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Topics - Lady_Alizarin

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Forum Discussion / Mini-Mods?
« on: March 11, 2013, 04:18:47 am »

After exploring the forums and going through the forum contest sections I ran into a few "mini-mods" What exactly is a mini-mod and what do they do? I don't ever see them in the list of FH staff members on this site. So out of curiosity... what's the difference between a regular FH mod and a mini-mod?

???  ???  ???

Game Discussion / Lion-sized Warrior Cats?
« on: March 02, 2013, 10:49:54 pm »
Have you ever noticed that some Warrior Cats characters out in Flourite Plains are bigger than what cats would be in reality. And I'm not saying some of these warrior characters are the size of a maine coon cat, but more like the size of a LION. That's not a domestic cat, that's Arnold Schwartzakitty!!  :o
Some of the people who play as warrior cats make big tom cats that are pretty much the size of the average mountain lion. They figure "Bigger is better." Come on... bigger isn't always better. Plus it's not very realistic in a Warriors RP that is meant to be realistic.

The fox characters I have are at medium size but they still come out smaller than some of these cats I encounter (even when in reality, foxes are bigger than domestic cats). In fact, I once ran into some warrior cats as Kopper Fox, and of course many of the cats were alot bigger than Kopper was. One of the warrior cat players said to the others, "Why is it that some of you make your cats so big? In reality foxes are bigger than cats. Something's not right here. This is so unrealistic." I have to applaude that person.
Even when I play as my bobcat character, and belive me I made him the size a normal bobcat should be, he still comes up short compared to some of the warrior cats I run into. And when some of these big bad warrior cats pick a fight with my bobcat character they will sometimes say "I am bigger and more powerful than YOU!" Yeah, if you were a maine coon maybe.... which they weren't. ::) In reality a bobcat would defeat a common domestic house cat, no problem. I used to live in a farm area where domestic cats would be killed by bobcats.


Do these pictures explain things better? They are pretty accurate.

Here are a few video references to compare common housecats to larger predators

Funny thing is that some of the warrior cats I have met were the size of the cougar on the picture above. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating on anyone who has great big lion-sized warrior... but I am just wondering why you have to make them so BIG. What do you think about this?

Discussion Board / What are your thoughts on hunting and fishing?
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:03:35 am »
I saw a thread like this on another site, but didn't see one on this one.

The title pretty much speaks for itself. What are your thoughts on hunting and/or fishing? I'm talking about out in real life, not in the game. Are you an outdoors kind of person that likes to hunt/fish or are you against it?

My oppinion: I see nothing wrong with people hunting animals or going out and fishing. It's a very common sport/hobby/past-time out here where I live. It's pretty much a social norm in the community I live in. I have a few friends who like to go out and hunt for quails, or pheasants since there is a high population here. Some like to hunt for feral hogs, and some like to hunt for deer. I find fishing to be a fun sport, but I never catch them to eat them. After I catch a fish, I let it go.
HOWEVER even though I see nothing wrong with hunting/fishing, I am against any form of illegal hunting/fishing or poaching.

So what are your thoughts? I'm just curious here.  :-\ When commenting, try not to turn this into a big nasty arguement. Lets all be mature and respect each others' opinions. Everyone has different opinions about something.   

Game Help / My Game Quit Working
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:57:36 am »
Evertyime I click on the FH icon, the game begins to load but then I get the message "Feral Heart has stopped working" right before the logo screens come on. I don't know why it's doing this. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Game Discussion / Name Claimers!? You CAN'T be Serious!
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:30:36 am »
"Hey! Thats my name irl! Change it right NOW!"  >:(
"You stole my characters name! You NAME THIEF!"
"We got the same name as each other! You need to go change your charries name ASAP!"

Has this ever happened to you? Has anyone ever come up to your in the game and demand that you change the name of your character all because the name you gave your character is that person's real life name? Or has someone come up to you and demand you change your characters name because it's the same as their character's name? This has happened to me more than once.

