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Topics - DarkThunder95

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Newer Portals still do not appear? None.
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:41:34 pm »
Hey. Hate to ask if this question has already been answered, but I don't see it. 

Anways. You know the newer portals, like Sky's rim, Atlantis, Caverns. They still won't appear for me. What I have is the regular setup for Macs and I downloaded the patch.   

They still don't show up. Someone said it doesn't work for them either and they are on a Mac. I really wanna go. I tried everything I could think of. 

Any suggestions or is this a lost cause?

Thanks :)

I'v been having weird problems.. Anyway to cut to the chase, I am re-downloading the game from scratch. I'm also on a Mac.  So I download the option setup for Macs, then I should download the patch right?   Since I'm on a Mac and theres only one Patch, is that patch for Macs too?

Haha sorry to bug anybody. Any Mac ppl out there? (My old cmp was a sony), so I get confused. XD

Game Help / Atlantis and Sky's Rim portal doesn't appear?
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:56:25 am »
Hi fh! Just asking why doesn't Atlantis's and Sky's Rim portal appear? My friends could see them go through them, but I couldn't see them and some other people. Does anyone know why? Does this have to do with Patches?

I'm also on a Mac, if that has anything to do with it.


Game Help / Secret Area portals not showing up?
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:29:38 pm »
Hi. I have been to the top where Sky's Rim is supposed to be along with Atlantis and the portals do not show up. (I even had friends next to me saying it was there).  I researched and found out that I need to download the patch. That would work except.... I'm on a Macbook and there is no patch update it looks like. I normally have used a normal cmp, so never have had issues, but I'm on my Mac. I downloaded the game (setup) to this a week or two ago.   

Is there anyone else having these issues and know how to fix them? How do you download a patch update for a Mac? I was hoping someone could illuminate me. 

~Thanks so much.

Game Help / Does anybody know where your published movies go?
« on: February 06, 2012, 05:15:15 am »
Hi fh. I'm not new, but have just started getting into movie making here. The published movies... where do they go? I know where the screenshots go, but cannot find anything movie like. Oh, yes I'm on a Macbook, if that has anything to do with it.

Really sorry to bug anyone. ~Thanks so much.    

Ps If I need somekind of hypercam thing, what do I use on a Mac?   

Game Help / How do you join someone else's group?
« on: February 05, 2012, 05:18:27 am »
How do you join someone else's group? Cant figure it out. Any help? oh and how do you invite someone to your group? ~Thanks

Screenshots / DarkThunder's First Album
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:18:00 pm »
Yea. Im figureing this out haha. This is pics of my main wolf, DarkThunder and others. These are some of my first screenshots ever!
Yes im adding more


Watching the Sun rise


Falling off temple for fun


Moon from underwater

Introduction / Hey!!! Im here!! HORRAY!!!! :D
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:07:28 pm »
 :D  Hi my name is DarkThunder95. I like lived off of wolfquest for a few months lol and reserched and found "Impressive Title". I was like, I want to play that!!! Then I saw they closed :(. Then, Feralheart I fell across as an "upgrade" to it. Ok, so I downloaded it, but have shcoolwork I got to finish (and life) before i play.... Ok... soo... any tips would be great. (and yeah i watched youtube vids hehe)

I love cheetahs,horses and wolves. I love green ad purple. and the Pirates movies and uh storms. Im between 15-20 years old.. Thats all your getting HA!

My first Character is going to be a she- cheetah...   I cant think of a good name. Any name ideas? Maybe something like Savanna or Kiara idk

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