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Messages - KidbayOfficial
Pages: [1]
« on: April 16, 2024, 02:15:52 pm »
Kidbay's Memories
Okay, so I'm gonna get to posting some old and new pictures from my days of FH!
Some of these pictures may jog memories for older players, anyone who knew me or just simply give you something enjoyable to look at 

A self drawn image of my character Anju. I tried my best.

Recognize our beloved Red, anyone? 

An old one of my character Ruva in my own map that I was making.

Her brother Ruin, in the same map

Rixa relaxing alone

Alpha Raziir, miss this boi

Amaryllis in one of my maps

Ofirino, my little queen

MurderClaw, one of my first WC OC's <3

My old friends <3 I miss you all

More of my old friends who I miss dearly

I loved this roleplay and these two characters made the perfect couple

I love this picture <3

Why if it isn't Red again <3

My dragon boi

Zennie who had a genetic problem that made him cry blood <3


You starting to see a pattern here? XD

Miss my character Kiko. Kiko and Kanto where such sweeties. Definitely a couple of love birds

Easy to recreate so may have to make him again but, I love him

Anju as an adult 

Back when I ran with TWGM

Guess who? XD Hi, Red

Anju and his friend Hina c: Not gonna share their username, they know who they are and that's down to them if they want their username sharing, I respect their privacy :3 Much love to you, Hina.
I will add more to this when I have taken more but enjoy, for now
« on: April 16, 2024, 09:55:00 am »
No, there isn't a meaning as far as I know XD I came up with the name Ruvel thanks to an old Otome game I had played, and the name Anju I made on the spot randomly. He is my oldest character and I love him very much
I try and use him as often as possible. I originally made him for a lion pride roleplay where I ended up being someone's unborn cub but they allowed me to choose his name. After that roleplay ended I gave him an upgrade on his appearance and now he is what you see in the picture
« on: April 10, 2024, 08:46:07 am »
So, since I have had to make a new account after forgetting my password and the fact I do not use my old email anymore, I have lost a lot of my old characters, but any that where very close to my heart, I have remembered and will be recreating. I have only made two characters at the moment but will be making more soon so I shall be adding to this list each time I make one
I have one OOC, so if you see me on this one, I am just looking to talk rather than roleplay.
Characters:Kidbay - My OOC. This will strictly be based around me as I will use this for when I am not in the mood to roleplay at all, using my old FH name.Ruvel -
General Info ~
Nickname: Ru, Ruvie, Little Horn (a nickname due to his size and his horns)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 and 6 months (25 in human years)
Interested in males and females
Species: Unknown (Believed to be a wolf with genetic mutations.)
Life Status: AliveRelationships ~
Son of: Jax and Rina
Parent(s) Life Status: Both are dead. They where killed in a forest fire caused by man.
Sibling(s): Nora, Kione and Lira
Sibling(s) Life Status: Lira is dead, she was killed by a lone wolf when she was just a pup. Nora and Kione live.
S.O: No significant other yet
Whelps: Fathered no fluff balls yet.
Loyalties ~
Loyal To: No pack yet
Rank: N/A
Preferred Rank: Pup sitterOther Info ~
Scars: A large scar over his left cheek from being slapped by a wolf who was bullying him. Aside from that, most of his scars are mental.
Personality: Sweet, charming, caring, happy, bouncy, excitable, confident, acts very much like a pup however this is only to mask how he really feels. Get close enough and you will discover his real personality (news flash, he is very down on himself and believes nobody would love him.)
Backstory: One of my old Roleplay characters. He is wolf with a genetic problem that cause him to grow horns and to have glowing orb eyes. He hates how he looks and feels like a monster most of the time. Because of how he looks he is constantly picked on. Though his life isn't great he always tries to have a positive outlook on life. He believes to show how he really feels is weakness due to an extreme training regime he had to undergo from his judgmental alpha when he was a pup and he believes that if he shows anything more than what he has been trained to show, he will be hurt, punished or even killed.
Anju -General Info ~
Nickname: Anj, Juju, Prince moody (by his siblings), King serious (by his siblings)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: Starting as a cub (decided to reset his age)
Interested in females
Species: Lion
Life Status: Alive
Relationships ~
Son of: King Raxmuh and Queen Letifah
Parent(s) Life Status: Both are alive.
Sibling(s): Koba and Somba (twins) and Mahrae
Sibling(s) Life Status: All alive
S.O: No significant other yet
Whelps: Fathered no fluff balls yet.
Loyalties ~
Loyal To: Zamubi Pride
Rank: King's son and future heir to the throne
Preferred Rank: Loner
Other Info ~
Scars: None yet.
Personality: He is quite distant and preserved, liking his own space due to having siblings. He acts way more mature than perhaps he should and this is why his father see's him as king material though Anju doesn't want to be king. He is rebellious but does know how to have fun. When he isn't showing his fun side (which is very rare he does) he is very serious.
Backstory: Anju was born into a royal family in the Zamubi pride. First born made him first in line for the throne. While he used to be a fun loving cub, that was quickly drilled out of him when his twin brothers and his little sister where born. He quickly became serious and very distant from his family, refusing to play with his siblings or to stray away from training to be the best king he could. While he is still a cub there isn't much to his story but this will surely grow as he grows.
Chazzy -General Info ~
Nicknames: Chaz, Chazza, Diamond (after her love of shiny things)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 2 and 6 months (25 in human years)
Interested in males
Species: Wolf
Life Status: Alive
Relationships ~
Daughter of: Blake and Myra
Parent(s) Life Status: Unknown, she was separated from them at a young age.
Sibling(s): Cirella, Lake, Yuna, Pixie and Crin
Sibling(s) Life Status: Unknown, she was separated from them at a young age and she doesn't even know Crin exists as he was born after she went missing
S.O: No significant other yet
Whelps: Mothered no fluff balls yet.
Loyalties ~
Loyal To: No pack yet
Rank: N/A
Preferred Rank: Hunter
Other Info ~
Scars: A large scar over her right eye
Personality: Shy, sweet, loving, caring, clumsy, often worries about everything, has an obsession with shiny things, bashful. She very often worries nobody will like her and that she won't ever find a love for herself. She is also searching constantly for her siblings and parents.
Backstory: Chazzy was separated from her family at a young age due to a natural disaster that occurred in her home land. Since then she has came a long way from her home, met many wolves and other creatures, nice and mean alike. Now that she is older she is looking to make friends, maybe join a pack and perhaps even settle down to have her own family if fate allows her to. There is much more to her story but I will leave that for the roleplay 

