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Topics - Hunt

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Characters / Mortifer, bringing back the Hunt!
« on: July 10, 2014, 08:55:36 am »

Characters / Valdyr Vaskr
« on: June 14, 2013, 08:18:38 pm »

Name: Valdyr Vaskr
Long has the lupen traveled. And long has it thrived. However long aslo has it been since one of the wolf's pelt been born. Valdyr simply was 'lucky' enough to take on this role.

He was born as all Lupen are. A bloody, hairless creature in agony... as his body changed. Most Lupen take the shape of a white wolf pup... however, he never had a white pelt. His pelt grew black as night. And his eyes simply became a darker shade of yellow... a primitive shade.

By the age of five, when most Lupen change their pelts as their personality developes, Valdyr was the only one to remain the same. Instead of changing his pelt, his body simply started to grow larger then all those he shared his den with.

Rumors spread as he aged, and those he had grown with aged... and changed pelts accordingly. They thought him to be a wolf, and slowly began to cast him outside. His packmates, which he was once closer to then any other, became strangers. His parents began to treat him diffrently as well.

By the time he was ten something in him snapped. He was being pushed around by a pitbull he was trained with, when he curled his lip, which for a Lupen is as much as offence as a human saying they're going to kill you. The pitbull however, didn't seem to get the message and simply continued to poke and prod at Vald, until the wolf lunged at him, tearing his throat out with his teeth. He was quickly thrown into a cell... and never saw his family again, not that he cared for them at that point, since they didn't really treat him like kin.

Two years passed before he was released. Once he was he left the city he was born in, Vaskr. He set out to find a tribe that was said to be nothing but a myth, the tribe of the pure ones. However, before even a month had passed he was captured by a group of Kiln, hyena men. They put him in a cage, and took him with them.

Kiln were well known for their entertainment in watching beasts fight, often to the death. Vald did well in their sports. He soon became fond of many of the Kiln he travelled with... more so then he had any Lupen. As the Kiln treated him with respect he had earned in their fights. They hadn't treated him diffrently then any other due to his pelt. Five years later, when he was 17, he was released.

He stuck with the Kiln for a while longer though, until they were attacked by a tribe of Lupen. They were mostly comprised of pit bulls... which Vald has hated for most of his life, since most Lupen who take on such a pelt are far from nice people.

The tribe of Kiln he had been traveling with was disbanded, and he was left on his own. He resumed his search for  the Pure Ones.

On his journey he found a cave that he sought only to take refuge for the night. He however instead found a city of Lizardmen... who were not all that happy to find him in their domain. They took him to their king, who obviously held his rank with brute force. The creature stood ten feet tall, two feet higher then Vald, who already held a rather impressive height for a Lupen.

It took Vald by the arm and moved him around, to get a good idea of what he was, before he sat back in a throne of bones, laughing. He shooed his followers away, and motioned for Vald to sit, "It's been a long time since one of your kind has dared to enter my cave." He remarked, looking Vald over.

Vald frowned slightly, but didn't speak, instead he simply glared at the creature before him, who continued in the silence, "Even longer has it been since I've seen one that is not here to cause trouble."

Vald snorted, "Who said that? I didn't even know you were here. However I could very well cause trouble if I wished!" He said in a snarl, his reblious nature taking greater hold then his logic for a moment.

The lizard king smirked, "However, longer yet have I seen a wolf." He said, "I don't think you'd want to cause trouble here... after all, if you did that you'd keep stumbling around like a fool wouldn't you?" The creatures said.

Vald looked a bit confused. He tilted his head to the side, "What is it you mean lizard....?" He asked, though he had a fairly good idea of what the lizard meant.

The king smiled and sat forward in his throne, "I mean, I know where you need to go... to find the tribe your kind knows as 'Pure Ones'." He said before he held up a finger, "However... you need to do something for me before I tell you." He said with a devious smile.

Vald frowned, "What would you have me do lizard?" He asked him, with obvious caution in his tone.

The king told him of relics, that were in three Lupen cities. Vaskr, Gier, and Lune. Though ruluctant as he was, he did as the king asked him... stealing them all with his cunning and srength. He gave them to the king sent him to an old crow, who told him that she would tell him where the tribe of Pure Ones were, only if he helped her for a year. Soo he helped the crow.