Story 1
One time, I was sitting out in Bonfire Island as my unicorn character named Athena. All of the sudden some random wolf comes around and tells me, "Athena is my irl name! Change it immidiatley!" I told her that I wasn't going to change my character's name and that I could name my characters whatever I wanted. When she kept harrassing me about it, I pretty much told her to.... nope not going to say it XD. I was about to block her, but she eventually walked off and left me alone.

Story 2
There was this one time I was up on the cliff at Cape of Distant Worlds. I was chatting with some random people when all of the sudden this neon red feline came up and said to the little canine next to me "Hey! Wendy is my name irl." So we were like, "Um... okay. That's nice." So she starts asking the person to change their character's name. Then a few of her friends come along and start heckling the person to change their name. Of course, the person told them that they weren't going to do it, so the situation gets into a fight. The neon red feline starts saying that she is crying irl all because someone took her name. I tell her, "Look, Wendy is a very common name in the world. You're not the only one with that name. There are millions of other girls in the world with that name." But then she continues, "But it's my name DX" Alot of the people around us start getting fed up over her whinning, so they start to block her and her friends. After a few minutes of hearing her complain, I block them too.

Story 3
I was once sitting out in Bonfire Island and listening to other people roleplay. All of the sudden, these two players start bickering at each other because their characters have the same name. (I can't remember what the name was, so I'll substitute with this "Dan") One of them was "Dan M" and the other was just "Dan". So they start caps spamming back and forth. "I HAD THIS NAME FIRST!!1!" "NO U DIDN'T!! I DID!!" "CHANGE IT NAOOOWW!!!!"  So this fight goes on for several minutes, and some of the people around them start complaining about their bickering. Some people started blocking them, while other threaten to report them if they don't stop. But THEN... here's where the story gets really funny. Someone actually makes a bright neon orange feline character with the name, "BOTH DANS SHUT UP" and confronts them both. The neon orange feline starts cap spamming at them telling them if they don't shut up and stop fighting, he was going to report them. By this time, I was on the floor laughing my head off XD.  
That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen.  :D

I got a bunch of other similar stories to share, but I would have to write you a novel just to tell them all. Has something like this ever happened to you? Ever?

Game Help / I Need a Little Object Help
« on: February 22, 2013, 10:07:32 pm »
Okay here is my situation...

I am currently making a forest map. In this map, there are a few waterfalls. I want the waterfalls to look as realistic as I can. I want to use the Water smoke particles and the Splash particles around my waterfalls but I don't know how to include them. I've tried getting them to come up in the Object Maker and Effect Maker, but nothing is working for me. Does anyone here know how to help me?

Forum Games / Name that Famous Movie Quote!
« on: February 18, 2013, 05:14:34 am »
This is my first time making a Forum Game on this section... so here we go

>>Object of the Game

The object of the game is for someone to post a movie line/qoute, and then the person who posts next needs to guess what movie the quote came from and then post their own movie quote for someone to guess.


First person= Quote: "Toto... I have a feeling we aren't in Kansas anymore"

Second person= Wizard of Oz (1939) [Insert random movie quote for someone to guess]

1. It can be from any movie; I recommend family movies that people would be most familiar with.
2. Keep it appropriate.
3. You don't have to list the year the movie was made, it's optional.

Now that you kinda get the point, I will start...

Quote: "Why so serious?"


Research Can Help You Understand Animals Better

Do you really know what kind of animal you're playing? Do you really understand it's strengths and weaknesses, it's pros and cons, it's abilities, it's inabilities. Do you really know the truth of the matter? Are you being for real... or not?

