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Topics - Koyoss

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Game Help / Ogre Exeption!
« on: July 24, 2011, 10:23:44 pm »
My friend was about to get on feralheart, when she IM'd me on MSN/Live with an ogre exeption, that I just couldn't figure out.  So, I thought to come here and ask for help on the forum for her.

Code: [Select]
OGRE EXEOTION(1:InvalidStateExeption): no matching " found of " at line 1 in ScriptLexer::tokenize at c:\Ogre_161_tag\OgreMain\src\OgreScriptLexer.cpp (line 229)
Please help!

Mapping Tutorials / Linking together Maps
« on: July 03, 2011, 04:31:35 am »
I've seen plenty of people ask me and other map makers about this topic, so here, I'll tell you what'cha need to do :U

Step 1) Open up one of the two or more maps in FH map maker.
Step 2) Go to where you want a person to appear and write down the coordinates.
Step 3) Open the map that you wish to link to, and then go to the object tab, you should see this.. (Don't mind my purpleness >V)(Where stuff is black, it means stuff is going to be blank :P)

Step 4) Write the name of the map your linking it to here

Step 5) Put in the coordinates you gathered earlier, in my case, it looks like this.

Step 6) Press "New Gate" to make either a portal appear, or check the Black Material box to make a cave entrance like the one at Ficho.
Step 7) Place the portal.  It acts like an object.  In the controls area, you can use the Y-scale on the object to make it larger or smaller.  You can also use Pitch, Yaw, and Roll.
Step 8] After you place it, write down the coordinates from THIS map on where you want them to appear when entering, and save.
Step 9) Go to the other map, and repeat the procees.  Remember to put the portal/cave entrance near where you put where your character appears at!

I know many people were wondering about this, so I helped!~ :D   Hope this helps.  If you have any questions, ask here or PM me about it.


When entering a name for the map your linking it to, you MUST link its Map Name, and NOT its Map Display Name.  You must match it perfectly,  because its case sensitive!

Finished Maps / {V. 1.06-07} Hidden Woods (DONE)-slightly imageheavy-
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:54:20 pm »
Well, my Birthday is July 11th.  I wanted to release something for it.  I know it's days early, but I got it finished, so I wanted to release it to the users of FH for being so awesome! c:

Meshes go to their respective owners.

Ringo- If it wasn't for your water tutorial, the custom water on here would not of been possible. >:
All my Feralheart friends- For deh awesome!

SCREENIES: Click screenies for full sized image~ <3

Its not too big, but not too small.

Comfortable Comfortable spot is Comfortable!

Sea-side Mini-Meadows.

Whai yus, that IS VERY blue water!

Lilypad Bridge!~ <3

Small flower garden.  OF BIG FLOWAAAHS.

We should all get together sometime by the campfire and bake smores!

White-Water c:


There's small houses like this scattered across the map for anyone who wants to live and RP here.. just no claiming anything, please~

EDIT: Forgot the water files o3o' .PNG files go in C:>Feralheart>Media>Texures  .material files go in C:>Feralheart>Media>Material
Hope you enjoy c:

Mapping Tutorials / Object Groups. Quick&Easy.
« on: July 01, 2011, 08:31:08 pm »
I actually found out how to do this by accident >.>'

But its pretty helpful.

1)Open up two Notepads.
2)Open up the .object file that has stuff you want in it.
3)Click ''Save As'' and give it the name you want that object group to be called-- DON'T DELETE THE .OBJECT ON THE END!  Make sure to save it under All Files, and not text document, or it wont work!

4)If there were more objects you wanted, but weren't in the previous, use the other notepad file to open up the other object group you want stuff from, then Copy the objects you want from there into the object group you made.
5)Once you've gotten all objects you wanted in your object file, save it and close it.
6)Open up FH>Tools>Object Maker
7)Scroll down your object groups, and if you did it correctly, you should see an object group with the name of your .object file you made.

I hope this helped~ :3  Ask here or PM me if this confuses you or its not working!

First, you'll need to download L3DT Standard Edition c:  You can do that here:
GIMP and other similar programs are helpful here, but not needed!

I know there was something about L3DT on the old forums, thats were I found this from, but this tutorial is different c: Let's start!

1) Once you've installed L3DT Standard Edition, open it up.
2) Click File > New Project > Blank Heightmap
Doing this will give you a more promising outlook c:

3) Set the size to 512x512.
4) When clicking ''Next'' it will open up a program called Sapphire.  Here you can start making your map.