The crow was a witch in truth, and Vald became eager to help her in her spellworks. He planned only to help her for the year she spoke of, however he ended up staying by her side for five, until she died. He learned many things from the crow, mostly magic, but some first aid, tailoring, and things of that nature. When she died she gave him a map, where he was suppose to be able to find the Pure Ones at.

He encountered a short fox on his way, who had saved him from dieing in the woods simply from lack of food. He taught Vald how to hunt, and in return Vald protected the fox's family for a time. After two years he set off again, being 24 years old.

Since then he has been heading towards the land the Pure Ones were said to dwell. Hoping that they truly are there.

Hello floofs, this is a character I'm planning on writing a book about... whether I ever get around to that is another story though XD He's a Lupen, which is a race I created.
The link ^ For anyone that doesn't quite understand what a Lupen is.

Species / Hunt's Lupen
« on: June 14, 2013, 07:57:41 pm »


   The Lupen's appearance varies greatly. However, there are a few things that are certain. They are bipedal creatures. They stand just as you or I would, like any other humanoid. They take on many appearances, depending on how they act.

   For example, if a Lupen is kind... and sweet, it might take on the appearance of a golden retriver, or some other dog in that regard, a kind animal. However, if are vicious, easily angered, or something else of that regard, they would take on the coat of a pit-bull, or some other dog similar in nature.

   Skills also affect their appearance, such as agility, or strength. Like, a really agile Lupen might take on the appearance of a fox. However, it is much more common that a Lupen will look like a dog of some sort then a wild canine.
   Their appearance is never set in stone either. Their bodies are almost always changing. The only thing that never will change about a Lupen, is his, or her, scent. Whether they look like a dog, wolf, fox, jackal, or any other canine, they smell the same as they did the day they were born. However, typically once they reach the age of 18, their personality has settled, and their appearance with it.

   When Lupen are born they are pink, hairless creatures... that are almost in pure agony for the first week of their life as their body changes quickly, growing fur, and changing muscle structure, as well as bone structure in some cases. Most young will take on a white coat, and look more like a wolf then anything else, since the wolf is the most natural form of dog, and in a way, inocent. However very few retain this coat.

   The coat of the wolf is usually a highly valued, and admired thing... or at least that's how it should be. Usually Lupen bearing this coat, have not changed their pelt ever, exept for perhaps colorings. They are a combination of all the attributes Lupen bare, strength,cunning, ect. However, the most important factor that seperates them from dogs, is their ability to use magic and, their retaining of knowledge. Wolves are typically shunned from Lupen tribes, simply due to the fact that they scare most Lupen, for wolves can be quite unpredictable around dogs. They act on instinct quite often... and rarely spar, simply in fear of dismembering their oponent. However, wolves seek companionship just like their more tamed lupen.

   Most wolves end up searching for a tribe that most call a myth, 'The Pure Ones'. A tribe consisting solely of wolves. It is also said, that wolves are one of the few Lupen that have children born with fur, however... it's never been tested. And most tales are simply thought as fairy-tails.

Hello floofs. Been a while but I've decided to head on back to the forums. :3 Had this race idea for a while now. I was planning on writing a book on the Lupen, however I havn't gotten around to that yet. Anyway though, I thought I should post this to the community. This race is not bound to any particular RP at the moment, so I do encourage anyone interested in using it to do so... but please let me know, simply because I'd like to know if this idea interests anyone.

Leaving / Leaving the Forums
« on: April 30, 2013, 06:33:09 am »
Hello everyone. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I've finnaly decided it's time to leave. It's not because I'm mad or anything of that nature, however my works simply don't seem to interest this community much anymore. I see plenty of short bios, with maybe two sentences written, some time none at all, which seem to intrigue the community much more. So I don't see why I should bother spending my time writing long bios for the community to hopefully enjoy if indeed so few people do enjoy reading them.

I may be on the actual game occasionally... however, I doubt I'll be posting on the forums anymore.