Why am I asking all of these questions? Reason being is because some people in the game don't really know the characteristics of some of the animals they play, especially if they are playing them in a realistic roleplay. Have you ever seen a fox take down an elk as it's prey? Have you ever seen a domestic house cat hunt down a deer? Have you ever seen a kitten or a puppy attack and kill an animal that was much bigger than they are? Not in reality I haven't! But out in this game, that kind of stuff is all too real. O_O Some of it is all powerplay, while others do it and don't realize that it isn't the normal behaviour of the animal they are playing.
If I spot someone doing something unrealistically in one of my RPs, like taking down prey that they can't really hunt, some of them say to me...
"Well I didn't know that."
"No need to be mad."
"I don't know about this animal"
Well, silly goose, would it kill you to do a little bit of research before you play?  :P Sometimes, if I play an animal that is not commonly seen on the game, I will write a bit of info about that animal in the character bio. It might as well be a waste of time since some people don't read it... but it's helpful to the ones who do.

>>True RP story:

The Elk Hunting Fox
I was once roleplaying in my fox group in Flourite Plains. One of the new members had volunteered to go hunting for the fox family, so I let them take charge of bringing the food. A few seconds later he comes back saying, (-He walked up the hill and drug a big elk behind him- "Look what I caught?") I told the guy that there was no way a common red fox could hunt down an elk, because they are way too small to do such a thing. I told him the only way a fox could eat an elk was if the fox found an elk carcass that was left by wolves or bears. He started complaining and saying, (Well those foxes over there were hunting and killing elk! Why can't I?) -Facepalm- I told him that they were not playing realistically and that my fox RP was REALISTC, in other words... no hunting down BIG game animals. He got really upset and left.

>>Another True RP story:

The Badger and the Wolverine
Once upon a time... me and a friend were playing as a badger and a wolverine; I was the wolverine, she was the badger. We would go around the Plains doing what badgers and wolverines do best... hunting and scavenging. ((From the research that I've done on wolverines, I found out that they are opportunists. They will eat anything they find suitable to eat; berries, a carcass, rodents, rabbits, smaller animals, and sometimes they can take down animals a bit bigger than they are. If they find a deer or a carribou that is sick or weak, they will take it.)) Anywho... me and my badger friend found ourselves fighting some warrior cats. For those who know wolverines, a domestic house cat is no match for a wolverine... NO WAY. But to be fair and give them a bit of a chance, I went along with the attacks they threw at me. After some time, one cat blurted out that I was powerplaying all because I swiped her face with a paw full of claws. What do you expect a wolverine to do? Just sit there and not defend itself? Attacking with those claws it what wolverines DO!!! They use those long sharp claws more than they use their bone-crushing teeth to fight. It's not powerplaying, it's REALITY!!! Say it with me, Re-al-it-eeeeeeee!!!

Behold! Example videos that shows the nature of a wolverine. Think I'm lying now?

>>Guess what?... ANOTER RP Story!:

The Tree Fox
I was out in Flourite Plains playing as Abigail Grey Fox. It was night time in the Plains, so I would run around and search for food (Grey foxes are nocturnal animals, and do most of their hunting and scavenging at night) Well, along come two warrior cats... oh how I love it when they get all fired up over a fox being close -__- The started screaming in caps "FOX!!!! FOX!!" Suddenly the sun started coming up, so I posted the following... -Seeing that dawn was coming, the grey vixen knew that her time of searching for food was up. She approached a nearby tree and climbed up its trunk to sleep during the day.- Suddenly, one of the warrior cats starts saying "You can't do that! FOXES CAN"T CLIMB TREES!!" I informed them that grey foxes were the only species of fox that had the ability to climb trees. But then they were all, "NUH UHHHH! You BIG liar!!! NOW GET DOWN FROM THERE!!!"  >:(  -Facepalm-  I KNOW grey foxes can climb trees because I've seen it for myself. I used to live in a place that had a good population of grey foxes.

-Le gasp!- Would you look at that! It's grey foxes.... in TREES!