Ashavakiir -General Info ~
Nicknames: Ash, Ashav, Grumpy (by anyone who doesn't know him that well), Killer, The Hunter and Mr. Big (by pups)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 2 and 6 months (25 in human years)
Interested in females
Species: Wolf
Life Status: Alive
Relationships ~
Son of: Corsis and Rema
Parent(s) Life Status: Both are dead, killed by a pack.
Sibling(s): Zida, and Chain
Sibling(s) Life Status: Both alive
S.O: No significant other yet
Whelps: Fathered no fluff balls yet.
Loyalties ~
Loyal To: No pack yet
Rank: N/A
Preferred Rank: Warrior/Fighter
Other Info ~
Scars: most of his body is scarred. His right eyes had been ripped out as well so he only has one eye.
Personality: Distant, aggressive, dark, cold, brutally honest, blunt, stand-offish. He can be a total jerk but underneath it all he does have a soft side. Will you be the one to bring his soft side out?
Backstory: After his parents deaths he was taken away to a pack that was dark and corrupt. Raised in such a dark pack he learned to love the art of killing and also he gained a taste for his very own species. This male is a cannibal and ruthless killer. His childhood and teen years where spent learning how to perfect his kills, turning him into a killing machine. To say the least, you would want to stay on his good side, incase he gets hungry.
Rhama -General Info ~
Nicknames: Rha, R, Tribal mutt (by enemies of her tribe), Red (by anyone who doesn't know her name)
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 2 and 6 months (25 in human years)
Interested in males and females
Species: Wolf
Life Status: Alive
Relationships ~
Daughter of: Dinka and Tiora
Parent(s) Life Status: Both alive, however they are not a couple. Tiora cheated on Dinka with another male and so they split.
Sibling(s): Ishtka and Levi
Sibling(s) Life Status: Both alive
S.O: No significant other yet
Whelps: Mothered no fluff balls yet.
Loyalties ~
Loyal To: Juraima Tribal Pack
Rank: Warrior
Preferred Rank: Lead Warrior
Other Info ~
Scars: A few scars on her right shoulder, a bite mark on her neck and a huge claw mark on her belly.
Personality: Standoffish, cold, brave, loyal, she can be charming, she can be highly flirty but it is usually to get what she wants, a bit of a loner, can be crazy and weird when you get to know her.
Backstory: Growing up in a tribal pack was not always easy, she usually had to fight for what she wanted, including the basics like food and warmth and ever water. This hardened her up to the harsh reality of not being always able to get what you want and not having everything handed to you on a silver platter. Seeing her parents split up at a young age because he mother gave into desire also strived her into wanting to be more like her father than her mother. She learned not to take things for granted because of following in her fathers paw prints. Nowadays she uses certain things that he mother would have done for fun as a tactic to get what she wants or even to get on someone's good side to avoid fighting where necessary. However, don't confuse her for someone who is weak as she will fight if she really has to and she has learned from the best frighters in her tribe.
« on: April 09, 2024, 08:09:49 pm »
Ask me anything within Feralheart guidelines of course. I may take a little to reply but I will reply eventually.
« on: April 09, 2024, 04:38:26 pm »
Thank you so much guys <3 I've definitely missed FH and the community
I wouldn't mind making new friends and finding old friends again c: Good to be back
« on: April 01, 2024, 08:44:42 am »
Oh my god, thank you
I'm glad someone remembers me ahah. I was scared I would come back and there would be no one left who would remember me ahah.
« on: March 31, 2024, 03:59:06 pm »
Hey, hey guys! This is a new account for me, I used to be on here quite a bit under the name Kidaby!
For those of you who knew me, feel free to add me back and for anyone who didn't get to know me back in the day, hello
I wouldn't mind making so new friends to roleplay with on here so feel free to add me, folks! Its wonderful to be back. I miss my old account but for the life of me I couldn't remember my old password and I don't use the account it's tied to anymore so I figured I would start off fresh!
I look forwards to seeing you all in game! Ta-ta for now, floofs!
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