Species / Umbra
« on: April 14, 2013, 01:37:17 pm »

Species:Canis Lupus Umbra
Comonly called/Nicknames:Umbra
Name origin:Latin
Meaning:Shadow Wolf


Umbras are much like grey wolves in appearance, however they typically have a much darker coat. Their coats are always shades of grey, typically very dark in color, nearly pitch black. Their claws are a deep black color, and are very reflective. Their eyes have a glowing property that is the biggest factor that seperates them from their cousins, the grey wolves. From head to tail they are usually around 10 feet in length. From foot to shoulder they are around 6 feet tall. They have a large muscle mass to compensate for their large size. They weight around 180 pounds on average. Most of their teeth are similar to their grey wolf counter parts, however their canines are typically a bit longer, and poke out of their mouth slightly, however not usually more then an inch or less.


Umbras are not very social. They live in small, family groups and typically leave their parents after they become adults. (4-6 years) They are considered pups from 0-2 years of age. From 3-4 years they are considered teens, and generally join their parents and siblings on hunts. A family group will generally consist of an adult male and female, usually around six or fewer teens, and typically no more then twelve pups.

The mother is usually left to teach the pups the basic dynamics of survival in their early years. She also passes on verious stories, and tales that she, and the father, might know so they can pass them on themselves. She teaches them what foods are acceptable to eat, and what are not.

Once the pup becomes a teen the father usually teaches them more then the mother. He teaches them how to fight, and how to hunt. One of the ways he teaches them to hunt is with hands on experiance in the subject. He'll organize a hunt with the family, often times one of the teens will be left to watch the pups, while the mother comes to help teach on the hunt, or simply hunt for herself and the pups.

Once the teens have left their family they will almost always be in search of a mate. Umbras, like their cousins, mate for life. Males will generally find a place they feel safe, and comfortable in, some times fighting for it with other males. They will begin marking an area around it, claiming it for their territory.  Females typically look for a mate year round, hunting when they can. Due to the fact that umbras are rare, finding a mate can take quite a while, especially considering the fact that they also need to be able to see eye to eye with said mate.

Once a pair has mated they live together for the rest of their lives. They raise young together until they are about 15 years old, this is when they are considered elders. They can live to be about 18 years old in the wild, after that they arn't really able to hunt, or do much of anything. In captivity they can live to be about 21 years old.


Umbras typically have pups during spring. Liters range from 4-6 pups, usually only 1-2 pups will survive though. Umbras do not search for a mate until they are at least 6 years of age, and don't generally start having pups until they are 8 years or older.

-:Author's Note:-
I may add more to this, as I am not entirely satisfied with the end result... however looking for pictures for it has made me suddenly want to play WoW >.> so I'm running away for a bit to do that. :P

Characters / The Barkeeping Wolf
« on: April 13, 2013, 08:31:58 am »

NickNames:Alpha, A, Aet,
Occupation:Bar Keeper
Resides:New York
Loyalties:His pack, and his pack alone.
Height:Human form-7'2"|Werewolf form-9'4
Build:In both forms he is well built.
Romantic Relations:N/a
Pack Rank:Alpha
Pack name: Lupa


Aet prefers peace over warfare, however he is no stranger to it. In being as old as he is, he has many tales of battle, and many scars to prove them. However he also has enough wisdom to understand it is far better to avoid battle when it is possible. He however can have a short temper when pressed. He absolutely hates repeating himself, once he has said something, it's best you remember it.


To simply state Aet has one appearance would be very wrong indeed. For being a werewolf, he has two. As a human, he stands a little over seven feet. He has short cut dark brown hair. He looks around thirty years of age, though he is much older. He has a scar on his right cheek resembling a claw mark, from another alpha many years ago. His eyes are a dark blood red. He carries the features of a roman in truth, which was a mix of a few cultures. He however mostly took the features of an Italian, though a few other cultures are mixed into his being. He has a thin goatee on his face as well. His body is ripe with muscles, though tightly compacted to his body, and sleek, they are quite large from the constant fight he must put out in order to maintain, and control power in his pack, and that of his pack.

In his wolf form he stands about nine feet in height. His eyes, though still red, seem to glow if only slightly at night. His muscles enlarge to fit his larger frame, and dark brown fur covers his body. His nails turn a dark black color, and harden, being more like claws then nails. His teeth become that of a wolf's, sharp, and meant for gorging on meat.