>>Is it Powerplaying/Godmodding, or just being REAL?!:

Sometimes realistic fighting attacks can get confused with powerplaying/godmodding. With the example I showed you up above, the attack moves the wolverine did, (swipes face with his paw full of claws) are just things that wolverines do in reality. In the wild, wolves and bears often times leave wolverines alone due to their feirce fighting and nasty temper. Another example would be... a mule deer mother will attack anything that she feels is a threat to her fawn. I've seen videos of mule deer does attack dogs, wolves, coyotes, and even people, because they got too close to the fawn. I've seen RPs where people playing as mule deer would do the same, yet they would be accused of powerplaying. "Deer don't attack wolves, you powerplayer!" Oooooh yes they do, Jr. Truth of the matter is.... mule deer does WILL attack to defend their young, unlike their white-tail cousins. It's also a true fact that bucks will act more aggressive and attack other animals during the rut season. Any other time of the year, they are shy and elusive. But come rut season, they won't be their shy cute little Bambi selves. I would show you some example videos, but the ones I found are a bit too graphic to show on here. You can find some on YouTube.

>>It's a good idea to research an animal you aren't too familiar with:

Before I ever play as an animal on this game, I often take the time to do some research on Google to find out the true facts about the animals behaviour. I will look into what they eat, where they live, their social behaviours, hunting abilities, their common enemies and how they deal with them. Often times I will go on YouTube and look up any videos featuring that particular animal. Since I get involved in roleplays that are more realistic, I research the animal to make sure I'm playing the animal realisticlly. Before I started playing as a fox, bobcat, wolverine, owl, etc, I did research on them. I looked at different sites and read through different books just to study their behaviours.

>>Things you can do to research a particular animal:
>> Search engiune= Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Ask, etc
>> Online videos= YouTube can help!
>> TV documentaries= We've got Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel for that.
>> Books= It's old fashioned in today's modern world, but it works.
>> Magaizines= National Geographic Magazine will have some stories about animals in there, especially National Geographic For Kids.
>> Go out there and do some animal watching!... Just don't get bitten. I would recommend visiting a zoo.

So what are you waiting for? Go out and have fun. Class dismissed.

Presets & Markings / Lady Alizarin's Preset Gallery [Updated 8/29/2013]
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:43:23 am »
Lady Alizarin's Preset Gallery

I finally done it! :D I made my first preset for my first character, the Alizarin Vixen. It wasn't easy for me, since I'm a beginner at preset making. Anywho, here it is...

>Alizarin Vixen Preset<

Preset Link:

>Melina Manticore<

>Marik Ishtar Fennec Fox<

>Bakura Fennec Fox<

>Abigail Grey Fox<

>Kojak Bobcat<

Note: Some of these presets have the realistic fur textures that were made by Tearless.

Realistic, Unrealistic, or Somewhere In Between?

When it comes to designing a character, what kind of characters do you like to make the most?


Realistic characters look exactly like the animals of the real world, with realistic fur colors, patterns, behaviors, etc. Are you the kind of person that likes to make animal characters that are very realistic in fur color and fur patterns? Are you the kind of person that likes to participate in realistic roleplays?

Semi-Realistic characters have some realistic fur colors and fur patterns to them, but have a hint of unnatural characteristics, such as unnatural eye colors, tufts of hair, etc. Some people design their characters like this to give them a more cartoonish look or just a hint of uniqueness. Are you the kind of person that likes making a realistic character with a hint of unnatural colors and characteristics?

These are the characters with unnatural fur colors and patterns; reds, pinks, greens, blues, neon colors, florescent colors, ultra violets, royal marine, etc. They are designed with any colors, patterns, accessories, the creator wishes them to have. Some people would consider these characters as "sparkle dogs" or "sparkle cats". Are you a fan of making these kind of characters?

I myself, personally like making characters that are in the middle of realistic and unrealistic.... semi-realistic is what I like to call it. I like making characters with natural fur colors/patterns but give them unrealistic eye colors. I like to give them that cartoony kind of look, because to me it adds a little more character to them.
How about you? What is your character fancy?

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