Sapphire is set on hover by default, keep it that way.  Right Mouse button is used to look around, WASD is used to move around, E moves up, whilst R moves down

You'll only need the heightfield tools. c:
            Point Grab
                    This is used to move terrain up or down on the Y-Axis by a selected point in which you grabbed.
            Raise Brush
                    This tool raises your terrain up, its handy-dandy for making hills and mountains c:
            Lower Brush
                    This tool is opposite of raise.  I suggest using this when making lakes and making a deeper ocean.  It will lower terrain.
            Set to
                    This tool sets terrain to a certain height value.
            Raise to
                    This sets terrain to a certain height, however, it will not effect heights taller than the height value you entered.
            Lower to
                    This sets terrain to a certain height, however, it will not effect heights lower than the height value you entered.
                    This is helpful when making cliffs on mountains, set it to a value and then click on the hill or mountain you want to have it, and it creates the cliff.
                    This creates the ''Avalanche Effect'' like sometime in the past an avalanche occured in the area.
                    If you use this and click on the ground somewhere, it will create a red line, in which you can move to a certain degree to bulldoze that area back to the original height ''0''.
                   It does the same thing as ''Bulldozer'' except it levels the area to the height you had clicked, rather than put it back to height ''0''.
            Level at
                   This you enter a set height value, then click creating the red line.  Anything within that red line will be leveled to the height value you entered.
                   You can use this to smooth out hills to create a more rolling landscape.  Can also be used to turn a mountain into a hill.
            Perlin noise
                   Within the area your on, when holding down the mouse button, creates jagged land.  I use this at the top of mountains to add a ''rocky'' effect to it.

You can use the center mouse button on your mouse to change the size of your circle area in which this all takes place.

Once you've made your preferable map, press the big red ''X'' button in which we all know of to exit sapphire.  This will create a black and white heightmap in L3DT.

After you've created it, press left CTRL+E to bring up the export window.
Set the file format to PNG
Enter a file name and click the ''...'' to the right of it, and set it to save in C:>Feralheart>Media>Terrains
Check the box ''Resize for Export'' and change the 512 to 513. c:
Then click OK, and shut down L3DT.  It will prompt you to save, you don't need to do this.

If you forgot to resize, open up GIMP or any other program, I use GIMP.  Then scale the image to 513x513.
If you do open it up in GIMP, you'll notice its already been grayscaled.  L3DT does this for you by default, so if you remembered to resize it when exporting it, you wont even need the GIMP(Or others) program except for making masks.

Now, you can go try out your map c:  I'm sure all you map makers know how to open it up in feralheart and begin making a map, but I'll tell you anyways for the begginers c:

Open up FH.
When on the title screen, click ''Tools'' and go to Map Maker
Go to the ''MAP'' tab of it and where it says ''Terrain Heightmap'' and ''defaultTerrain.png''
Change the ''defaultTerrain.png'' to whatever your heightmap is, say ''desert.png''
Click out of the box or press enter and it will load your heightmap. c:

I hope this helped a few people! :D  Talk to me here if you have any trouble understanding it, or PM me about it.

Species / The Melizan Half-Dragons
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:23:49 pm »
These half-dragons used to live on an island far away, until humans came and cultivated there, and the species on the island slowly died off, except for a few.  Those few took off in flight across the seas and eventually came to a land where humans have not touched.  Do to there long flight, they lost their wings, and the desendants of the species never got their wings.

Gender Differences:  The species size are random, some being very large, others being very small.  The male and females can be either height, so you may find a female who is much bigger than the male.

Behaviour:  Their behaviour also depends on their element.

Their markings color depends on what element they are.  Their pelt itself as well as underfur and any other thing other than markings are any color.

Fire(Red or Orange): Fire elemented of them have red or orange markings, and are usually aggresive and love fighting.  They can create fire and burn down objects easily.
Water(Blue or Dark Blue): Water elemented are peaceful, and hate fighting.  They have blue or dark blue markings. They can control how water moves.
Air(Gray): Air elements have gray markings, and are also peaceful.  They make and control wind and tornados.
Earth(Dark Green): Earth elemented have dark green markings, and have a.. rough personality.  They can do anything from moving rocks to creating earthquakes.

Weather(Light Green): Weather elements mood changes with the weather.  When its sunny, their happy and peaceful, when its raining, sad, storming, mad, snowing- you get it.  They can use whatever weather is current to their advantage. Their markings are light green.
Light(Yellow): They are peaceful, bright, and cheerful. They control light basically.  Their markings are yellow.
Dark(Black): They hate everyone and everything.  They control anything dark.  Their markings are black.

Plant(Green): They are peaceful, but easily angered.  They control plants, of course.  Their markings are Green.

-VERY Rare-
Psychic(Pink): These are peaceful, and smart.  They can solve almost any problem, and their powers involve reading minds and messing with others memories.  Their markings are pink.
Space(White): These half-dragons have unpredictable and random personalities.  They can create objects on pure whim, and have pure-white markings.