Aet's life was far from easy. His father was a werewolf, his mother was human. He was the product of his father and mother procreating before the curse took hold. His father was a guard's man. At the time he was guarding a caravan, and was bitten while on duty. It was a week from the full moon then, when all the newly bittens turned, little by little over the course of the three days of the full moons their bodies changed. The first night their insides began to shift, to make way for the extra glands all werewolves posses, some might call these poison glands, as they are how their bite infects others. The second night they experience rapid hair growth, all over their bodies... though not nearly as much hair as they would eventually have, it was obviously more then they began with. The third night however is where the pain begins, the third night is the night that their bones begin to change into that of a werewolf's. The third night is when they get their lust to kill... however few survive the third night. Aet's father was not one of the lucky few to survive this, however his seed had already been planted, thus creating Aetius.

Aet seemed normal at first, for the most part. They found it odd that he already had teeth, be they normal at the time, and unlike other babies, he didn't have a soft spot on his scalp. On his first full moon however, which was a week from his birth was when they noticed he was going through the same symptoms as his father. He however, had a body of a werewolf already, and endured the terrible third day. His mother panicked, she had no idea what to do with Aet. So She called the guards, who in turn caged what they assumed was a dog.

The night after however, he shifted back. Leaving the guards utterly confused. They brought the child to the emperor at the time, who did not believe the guards. So he had their accusation tested, however having already turned once, Aet was not forced to in the same manner as his first transformation. So he did not shift on the full moon. The emperor had the two guards claiming the boy was a werewolf executed. Aet was in the room while it happened, instinctualy he began to shift, the scent of the dead men triggering his primal urge to feed. The emperor was scared at first, before he realized what he had. He sent Aet to the arena, where he was treated more or less like an animal.

Aet was known as Lycan by the general populous that attended the games. He grew to be quite huge. The werewolf genes making him grow much larger then most men of the age even dreamed to be. However, when he shifted he became a giant, menacing wolf like creature. The romans came to know him, and his kind as werewolves, they knew his kind existed prior to his birth, however he was the first that they considered, a 'tamed' werewolf. However, Aet was never tamed. Caged? Yes. Tamed? No. Aet was a werewolf, he was a wild thing best left to his own devices, like the lions, and bears brought for the games. The romans didn't care though, he was far easier to handle then the other creatures anyway.

The romans didn't understand how the curse was spread yet... so the first month that Aet was put in the fights... the results were terrifying. The romans promised any who slew the beast freedom, as all that fought in the Colosseum were either gladiators, or prisoners. Neither of which, obviously, were free.

Aet far from minded the slaughter of the dozens of gladiators or prisoners, most he killed, however, a few that he felt were strong enough he left alive... mutilated, yes, but alive. When the full moon was dawned Aet quite easily escaped the prison obviously meant for a wild creature, not a werewolf. He climbed on top of the Colosseum on the third night of the full moon and let loose a blood curdling howl, which all those that he turned no doubt would hear. The wolves that survived the turning came to him, and became his first pack. At the time he rarely shifted into his human form, as did those he called his pack.

Through the ages his pack evolved, and he grew stronger. On occasion they took in other werewolves. When the 'medieval' ages took hold of the earth Aet's pack was very large, they took to building a small village, and a small castle. They followed the humans rules for the most part, and stayed in their human forms unless they had to shift. Few humans knew of their curse, and thought the village normal... they never noticed the lack of silver in the village or the castle really. Nor would they have much reason to find one, for the Lupa were for the most part, peaceful in those days. They hunted animals on the full moon to quell their need for the hunt, and for the kill, and ate as a pack then.

By the time the medieval ages were truly over, the Lupa were one of the largest packs known to werewolf kind, they had a rather simple motto,

Be thy near human,
Thy is not furred.
By thy near wolf,
thy is furred.

Be thy moon shine
thy hunts.
Be thy killer of man,
thy dies.
Be thy killer of beast,
thy thrives.

The motto has been passed from father, to son for generations in the pack. They are taught to all new born, for they are the most important laws of the Lupa. However they are not the only laws.

