Author Topic: Kaye's fantasmical Bio  (Read 1234 times)


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Kaye's fantasmical Bio
« on: November 15, 2011, 11:53:37 pm »
Real Name: Kayla Marie T.
Nicknames: Kaye, KayMa, Kal, KaT, Arian Zombie
Gender: Female~
Birthday: March 30, 1998 (Aged 13)
Weight(I don't mind you knowing): 104
Siblings: None
Other facts: I'm the youngest, and only one under 20, in my whole family. That proves I'm a loner <3.
Appearance && Personality: Ohai. I shall tell you what I look like and kinda act like. I have brown-ish, blonde hair with a red tint in it that reaches up to my chin. My whole family has a red tint in our hair though, I guess it's from being full blown Irish. FEAR ME. Okay, I normally wear long sleves/jacket and skinny jeans. I have a ton of hats, for example : koala, wolf, tiger, angry bird, etc. I really don't care what people view me as. In school, I'm relatively quiet, except when I'm at my friend's ''table.'' I have a thing with saying random things and making weird noises at random times, for example: My friend's talking about how she has no food and I'll randomly go *rrrrr sound* RAISIN BRAND! etc.. I dunno, I guess it's how I am. Sometimes, though, I get really anti social and I'll bite your head off. *happy face* I have slight ADD and bipolar disorder. I can never be a city girl, no way. I can't even deal with going to the city near me. I'm fine being in the valley. It's pretty here.

Drawing/aka Art
Vampires(Not sparkley ones. Twihard's shall die hard Muahaa *cough* Excuse me...)
Banana Waffle Toasted Fry(My iPod LMAO<3)
Gummy Candy
Blowing things up
Youtubers (AmazingPhil, & danisnotonfire, & superamazingproject, SMPFilms, & DudeLikeHELLA, Katers17, Smosh, & IanH, OMFGItsJackAndDean, Jacksfilms, Tobuscus, makemebad35, Onision, SwiftKarateChop, MysteryGuitarMan, Cyr1216, livelavalive, comicfire7, thecomputernerd01)
Would you Rather game
---More, but lazy----


Chocolate(I'm weird, I know O_O)
Losing things
Werewolves(e3e They like grow hairy at night? What's with that o_o.)
Money(Again, yes. I know I'm weird)
--More, but lazy--
Okay, now for my music~
Panic! At the Disco
My Chemical Romance
30 Seconds to Mars
Porter Robinson
Fall Out Boy(Yes, I know. They're le poof'd right now. *arm flail*)
Projected Twin
Three Days Grace
There's a ton more, but I don't wanna make you go ''*gag* This is boring''

« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 03:13:44 am by K???L????Y?o???? »