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Member Bio & Journals / Cy's Journal for January 2016
« on: December 26, 2015, 06:15:17 am »
January 2016

Hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis!
Hail Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor!
Hail Macbeth, who shall be king hereafter!

I suppose it's a bit odd that I can quote from that play, but it's become a bit of a fandom thing for me. Funny saying that about Shakespeare. But I love it.

At any rate, welcome to my journal for January 2016. I hope your year has been splendid so far, despite how the month has been in terms of famous people dying.

Well, it had a bit of a stressful start because it was the end of the semester at my school this past week. Now that all the finals are out of the way, I feel a big burden lifted from my shoulders. Well, to be replaced with another, and that is I am now officially an adult... look out, world. Cy is on her way...

I'm convinced that the gift my sister has yet to give me is the Sliders DVDs I've been wanting since Christmas. At least I hope so. My mom says I'll be thrilled about it. She couldn't make it to my birthday party because she had to work. She says I'll really like my gift too. If it is Sliders, I plan on watching the pilot episode with everyone. My whole family is full of sci-fi geeks so I think they'll all enjoy it. :D If it's not, then I guess I'll save up my money and buy it myself. (Haha, of all the opportunities I have to make money.)

I'll start working on my backed-up requests this week and hopefully everyone who asked for one will have theirs done by the end of the month!

Most exciting of all, I discovered that Klayton (AKA Celldweller) has gotten the rights back to all his old Circle of Dust stuff (and love CoD, I do)! I learned it on my birthday, making it the best birthday surprise I've ever had. Aside from seeing Skillet on my birthday last year, that is, but it wasn't a surprise. I'd known about that for months.

Well, already this year has been a time of changes. We're planning on moving now. I don't know when that will be, but it will be soon. Before the end of the year, I'll reckon. It'll be exciting!

Also, I've got another DeviantART account that will focus on my literary works, the art related to them, and any fandom I'll have past this point, Sliders and beyond. Check it out:

That'll be it for now! See ya on the flipside~


December 2015

Hey-yah, floofs. I'm posting a journal here, and it's a bit serious, I guess?

Well, first off, Christmas was fun. I didn't get all the things I was most counting on for Christmas, but it was great nonetheless. :D

But bittersweet 'round the end of the day. Found out my sweet Tootsy cat may have heart failure. I had a good cry over that. :( He's 13 years old and pretty overweight (he used to be about 30 pounds), and he's down to 21 pounds now, and he's had a bad cough. I love that kitty and he's been my best bud for most of my life. He tolerates more out of me than of anyone else in my family, and I don't want him to die yet. D:

On another paw, my 2016 art style is taking form. :D I'm also changing my username come January, to Cyrokin, my current favorite alias. (IceTehWolf is kind of a name that seems too young to me. I'm moving into a new stage of my life and I want to change the name as well. Adulthood, yikes!)

New Year's Resolution? I have none yet. I suppose I'll think of something.


Characters / Cy's Chars: Club Riolo Staff
« on: December 25, 2015, 09:16:19 pm »
I assigned three characters to positions at the lovely Club Riolo (Download it here>>> ). So you'll probably see these three characters of mine if you go there...

Lux Riolo
His picture is found in the main room in the club.
Lux Riolo is the relative of more Lynxlike cousin Lux Armolo (another character of mine). He's a pretty polite cat and can be found in any room of the club.

His picture is also found in the main room of the club.
Flox is called the "bow-tied mimic" for good reason, as he IS a mimic in a bow tie. Flox is a fairly quiet mimic and does not like to let his back mane grow out, so he's a clean-shaven mimic. He works mainly in the restaurant.

Disk Jockey
If he looks familiar, you may not be mistaken in your belief.
Red is a party animal at heart. He loves to jam to his tunes on the dance floor (and I do mean HIS tunes). He's the most outgoing of these three characters. He can be found mainly on the dance floor.

Art Gallery / Cy's Drawings and Stuff
« on: December 25, 2015, 12:49:46 am »
Since I don't post much art here on FH, I thought I would share it here.