The Laws of the Lupa are not many, however there are some laws that they must abide by in order to survive. As depicted from the 'motto' as they call it. Any member of Lupa may not show his, or her, true form to a human, except under special circumstances, such as war, or the word of their alpha allowing it, Aet. They may not attack humans, unless circumstances such as war, or permission from their alpha. The alpha understands however, some of the younger wolves can't simply suppress their desire to hunt, and kill, so he organizes pack hunts on the full moons.

The lands however did not stay as they once were, and world slowly became modern. When America was founded, the Lupa sided with the Americans, and many fought along side them. Though, they were not known for being werewolves, their being werewolves did help in the fight greatly, having better eyes, and strength then their human counter parts.

Many years have passed since then, obviously the Americans won the war... how great a role the Lupa had on it will forever be a mystery. The Lupa now live like normal people for the most part, however on occasion ,they will have disputes with neighboring packs. However, being as old as they are few are bold enough to challenge them out front.

Aet runs a bar, which caters to humans of course, but was built as a means for the Lupa to meet without suspicion in this new, 'modern' world. However, most times it's just a place for the Lupa to get nice and drunk. Aet maintains the peace in it, he owns the bar. Often times he doesn't mind acting as the bartender simply for the company.

What I find rather amusing in feral heart, is just how many 13ish year olds there are. I myself and 13, verging on 14... so I mean no offence to anyone that is 13 or around there. However I've found it to be a rather rare thing to find someone much older then that, and was just curious what everyone thinks as a whole the reason might be for the younger age group to be drawn in like that.

Characters / -:Valdyr:-
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:59:30 am »
Valdyr Character Sheet
Name:Valdyr (It means wolf in old norse.)

Age:20 years old

Height: 7'5"

Build:Vald is very well built, his muscles are large, however sleek, and well pressed to his body. He is built for agility as well as strength.

Species: Valdyr is a a wolf, his father was a northern wolf, a Grey wolf. His mother however was from the south, a red wolf. The two met once they joined Illem, their union created Valdyr. (In a nutshell, half Grey wolf, half red wolf)


Personality: Vald is a kind wolf. Harsh when needed, but in heart he is kind. He prefers to settle things with words, then with battle. However he is no stranger to the sport, nor is he even slightly apauled to it. He enjoys battle greatly, however he does not like fighting with his own kin. He has a soft spot for children, and is often times seen helping the young train, pointing out flaws in their technique, and showing them how to improve. He is a smart wolf, however not always wise, a thing often pointed out to him by the elders. He however often takes their words seriously, unlike some in Illem, and bases many of his actions accordingly.

Appearance: Vald is a tall, well built wolf. His pelt is dark in nature, taking after his father. His mother however did not leave the brute unmarked by her genes, he bares a patch of red fur below his eye, high on his cheek. It's in the form of a red stripe, Illr's markings.  His teeth are rather white, which due to the age was  a bit strange, however he understood the importance of picking his teeth after a meal.

Family: Vald did not have many family members besides his parents, not any that he knew at least. His life as a youth was fairly lonely, after all, there were few children in Illem, the tribe was war based, love was a thing not often shared in it's midst. His father's name was named  Sterkr (Meaning strong in old norse). His mother was named Jiya (Which means 'sweet heart'). His parents came to the tribe later in their lives, and did not bring any of their relatives, so he doesn't have any immediate family.

    His father was a born warrior, as were many wolves from the north. He was one of the largest wolves known in Bestia, standing proudly at eight feet tall. His tribe however was destroyed by another tribe of bears. Sterkr was the only to survive, however his pride was wounded greatly. He left his homelands, and headed south. He was well known as the 'Beast of the North" by many southerners.  He rather enjoyed the nickname, and didn't bother to complain about it. It was at a village much in similarities to Lilth that he met Jiya. The two met in secret at first, after all, the women of Jiya's village were not often aloud to see strangers. However as time waned Sterkr fell for her, and asked her parents if he could join the tribe, to stay with her.
    The tribe declined his request, seeing him only for the title he had been deemed, they told him his ways were not of their own, and forbade him from seeing Jiya. The two did not listen, how could they? Jiya could not bare to see Sterkr leave however, so she met him one last time where they had often met. However, before she could ask him if he would take her with him, he asked her the same question, something the couple finds humorous to this day.  Jiya left her old tribe, to be with Sterkr, and the two travelled happily together for a few years.

