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Topics - Wildcat26

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Last man standing climbing game?
« on: July 18, 2012, 06:18:21 am »
What would you guys think of a last man standing kind of game in Sky Rim?

Here's how it would work:
You would have to jump/climb to a specific spot in sky rim, without falling to the water below, no wings or home set allowed!
Me or my friend's character would go to a spot and everyone would have to get that spot. If you fall you're out, last one still up on the islands wins!
We would keep going til all but one fall.  ;D
Right now we are just doing this for fun; but the winner would be the one who chooses the spots to have to get to next round!
The one picking the spots would have wings only to make it to there faster! If you fall you would be allowed to get wings and watch.

Maybe if there's any interest in this, might have some sort of prizes added later. ;)

So would you play?
If interested whisper or added Wildcat26 ingame!

Wild <3


?Welcome to AP Valley?
?Introduction?Rules?Current Plot?Annoucements?
AP Valley is a multi-species semi-realistic RP that takes place in Africa.
It's a literate long- term and is an entirly in-game based RP.
There will be a rainy and dry season.
This RP is in one of my custom maps, so you must be able to download and install custom maps to join the RP.
Prides, packs and clans may have ranks or jobs such as hunters, gaurds, healers and leaders of course. ;)
This RP will have alot of flexibility. It's not a feline VS canine RP! The animals will be intelligent and may choose who to ally with.
Members of a pride/pack may be of different species, or maybe consist of loners or normally solitary species that choose to work together and not your standard group.

?APV Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-You must follow all FH rules.
?-This is my RP and my map, if I ask you to stop doing something, please stop.
?- As a notice the map IS PUBLIC, so anyone may be in the map at any time. this is why the APV in your charrie's name is important, it lets us know you are a part of the RP! Others are not to bother us if we are in a RP; if they do we will tell them NICELY that we are in the middle of a RP.
?-Classique-Cat is the co-owner of this RP, she is 2nd in command and you have to listen to what she says. Treat her with respect, when I'm not around she's in charge.
?-NO chat speak or typing in all capitals (CAPS)!!!
?-You may play 2 characters, no more.
?-No forming prides/packs/clans, killing your character or having cubs/pups without asking me first. (I would prefer no characters getting killed,
but if you wish to kill your charrie off, I need to know to keep updated on things.)
?-If your character takes a mate, please tell me, again so I can keep things updated.
?-Members should check in with the RP at lease every 2wk, if your are gone longer then that without a reason, you'll be moved to an in-active list.
If you don't check in with in another 2wk you'll be removed from the RP.

?RP'ing Rules (Subject to Change!)?
?-This RP is PG13. No strong cursing; do not abuse this or it will be taken away. If you must do an RP mating, do it in whisper! Don't go overboard with gore or blood in fights.
?-There should be NO fighting or cursing towards others in OOC(Out of character).
?-No godmoding, auto-hitting or powerplaying etc. RP.
?-No special powers or abilties; your character can't be immortal and can't be the best at everything.
?-No RP'ing another player's character unless they say it is ok.
?-General chat will be used for RP 'actions' only; local for RP speaking and local 'actions'. Party and/or Group(Not sure if the group glitches are still a problem) will be used for OOC.
?-I don't expect full paragraphs every time, but try to put at least a couple full sentences per post. Know this can be hard, I have trouble with it myself, but we'll get better if we just practice.
?-If you are posting a full paragraph and run out of space in the chat box, putting -C- or Cont. at the end will let others know you are not done with your post.
?-This is a LITERATE RP, that means... You are expected to use proper grammar to the best of your ability.


?Current Plot?
The setting:
APValley is the site of a newly formed wildlife reserve.
It's the rainy season.
The Plot:
The area, once destroyed by humans, has now been restored and turned into a wildlife reserve. There are a few small herds of prey that exist in reserve, but it is lacking in predators. Therefor some animals have been transported in by the humans to repopulate the area. Some will have found their way in on their own, the promise of new unclaimed dens, territory and water draw in creatures of all sorts.

How will the new residents settle in? As they find a new home, new families and allies... maybe even new enemies.

And the question remains... Are the humans still watching......?

It will be your choice whether your character is transported in or traveled in on their own. Just keep in mind how this will affect them.

You have a suggestion for this plot? Let us know!

10/18 Latest updates!!!:

Some big updates here!:

APV has it's own DA group now!

This is my first try at an RP, so I know things aren't perfect.
Feel free to suggest things or tell me if I've fogotten anything..
Suggestions on rules or a good plot are welcome. :3

Wild <3


Game Help / Weather can't be found.(Map error when sharing)
« on: June 13, 2011, 07:15:20 am »
Ok so I finished a new map tonight, sent it to a friend to test, it had a custom weather.

When she tried to enter the map her game crashes and it says there's no weather file by that name.

Now she knows how to place maps, so I know it's in the right place. I have re-exported several times, trying different coding and such, nothing has worked.

I had another map that had a weather and it works just fine.

She's gonna post a screenshot below.

EDIT: Had a 2nd friend test, same thing happen.

Anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks for help,

Ok so I finally made my first preset, but I'm having a bit of trouble with the mane.

I searched but couldn't find anything on this particular problem.

It shows up and everything, but it's transparent in some spots at certain angles making it look weird and disappears completely when under water.

You can see the difference in the preset and reg manes, how the preset doesn't look right with some places showing through others.
Here's some screenshots:

Preset mane:

Regular mane:

Water issue:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :3


~Wild's Epic Screenshots~
I will post my favs here, along with links to the full albums. ;)

:U  Slow Photobucket is slow.. I will add more later! ::)
~2/02/11 thru 2/04/11 album~
YAY FH IS FINALLY UP! <3 Moon's first day in FH.

Meeting Steak for the first time in-game. :3


Face <3 XD

~2/05/11 thru 2/07/11 album~
Glitchy rock with Shade(blueheart789) and Everest XD

Me, Shade and Steak make our own little dance line. :P

Some random person joined us. XD

Dance line in Temple. :D

Made some new friends while looking for people to play Hide N Seek.  ;D

~2/08/11 thru 2/10/11 album~
Bonfire was getting invaded by food characters XD

Some more Hide N Seek friends.  :)

Me and arsenicCatnip testing out my new map. :P

Me, Sasha and Meister chillin' in a den in my map. :)

Big white wolves make nice pillows for little kitties. :P

And pink ones work too. XD

Amy-"Hey what was that?" Aqua-";P" Desiree-"I wanna lick the cursor!" Wing-"You'll never get it... you're too short."

~2/11/11 thru 2/13/11 album~
Cape Dance party!

Just keep snarling and they'll stay away. XD

They put me in a cage! D:

Cape dance party 2. :P

:o There's a hole in your ear!

~2/14/11 thru 2/16/11 album~
Moon and her mate Sunshine, in my map. <3

Showing Teal around my map, Forgotten Desert.

You had jumping beans too, eh? XD

More funny rock glitches with Topaz and Falco. :P

I wish I had hit tab on this one. X3

"Cattle Prod'd" XD

Skittles- "I'm a cute little kitty. :3" Falco- "I'm going to eat the cute little kitty. >:D"

Steak's head got mounted on a rock. :U

"Nuuu! My butt is too cute to be eaten! D:

Get off my house!

Someone is mounting heads on rocks in FH. o_o

If there is a better place for this, mods feel free to move.
~Wild's Map-making Tutorials~
I will be posting video tuts on FH map-making here; from height maps all the way to getting your maps in-game for others to see.

2/23~Height map in GIMP tutorial is up!
4/24~Heightmap in Photoshop tutorial is up!
4/27~Getting heightmap in-game & Getting heightmap in-game-Crashes Tutorials are up!
5/5~Terrain Mask in Photoshop tutorial up!
5/7~Terrain Mask in GIMP tutorial up!

If these videos help you in map making, please rate it up, so I know it's doing good and I will continue to make them! :3

This is my first time making  tutorials, so I know these are far from professional.  I just hope that maybe these will help those who are wanting to make maps and still have trouble with just the text tutorials.


~Hide 'N' Seek Group~
Welcome to the official thread for the FH in-game Hide 'N' Seek Group!
Here I will post everything about the group, how to play and join, rules, times, maps, screenshots and more!!!

This thread was made to organize in-game playing of, yes, Hide 'N' Seek. XD

It's a lot of fun, and can get quite funny at times.

Everyone is welcome to join, just please take a moment to read the RULES and GAME-PLAY before joining. ;)

I will be hopefully trying to schedule some games with times that everyone will know when to be there, instead of just whispering in-game trying to find online people.

Custom maps will be made for us to play in, and we will still have games in the regular maps too.

This may take me a couple days to completely set up.  I've never done something like this before, so please bare with me while I try to organize everything. X3

Post1- Introduction and game times.
Post2-Rules and Game-play.
Post3-Members and How to Join the group.
Post6- Extra stuff, things for you guys to vote on.
~Game Times~
->8:30pm CST 03/22(Tuesday)-Click for other time zones-
->8pm CST 03/23(Wednesday)--Click for other time zones-
->9pm CST 03/25(Friday)-Click for time zones-
->6pm and 9pm CST 03/26(Saturday)-Not sure I can make this one yet. ::) -6pm Click for other time zones-

We'll start once there are 4 players there.
I'll be online for one hour from the start time waiting for someone to come on to play. If no one comes on within an hour, I'll most likely end up having to leave. ::)

If your city is not on the listed times, use this:
Select USA - Louisiana - New Orleans , then select your city to get the time difference.
Time zone converter

Also a World Clock!
Please note: All game times will be posted in US central standard time. I will be adding a world clock so everyone can find the right time for where they live. ;) I can also add the time games will be played by request for where you live. :)

If I get enough people, or I need help organizing games for different time zones I may be getting some helpers. :P

Feel free to post your suggestions in this thread :3, but please don't be mad if I don't do it. X3

Game Discussion / IT Maps in FH?
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:48:13 pm »
I was thinking about some of my favorite maps the other day and was just wondering what others would say.