Here's a nice drawing of my character Silverline. :D Checkit~

A cute picture of Colin

A cute picture of Colin being wolf-kissed by the fiesty gal I ship him with!

Chibi alert!

Colin is burning with a silent rage. :0

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Industrial City
« on: December 21, 2015, 03:10:01 am »
MAJOR work in progress amp that I literally just started a few hours ago. But it is already shaping up to be a spectacular map.

Unfortunately, it's already experiencing a bit of lag. Nowhere near as bad as the lag on my Stavesacre Castles map, but it probably will be when it's finished.

It's an average-sized map: 7300x550 in size, but it is shaping up really well. Here is one screenshot from the only complete part, the Subway Station:

It seems I have no later screenshots than this. That is very unlike me. Welp, it's not much different; it just has a roof and that second escalator has all its steps on it.

What do I mean by "Industrial City"? I came up with a sci-fi subgenre called Industrial while in Washington DC last spring, and it's basically a grungy, dirty, inner-city sort of sci-fi genre. So this map will be grungy and dirty! I want to add in some cobblestone sidewalks in some places and regular sidewalks in others.

And it will be amazing.

Speaking of Washington DC, fun fact: The bricklike hexagonal tile texture in the screenshot is actually a texture I took a picture of while there. It's the texture on the wall of the restaurant at Mount Vernon. If you go there, you will probably recognize this if you go down the stairs to the bathroom, because it's there!!!

More screenies coming soon, I hope. :D

Finished Maps / Club Riolo is Open for Business
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:11:32 am »
Club Riolo is finished and open for business!

I forgot to add music to the map, so feel free to play your own jams as you will.

Download link here: 

Just go there and find "Club Riolo". Click on the "Download" button, and boom! You're there. :D Then follow the ReadMe instructions.

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Club Riolo
« on: December 15, 2015, 02:20:36 am »
Darn this stupid reposting error. PLEASE do delete all of those blasted reposts!!! *smashes them to pieces*


I'm working on a tiny little map called Club Riolo. I noticed some people making "club" maps and wanted to try my hand at it. It's looking neat so far. :D Take a look at this vvv

It's almost done. I'm afraid it won't work if I export it. XD But it's looking really nice.

Oh, and here's one more screenie from the map that I edited so four of my characters would be in the same shot:

What needs finishing is the swimming pool room; and I want to add pictures on the walls of the restaurant, add a menu, etc. Little things, but fun to do~

Hopefully will be done soon.

Finished Maps / Argyle Valley
« on: December 14, 2015, 02:10:43 am »
I had a bit of trouble with the export, so try it and see if all the objects appear correctly. :D To check this map for the error I fear, turn the camera view to the left directly after entering the map. If you see a circle of trees surrounding a rock structure made of two cylinders and a ring with a fiery crystal on top, you're good.

If you don't, then I may have to re-export because something went wrong.

Try it and see!

Argyle Valley is an African-themed public map in the style of the built-in FH maps, but with my own twist. It's covered in rock structures and Acacia trees, and is divided into three sections by a big river. I spent quite a bit of time exploring the finished map myself, and I made the map. In other words, there's quite a bit to explore/climb/sit on.

So enjoy it! :D I dearly hope everything will be there for you. Best luck~

Download link:  

(Please copy-paste to avoid adfly)

Game Help / Export Issue
« on: December 13, 2015, 10:29:19 pm »
So, I exported a map I finally finished today, Argyle Valley. I want to make the map public but I'm next to sure people aren't going to see the map right if this issue is not resolved.

So, when I exported the map, everything seemed to be working fine. Then the stupid thing proceeded to export again, from what I could tell--- and the weirdest part was a duplicate of the mapmaking menu appeared underneath the menu that was already there. When it was done with, it gave me notifications that some of my object groups were not exported. Like, Cubes, Cylinders, Rings, Builds, etc. It would be bad if these particular objects did not appear because they make up quite a bit of the map's features.