     It was after that time they found the tribe known as Illem. They met in the cutomery manner for the tribe, their current leader stood before Sterkr and the two yelled for a while, before fighting. The fight was long and drawn out, though Sterkr fell to the leader, he was offered a place in the tribe for he had come very close to overpowering the Konungr many times in the battle. He tolded it over with Jiya, before they decided to accept.

    The two thrived in their new tribe, a year after they had been accepted into it, Jiya had Valdyr. She named him in Sterkr's language since the boy took after his father. The two were unknowing of the fur patch until he became older, and the tribe made a fuss about them mark.

    He lived, and trained like the other boys, however he outwitted his generation easily, which was part of why he was mostly left alone. Few people dared to get on his bad side, since he was smarter then most of them. As time past though, he grew what those today call, his silver tongue. He became liked by the tribe, or at least the canines of it. Most of the bears too liked the young wolf, though you'd never make them admit it.

   When the Konungr died, he fought in the tribal battles for the title, the last day he fought a huge bear known as Bjorn. He was from the north, like his father, and well built for battle. He had immense strength, however not the cunning that Vald has been blessed with. The two fought, however the bear did not last very long with the wolf, landing a blow to his side before falling prey to a trick, and trap set by Valdyr. That was the last fight Valdyr had to endure to salitify his title. He was nearly bursting with joy at the thought on the inside, however he contained it, going to the head Shaman who had been watching over the battle from afar. The two conversed as he took care of this wound, light in nature however  it would have been much worse had the wolf been foolish enough to fight the bear head on.

I may add more as he evolves, and more of his life unfolds in the RP. This is a character from a forum RP I am hosting, if you are interested look for Bestia in" Off Topic Roleplay". Sign up using the template please... if you decide to. Doesn't take much to get in, just show us you can type up a paragraph. :3

Characters / Kottr
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:28:17 am »

(Image is not mine, found it on google... gave me the idea though XD)
Build:Heavily Built
Age:22 Years
Race:Tiger Furry
Looks: Kottr is a tiger, so naturally his pelt is orange, black, and white. His fur is not too short, but not too long either, about an inch in length. It normally presses  flat against his skin though, or close to it. His eyes are a dark, golden yellow. He has more then a few scars under his fur, they're only noticeable when he's wet though, since his fur clings to his skin then.
Background: Kottr is a warrior, always has been. He doesn't need much in the way of clothes, and he's used to being without. He was a gladiator in his youth, so he is not unaccustomed to death. He was born into the lifestyle, so it simply suited him. He was a servant boy until his 13th name day, when he lashed out at a guard for trying to take advantage of his mother, who was another servant. He had rather long claws, and teeth then... the  rabbit stood no chance with his spear . Kottr tore him apart, and was severely punished.  His master however saw this as a good thing, even if not for him. He sold the boy to another, who specialized in training gladiators, and showing them off in the Colosseum. He found that he no longer as the top dog... not so far as servants went. He learned his place quickly, and trained with the others, and rose in the ranks slowly. By the time he was 20, he was at the top of the listings, and the giant he'd known for today. He was not known by Kottr then, in fact he had quite a few titles. He did not leave the ring willingly... however, his master eventually had to sell him, since he was low on money, and Kottr was worth quite a fortune. He was put to work in a mine, a job he loathed. Since he loathed the job so much, he simply left... killing the guards wasn't too hard for him, though few enough would fight him... he was a well known, battle hardened, gladiator. Some of the guards may have been stupid, but most weren't that stupid. He escaped into the woods, and since then has been fighting whoever crosses hi path. He does not see a problem with the killing, it's all he knows... however, on occasion he'll try talking... when that doesn't work though he normally he'd sooner lop your head off. None the less, he travels throughout the world, killing as needed. He has no friends. No loyalties, just the need to kill, and to eat.