-OMG so Rare-
Blood(Dark Red): These ones are considered gifted by the gods themselves, and have no specific personality. They control the bloodflow of other creatures, and, when they abuse that power, they are considered beasts and outcasts of society.  Their markings are dark red.

Markings: Any
Ears: Dragon(Feline) Back(Canine)
Tail: Thick Tail(Feline) Thin Tail or Cat Tail(Canine)
Everything else is your choice c:

Also, I would like you to post you charries here with your information, so I can know how many of you like this c: You only NEED to post here if you have a uncommon, rare, VERY rare, or OMG so Rare element.

(Screenie here)


Name: Monaia
Element: Blood

Also, try to keep screenies 300x300, but if you can't, thats fine c:


Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / [1.06-1.07] Moriyaan(WIP)
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:10:29 pm »
Ok, I got bored and something came to me:  I wanted to make a group of linked maps, a world-like area.  So I've started, this likely wont be done for quite awhile, but I've gotten the heightmap, mask, and water set up for the first map.  I'm going to try to put as much time into this as possible, to speed up the time it gets done.


Added trees.. still, alot more to go.

The entrance... not yet done?

Download: N/A
Concept Art: N/A

Species / The Beasts of Malar
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:37:48 pm »
I do NOT own or lay claim to this species, full credit to the species go to the maker of Dungeons and Dragons.
I just created the character deminsions for a species on Feralheart of this kind.  Both Species use Feline.


The beasts of Malar are a group of, well, they tend to be loners and travel by theirselves, but on occasion they group together.
Deminsions: Anything
The males are heavier than the females, and bear manes, with dragon ears. They bear a rounded tail.

The females are much lighter than the male.  They bear no mane, neko ears, and have a rounded tail.

Muzzle, all the way to the left, Forehead, all the way to the left, Nose, all the way to the right.  Weight, Highest.  Width as high as it can be without affecting the length and height.  Length and Height: Lowest

They are stronger than the females.  They have no tail.

They aren't as strong as the males, but weigh slightly less, and are slightly faster.  They have no tail.

Both speices' colors are completely black exept for eyes and markings.  Markings range from dark red to bright red.


Notes for both:
Female: Eye Color ranges from Yellow-Red-Cyan

Male: Eye color ranges from Purple-Red-Yellow

Screenshots / Koyo's Screenies<3
« on: June 03, 2011, 02:29:23 pm »



More to be uploaded~ :D

Here are some of the maps I am currently working on.  I may want testers for maps, but I dunno.  All maps belong to me, credit to meshes used goes to their owners.  The Nebula in the sky goes to Wolfess. All Files go in Exports.

Download: N/A
Objects Not Added.  Terrain and Mask done.
Description:  A seemingly plesant land, plains on one side of a river, a forest on the other.. but, the river is at the bottom of a ravine, with a deadly drop into rushing, raging waters, and sharp jagged rocks.  The plains are widely populated with rabbits and mice, and the forest, you may see a few birds in the trees.  Overhead, there is usually clear-blue skies, dotted with cumulus clouds, but, atleast once a day or so, a thunderstorm hits.  In the plains, on an unusually high hill, lies a large dead tree.  Lightening once struck this during a storm, and it has never grew leaves since.  Other than the storms and the deadly fall, theres a pretty much pleasent view..  but you ask me, if the river winds through the land.. how do you get between them?  You can't swim, as the forest side has absolutely no way up that side of the ravine.  There is an old log straight between the two in which you can cross over.  Don't fall!

Download: N/A

Description: Averin is a large land.  It ranges from the lowest ocean to the highest mountain, with snow covered peaks, small planes, far drops, and lakes, small and large.  Averin has many prey, mice, rabbits, birds.. you name it.  Ontop of the mountain is a flat-like area covered in snow.  It is widely populated with tall fir trees.  The land itself is also dotted with many dens, mabye fit for a family of few, and mabye fit for large packs and prides.
Makers Notes:  This is my first very large public map.  On it, you may need to reduce lag by putting view distance to 0 and turning water reflection off.


By koyoss
Description:  A large mountain in the winter.  The map itself is dotted with Fir Trees and ALOT of Dens, including 4 large pack/pride dens.  PM me if you want to move your pack into it.  Just show me which one you want ingame.
Maker's Comments:  This map was made as a present for one of my best friends, Tanglemask.


By koyoss
Description:  A vast desert, with 2 oasis'.  There are many dens, you don't have to ask me to move your pack/pride, but make sure their desert savvy.  All packs and animals share the two oasis' equally.  Underwater of the oasis' are beautifully decorated, so it doesn't matter if you have water reflection off.  The animals native to this land are snakes, gazelle, hawks, vultures, eagles, frogs, salmon, and fennec foxes.

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