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Messages - Nak3dAng3l

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Leaving / Re: -Sigh- Yeah I can't do it.
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:42:39 pm »
yep. just like usual. welcome back, arctic.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite thing about Christmas?
« on: November 28, 2016, 07:33:39 pm »
presents. i'm such a selfish person but the presents are the best since my family generally invests the most money into that day.

Leaving / Re: Time to move on
« on: November 27, 2016, 11:36:41 pm »
you'll probably be back, but good bye for now.

Game Help / Re: FH Crashing Upon Start-up
« on: November 26, 2016, 06:49:23 am »
that's odd. restarting(downloading) feralheart fixed that for me. (although, i have a backup in a zip from past problems so that could be the difference.)

thanks for the nazo. sometimes people come in here rushing in and not fully understanding the conversation; blurting and complaining about things that have not really been touched on or not at all. i do not want to come off completely rude, but it gets on my nerve when something is shut down simply for one misunderstanding.

the misunderstandings; in game and out, have gone way too far.

i suggest that the staff implement "mini-mods." people with a smaller amount of power but the ability to kick and warn players. it would be easier to have a larger amount of them; and if the staff worries about "power-hungry" people then they wouldn't be able to get too much. if one of them is a troll, it'd be easy to remove the status of power, and eventually a genuine and active team of mini mods would be readily available to make the situation come down quiet.

i'm willing to converse if my opinion has anything wrong with it that i haven't discussed enough. i tend to be straight and to the point, and so i miss details often.

Game Help / Re: Mapmaker Crashing!
« on: November 12, 2016, 03:06:42 pm »
Edit: just noticed it was already pushed down (morning sleepy person sigh)

good luck!

thank you for all the positive comments! i'd probably add more but i lost inspiration; pff.
if anyone has suggestions from past experience and tips, just pm me about them or message me on this thread and i may or may not add them.

i hope you have more luck with these. :)

Game Discussion / Re: How did you come up with your characters name?
« on: November 11, 2016, 02:21:20 am »
i generally either take them from spur-of-the-moment thoughts in my head which sound regal or funny or flighty. i always think of my character's personality before making a name for it gives people a general view of my character's personality without poking in their bio.

for example, if a character is down to earth and a family lover i'll name him/her bruno (i tend to go with gender neutral names)
but, if the character is regal and defined i shall name him/her valdeen/valdeena
however, if the character has a roughened but strong-headed personality i shall name them rasputin.

if i cannot think of one out of my head, i will think about their personality and a word that goes with it. i shall then look it up in a different language; and believe me, there is almost always a name that fits them in one of the languages.

Character & Roleplay Tutorials / Some Tips On Becoming A Successful Group
« on: November 11, 2016, 02:09:29 am »
welcome! i hope that you either agree to these sets to a point or disagree with proven factual evidence.


I.) The Creation

=>Do Not Follow Cliches
Unless you truly wish for a generic group that you've seen others doing; don't do it. It ends badly, always has unless you have god-like charismatic tendencies. If you are part of the members before the update; you've probably seen a lot of generic wolf packs. Do you see them around nowadays? Probably not. That's because they followed along with trends they saw others were doing.

=>Establish Social Media
Social media is a grand way to settle down rules; ranks, plots, and any other little bells and whistles you like to your group. It also promotes a bit of activity and more communication with other members. I highly recommend this for you stay in touch with members a lot more. A few grand social media toys that are for free; sites: proboards, webs, weebly. chats: discord, chatzy, skype.

=>Establish The Basic Bones
Now that you have somewhere you can put information; it's time to settle on the basic bones. Basic bones include a plot or no plot, ranks, rules, biographies, religion, and more. Creating a group takes a massive effort and you need to take it one step of a time. Include the descriptions after you have made the basic bones.

=>Find Two Loyal Allies
You cannot create a successful group alone. Make sure you have at least one to two allies that are active and willing to get down and dirty and help you with ideas. Make sure to choose the one to two friends carefully for they possibly will be part of your basic social structure.

II.) Tips For Oneself

=>Establish Balance Within Yourself.
Do not be a control freak with your group: (Eg: making them stick to their character 7 times a week and 12 hours online doing something per week; including strict activity rules and strict out of character rules.) However, be firm and make sure that your control is strong enough to calm down a rowdy crowd if something goes down. (I have an old friend whom wasn't firm enough with a realistic pack and a few of her members went on a rampage.)

=>Stick With What You Say.
When you promote activity, be on at a certain hour for so many minutes or hours and do it regularly. No matter if you don't get many members the first week/days you need to stick with the group. People /will/ be looking at your movie clips and if they see that activity they may change their mind instead of just ignoring your movie clip and attempt to join. If you say you are semi realistic; make sure that you don't force strict rules on your characters. (Eg: "THAT IS TOO PINK! TURN IT RED!" <- this is the negative example of what not to do)

=>Don't Become A God
Don't say that your words are law and that they must bow down their will to you. Don't put your character on a pedestal and make them impersonal unless that is part of their /complete being./ A leader needs to have at least one positive quality over their negatives and being a family-type wolf that establishes a strong leadership output will get you members.

=>Create An Attractive Leader
Although Mr. Black everywhere with white stripes and is skinny would be alright as a member pack; he's not going to drag in members. Having an attractive leader will make others subconsciously click on your bio and check out your group. This doesn't mean you need to make it a male or massive; just make sure that it /attracts/ possible members. Good fur and good markings, an interesting bio and a well-rounded and interesting member will draw in a lot of people like flies.

=>Let Your Members Call You Out On Your Turds
No leader is perfect, and you may not notice if you are extending a control-freak attitude unless you let your members call you out on it. Let them have their opinions and let you have yours, but remember that a good group of members makes an outstanding leader.


i'm open for suggestions on what to add, but this is it for now.
hope you enjoyed and learned a few things!

Game Discussion / Re: Group idea/opinion thing
« on: November 10, 2016, 02:46:18 am »
no problem.

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