Characters / >-Mortifer-< (Updated, v.2)
« on: March 13, 2013, 09:36:43 am »



Family:Yuri-Mother {Dead}| Liz-wife{Dead}|Kiro-Son{Dead}

Species:Wolf Anthro (Part Demon)

Original name:Sagi


Name meaning:Bringer of Death (Latin)

Age:132 (Looks like he's in his mid twenties)

Appearance:Mort is a black pelted brute, his eyes have turned red slowly over his time living. He is about 6'5" and his tail is about 3' 6". He is well built, though his muscles are far behind what he could actually lift, due to his demonic blood.

Personality: Mort is a killer. He shuts off his emotions, and appears cold, and distant. He prefers
the shadows, and hates light. It is because of this he is often called a vampire. Mort has little
patience, and rarely gives second chances. Once you piss this guy off, you can pretty much sat
goodbye to all social interaction with him... well, what little interaction he gives.

     Mort was born in a good family, he was a only child, however it didn't affect him much. He was
an academic,  he wanted nothing more then to get good grades. He got them easily, no one ever
 could say he wasn't smart. He got a  full ride scholarship into an ivy league college, but that's
when it started. Mort had never known his father, his mother raised him on her own.

     He met Liz at the college, the two of them hit it off. They married shortly after they graduated.
 They had a child. They named him Kiro. They were roughly 22 then. For three more years
everything was fine, more then fine in fact. They both had good jobs, no real debts.

     However, then Kiro started seeing things... he assumed it was jsut stress, from work, nothing
some sleep wouldn't cure. However he kept seeing them, they appeared to be shadows...
 however at the same time, they wern't, they had shape... more like a fogy figure. They looked
 humanoid, however had no legs, though they did have arms, and a head. All that could be seen
 on their heads were two deep red eyes.

     He went to a few doctors... they told him the same thing he'd been telling himself, it was
stress and he needed rest. So he took the next week off... but that's when he saw the creatures more often.

     Until at last, one night he woke to the sudden tug of Kiro. The pup looked frightened at the time,
 it's eyes full of fear... and pain. Mort looked to his pup, confused at the pain, until he noticed the
stream of blood pouring from the pups side... and saw the shadow lingering in the doorway. It was
swift, he had barely a chance to react to the creature as it moved across the room like a bolt of lightning.
   Mort woke the next morning... in a pile of blood. His Liz was dead next to him, Kiro laid dead on
 the ground. He remembered quite clearly hearing the sirens... an animal attack, that's what the
police said. They suspected a bear... nothing else would have left claw marks like they had. But
Mort knew what he saw. The night changed him. He grew a shell around himself... not letting
anyone into it.
  He called his mother shortly after the indecent... she always let him stay at her home if he
 needed to... and at the time he really needed to. So he called her, thinking he'd let he know
 before he came. There was no answer. But he came anyway. When the door was opened,
 he saw that her living room was destroyed. He slowly looked around the house... and there
 she was, dead on the kitchen floor.
 They came again, the sirens... again... they said a bear.
  Mort joined the army after, he became a sniper, however that soon changed. They found
 he was jsut as useful up close as he was a far. He was about 30 by the time he realized, he
 wasn't really aging. He thought it was just his luck at the time.... but still, he found it odd.
 However no one else seemed to notice.
  Mort began to realize, as he killed more the shadows stopped appearing. So he began
 to enjoy the killing. He was asigned to a special team, they were known as the exterminators.
 Their job was not to negotiate. Not to play by the rules. it was simply to kill. That was the day
 Sagi was cast aside, and Mort took over comepletely.
   By the time he was 40 he left. Being there no longer brought him any joy... the killing was
 boring now. He wanted to kill something else, something more challenging. That was when
he met him, his father. A demon. He never have Mort his name, he simply explained to the boy
he was half demon. That the shades he saw, were his... that they were part of his soul
manifested into form. They were his shadows.
     He realized, after a week away from the army... he needed the killing, he craved it. It
was all that held him together, all that kept the shadows inside.
 The present day he still hungers for the killing... however over the ninety-two years
he learned to control them more. He no longer has to kill as frequently. Now he can go
up to a month without a kill before the shadows go out and kill for him. He now lingers
day to day... in the shadows... in the dark. He doesn't know why he lives, he doesn't
know what for. But he searches for something... something he lost long ago, happiness.


Update Notes

Pictures?: One of Mort
Texts?: Yes, I added a bit more describing his looks.

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