Only when you're on a long hiatus or gone for good? Or do you also do it even if you're just away for a week or two?

Same goes for introduction posts; Would you feel the urge/tend to let us know that you're back in the community after a few weeks (or a month)? What does it really matter for you? :o
Have you ever returned to the community after a long time without letting anybody know? If yes, why? (Don't worry I find it okay, I have no personal opinion against it whatsoever.)

Also, yes. I have decided to not make introduction- and leaving threads from now on. Because I never really know why I leave, and come back. Things just happens. I'm tired of me giving stories and valid reasons... :p
But if you need my little "clarification", I've decided to at least try and check the forum every now and then, however I will not be active in-game since I've got stuff to take care of in life xD

Hope this is a valid topic for this section. Otherwise the mods are welcome to take action. :)

Forum Discussion / The old map list...
« on: February 16, 2018, 09:05:55 pm »
I know it's been like this for probably over a year now, and maybe there's already a topic like this? I don't know. But I'm gonna post it anyway... o3o

I am a senior member of this community, and correct me if I'm wrong about this, but didn't there used to be a small useful function on the far right side of the website, that shows a neverending list of maps in FH, that show the amount of players in each map? The highest to lowest amount of active players in a map were in a vertical order. If that makes sense... :P
You could use and see this list when you had the cursor on the the far right side of the website.

But it's not there now, so how come that is?
Was it causing trouble to the servers? Is it no longer compatible with the forum because of the newer look of the forum?

What do you think or know?
Post down below :P

I know this is a preeetty wild question that seems kinda off or maybe personal, but please, I just need answers and suggestions from people ;_; I chose to ask here because most of you floofs I’ve met here seems to be filled with sweet compassion, good understanding and I just trust you. I’ve trusted this community since early 2012, okay? :o

Alright so let’s get to it...

Just this week I was taken as a new student in this production school. A production school is built up with different kinds of workshops, and you find out what you want to educate with and study. You must be aged 25 or younger to start at a production school, and at least 16 years old (I believe)

So I started at this Game Workshop where you can design your own games, do coding and test new games. In this workshop there are 15 males, and 2 females (including me). I also have 2 teachers that are men. I’m very happy there is another girl, but I find it difficult to socialize with her since she’s unable to use speech. She can’t use her voice. (Maybe I just have to let time pass by about that)
But I mean... 15 boys xD Don’t get me wrong they are extremely kind towards me but... There are a few that I think has got a crush on me, just because I’m into the same stuff as them. They stare at me many times, and come over to me a lot.
The problem with that for me is that I get uncomfortable and I just find it very embarassing for the other person to act so differently towards me... But I don’t want to be rude to them and tell them to stop doing those things. I am too afraid to make them feel bad and maybe get them depressed or feeling unwanted...

Is there maybe a way that I can deal with these situations in a better way? I mean I tend to just pretend nothing is affecting me by them doing that... But it is affecting me, as described.

And to make sure I actually start off a discussion here: Have YOU ever been out in a similar situation, where you have to be among a group of the opposite sex? If tell, care to tell me how you handle it? Is it no big deal? :p

Thank you for reading! <3
*Rests my fingers as I wrote all this on my small iphone lol*

Game Discussion / What are your favorite places of the new FH?
« on: January 20, 2018, 04:00:22 pm »
Custom maps don't count ;P It must be a public map that exists in the game for everybody :D

Forgive me I forgot the name, but I favor the Valley where there's a round lake with a shiny blue crystal in the center, and so sort of monument(?) above it.
Floofs went there after the FHORD (Feral Heart Official Roleplay Day) (the feline day), after the party :) It was a lot of fun and the place looks amazing in my opinion. :)

Introduction / I just wanna note.. :))
« on: January 14, 2018, 05:08:46 pm »
School's had me for the past half year, but -as most floofs may already have occurred- I'm trying to make a return and be more active.
Though, I may not be able to get online everyday, because of education stuff. So I hope to catch some time with you guys here on the forum and in the game <3

EDIT: Another reason I have decided to return is because I found interest in drawing wolves again and hanging out with people online. I also got to get a little bit more friendly towards the modification of the game's maps and etc.

Other Games / Sandbox Coloring [App] Does anybody else have this? :>
« on: January 09, 2018, 05:09:10 pm »

~Sandbox Coloring~
So... I've noticed this stress-relieving and time-killing sandbox app have raised up in popularity recently! (at least in my country :p)
And I find myself kinda addicted to it. I've used it since october last year and it really helps me getting on the cozy and relaxing mood.
If you don't know this game, I'll just leave a small spoiler here with an explaining quote:

Quote from: Alexey Grigorkin on iTunes website
Kids and adults love to color by numbers and we've got a bunch for you to choose from.

"Color by number pages are a great way to teach your kids or students basic number recognition, how to use a legend, and it will give them the opportunity to work on their fine motor skills."

"This is a great activity to practice your drawing skills. It’s also fun for any age to try to finish the drawing."
I swear I'm not trying to make you download the app lol

Anyway, so I'm just curious if you floofs play this too?
If you do, you're more than welcome to share the pieces you've completed, and ones in progress, but only if you like! <3

I'd like to share the largest ones I've completed so far. So I did this wolf and some abstract pattern :p
Of course, they're both were preeetty time-consuming, but I enjoyed doing them~

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