What, if any, map(s) from IT would you like to see remade in FH?  If possible...

I'd love to have Playground back, that was such a great map, great for hide 'n seek too, I loved it!
Tainted Plains! That place was so kool! Although I don't think it would be the same without the ghost animals. 
Also Great Falls, another ideal hide 'n seek place, and just nice to hang out in.

Then there was some custom made maps, I can't recall who made them (gotta look that up), but it was of the planets of the solar system, it was sooo kool and fun to explore! Me and my friend had a blast going through them all, I would love to see it redone.

I can't think of any more off the top of my head, if I do I'll come back and edit! XD

So what do you guys say?

(Livestream info is at the bottom of this post)
Wild's looking for MAP BETA TESTERS!!! (Scroll down toward bottom of post)

I will be posting screen shots, updates as well as download links to my public maps here.

I plan on making many maps for FH, as I enjoy doing it alot.

Screenshots of my private maps will be in the first post; screenshots and download links to public maps will be in the 2nd post. :) Most of the maps I make will be public.
I currently have a few WIP maps right now. XD
I tend to either get new ideas that I just have to get down; or I get tired of working on one map, so I go work on or make another one. XD
I will put the downloads for completed maps up once I can test them online. Also I always have a couple of friends test the maps first to make sure they work.

!!!Notice!!! If you download my maps: Please no bad or inappropriate language, or harrassing other people in the map!!! If you wanna mess around with your friends or 'mating' RPs, use group chat!!! Keep it off gen and local chat!
If I catch you in my map doing things against the game rules and won't stop I will take screenshots and report!!! >:(  

~Map List~
(with approx % done)
-->White Sands(78%)<-My first map in IT, and first one I started on in FH.

-->Summer Valley(25%)<-A remake of a place from I story I've had for years now.

-->FHCake(DONE!)<- Made on livestream with help from my viewers. XD
Balloon mesh found! Thank you Slyyyy!!!<3 Should be trying to start working on this soon. TESTERS NEEDED!

-->Sapphire Beach(10%)<- The ocean map I'd been wanting to do. Has a beach on one side and a few islands. Think I finally found some meshes to work thanks to Hammy and Sly. Hoping to start back on this one again soon.

-->ValleyFalls(50%)<-A valley type map with you guessed it, waterfalls.

-->Forgotten Desert(DONE!)<- A desert map(No wayyy!!! XD) My very 1st finished map ever!  ;D Download link below. Download below!

-->Untitled 2(1%)<-This one is actually titled 'Randomone' in mapmaker, but it really needs a real name. XD A wintery map.
-->Untitled 3(1%)<-Yet another untitled that I randomly drew up the height map in a bored moment. ::) I really have no idea yet what I'm gonna do with it. XD

-->Hide'N'Seek101(10%)<- Being made specially for my Hide 'N' Seek Group to play in!

-->Untitled 4(1%)<- Not sure what to say yet. XDD

-->A Little Randomness HnS(100%)DONE!<- A map for my Hide 'N' Seek Group, but also public. Very small, lots of little places to get into, more in favor of smaller characters. XD  Download link below. :3 TESTERS NEEDED!

-->Bushfield(100%)DONE!<- Lots of bushes and flowers, very simple map. Download link below. :3 Download below!

-->Georgia Woods(1%)<-Inspired by a song, lots of trees, and water... and fire.. :o   (On hold, Pine tree mesh )

-->All Maps Portal Hub(1%)<- Will be done in 2 versions: One having portals to all maps I've downloaded, as I have run out of room in CODW. Portals to any map can be added per map owner's request on the 2nd version.

-->Azure Sky Islands(1%)<-Made for a RP I thought up, will have an ocean, land and sky clan. More info to be added

-->APValley(100%)DONE<-Stands for African Plains Valley, will be made using only objects that came with the game. Will be for an African animal RP. Download below!!!

None atm.
Ok enough with the chat, here's the maps. XD
Yea that's right, Wild need some beta testers for her maps!
The best part about beta testing? You get to see and explore my maps before everyone else!
You must be able to download and install custom maps and be able to report back if there are any issues, or missing objects/textures. You must also be able to handle crashes and other map problems as they do happen a lot when testing new maps. x3
You must have v1.09 of FH and be somewhat active on the game.
I like to be in-game in the map with my testers if possible. That way I can ask questions and fix things in real time. ;)

If interested PM me on the forum saying you would like to beta test. :3
I'm not sure how many testers I am looking for yet, I would think at least 5. ;)
A list will be posted here after I get some people.

Big thanks for free custom meshes to:

I host FH LiveStream chats for anyone who wants/can come, and work on maps for when FH comes back online, even take some requests! Maybe even presets once I get better at them. XD
And well we can just hang out, talk about FH and such too. :)


I usually start once I have a couple people there. ;)

If you wanna be notified when I have streams either watch me on DA Wildcat-26 or post here and I can PM you when it's up. I also have a siggy link I update when online.

Hope to see you there sometime.

I hope you like my maps, I'd love to read what you guys think! ;D

I'll be updating often as I get new stuff in the maps and such. :P


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