So... help? Should I stick the missing FHO files in with the exported map since it didn't export? That's the only thing I can think of but since I'd have no idea what the effects of that would be, I'd rather not risk it unless I know for sure... o__o

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Anamagda Map Pack (4-map WIP)
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:32:32 pm »
I've been at this map pack for about two years, and it's still not finished, but I'm getting there...

Now, I've added more to the map pack since this was uploaded for Christmas Day last year (on which I posted a download to the unfinished map pack for people to explore), but it's still largely unfinished.

Malichadsant has expanded the most, and now has lava, more stuff added to the pictured structure, including eLAVAtors... (err, lava elevators), a den made from the elephant skull, a creepy looking camp, and dead trees and fiery rocks everywhere. I even have a lava lake surrounded by fiery stones, and lavafalls coming from the stones. XD

OK, so here's a brief description of the Anamagda map pack:

This is the main map and is probably the closest to being done; I just want to add some more trees and structures. It contains portals to two maps: Volcano Caves and Stavesacre Castles. It is GORGEOUS. The sky is super blue, the grass is always a rich emerald green, and the sunsets are a blazing red-orange. If you love beautiful outdoor maps, then you will love Anamagda. (It just rains here once in a while. I'm afraid it may cause crashes for some people, but that's easily resolved... just delete the weather cycle if it ever gives you trouble.)

Volcano Caves
This map is a lot of fun because it has an underground community beneath it (Not pictured in the above screenshot). On one side of the underground is where the social happenings take place (has stone tables and stuff like that) and on the other side is where you'd sleep. It's full of some interesting dens, including the "bunk caves", the "conglomerate den", the "step den" and the "pineapple den". My personal favorite is the pineapple. XD And it, of course, is covered in volcanoes (be careful about climbing up mountains lest you get stuck in one) and underground caves. The central volcano has a portal at the bottom which will lead you to...

The name is Lupish (my own language) for "Dark Land". It is, basically, that. Nothing but the darkest of souls can live here for long--- in fact, they're all dead. Beware coming here. Beware Malichadsant and its guardian, Bloodhound.
Picture of Bloodhound:

Stavesacre Castles
My favorite map in this map pack, though it will probably cause lag for everyone. The lag is caused by the presence of five unique castles: Elephant Castle (pictured), Crystal Castle (Screenshot below), Sun Castle, Aerocastle, and Cathedral Castle. Elephant Castle and Crystal castle are basically finished, the other three are far from it.

Elephant Castle was called such because I once had an elephant skull on the front of it. I will likely reattach it. It is the largest castle on the map.

Crystal Castle is the tallest castle on the map. Structurewise it doesn't differ much from Elephant Castle, but it has elevators and more floors (7 as opposed to Elephant's 5).

Sun Castle is made of orange rock rather than gray rock and is either where the sun rises or sets (I can't recall which). It has an interesting shape and will likely have a layered design held with elevators rather than a structured design held with stairs. One level is structured but the rest is incomplete.

Aerocastle is a suspension of disbelief: It has no structure. It's built on air. It has no supporting elements. As a result I can make it as high up as (and whatever shape) I like. It isn't much now, but later I plan to have a larger structure up above the little stepping-stair bits of the castle and have that be the top.

Cathedral Castle doesn't have enough space to live up to its full potential. I'm building it to have some fancy structuring. The least complete of all the castles. Difficult to work on thanks to next-door neighbor (and king of lag) Elephant Castle.

Yes, there is a download of this map available, but it is, as previously mentioned, last year's download. I will probably re-export the map and post a new download link here this next Christmas, so be watching for that!

Finished Maps / Argyle Valley (FINISHED NOW!)
« on: December 11, 2015, 10:10:48 pm »
EDIT: Argyle Valley is now complete! >>> 

At least, I HOPE it will be a public map in the future.

Argyle Valley is a sort of African-themed public map I've been working on since I could use Map Maker, practically. It's an early one. I only have one little area finished, and the rest of the map is pretty much empty. The finished part is displayed here:

It'll be a neat map to run around on once it's finished--- it's simple enough, but for some reason I never work on it... I should. Then when it's done I can share it.

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