Author Topic: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?  (Read 36401 times)

Offline Galeforce

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« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 04:31:11 am by DracoGale »

Offline Galeforce

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Re: Talent Seekers(Remade)
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 10:39:12 pm »
The Gylar Xen Law:
((This applies to the rules of Gylar Xen itself and for the rp.))

?If you dare escape then you will be severely punished.

?You are to be in your rooms at the time of curfew at 10pm. Anyone wandering outside of their dorms will be punished.

?Do not kill any opponents when in or out of the arena. Killing is prohibited and there will be sever punishment for those who take a life.

?Hate the character, not the player.

?No godmoding or powerplaying, be fair in battles.

?Write full paragraph posts, or at least three sentences.

?Be literate and have correct Grammer.

?No Marysue.

?Love interests are allowed such as kissing and such, but please do not go overboard. If you and your love interest want to take it further then keep it private, do not post it on here. No one else wants to see any of that. Or read I should say.

?Please keep to rping and not too much OOC chatting. It is allowed, just don't get too off topic and completely forget about the rp.

?Cuss words are allowed but they must be censored, like this: H*ll. But do not go overboard, like having your character constantly cuss out every word in every sentence, even if censored. I will not allow a frequent repeat of a cuss word in a post.

?ONE POST per person. There is a turn base for this rp, so any newest member must post after the last newest member does. A lot of people get busy in reality, so they do not have time to come on here much like the rest of us, so to be fair to them we must be patient in letting them post. If any are to post before everyone gets their turn, then that post will automatically be canceled and ignored, and the person will be given a warning.

?You are given only a week to get a chance to put a single post at least. We know people get busy and need more than just a few days, so a week shall be plenty. However if there is a good reason why you won't be able to post for a long while then you must let us know on the OOC chat and you will be excused and the rp will be put on pause till you return. Any failure to do so and the rp will move on without you. However if it's just Writer's Block, then you must skip your turn and it will go on to the next person.

?You must be active and patient. Some people might be gone for long periods of time, and if you can't handle that, then this rp is not for you. People get very busy and so this is a chance for them to still be part of a rp without worrying on getting left behind with the whole rp moving on without them. Here this is not the case. You are a loyal member and will be treated with much respect and patience, for others understand that you are a very busy fellow. You are given plenty of time to get a chance to post and catch up, so long as you let us know if you'll be absent for a long while.

?If you feel uncomfortable with any of the characters or if you're not getting along, please send me a note, and I will have a talk with the person giving you trouble and give them a warning. You will remain anonymous if you wish.

?You can only make up to three characters, that's it. Spirits don't count. Also do not make a lone application for only a spirit, you must play both Tamer and Spirit, not a spirit for another Tamer or a Tamer for another Spirit.

?You are given only three warnings. If you disobey any of these rules or cause any trouble, you will be given the fair amount of warning, but fail to cease your trouble making then you will be banned.

((Note: The rules will update throughout the rp, so make sure you check them often please))


Character Application-

« Last Edit: July 07, 2013, 05:14:07 am by DracoGale »

Offline Galeforce

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Re: Talent Seekers(Remade)
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 01:23:27 am »
The Story So Far...

Carter(Draco), Aster(Asterian), Desmond and Theresea(Tomas) have all been kidnapped and taken to Gylar Xen. So far these are the newest recruits, and have been forced to follow the rules and compete in arenas with their just hatched spirits. Carter and Aster have met at lunch, and though the twos' personalities differ greatly, they have formed some kind of friendship. Desmond and Theresea are yet to meet the two, and Kuroi(Draco) has come into contact with Carter already, causing him a bit of trouble before wandering off. In his last battle, Aster and his spirit have been wounded quiet severely, but both have recovered and are fit to fight again(so the Lerxye claim). Now it is a brand new day, and all the competitors wait in the lobby or in their rooms, watching their screens to see the ones who will next fight in the arenas...

1 Carter
1 Aster
0 Desmond
1 Thersea



Experienced Tamer(s):

20 Kuroi
« Last Edit: April 24, 2013, 08:04:37 pm by Draco4777 »

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Re: {WIP} ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2013, 02:14:05 am »
Half my heart a gift of purity.
Half my heart a deadly curse.
Half will live in sweet obscurity.
half will take me to my hearse.

Desmond awoke naturally, which was an oxymoron, considering how it was un-natural for him to wake up on his own. He sat up, his hair a complete mess. Good morning, beautiful. Mars said sarcastically.

"Screw off, Mars." Fine. Mars replied.

Desmond yawned and stretched then stood up. Just a few days ago they had thrown him in to this place, and he already hated it with a burning passion. He had recently discovered his sister, Thersea, was all so in Gylar Xen. Couldn't have one with out the other, he guessed.

Desmond stood up. Well, attempted too. He lifted his legs then fell back in to his bed. F*ck Gylar Xen, he'd take his sweet little time this morning.


Thersea was up and already eating her breakfast in the cafeteria, occasionally throwing Shiva the sausage that she didn't want. The bacon however, would not leave her sights. Neither would the biscuit. The eggs she was neutral on. After treating her-self to the serving of bacon and the orange juice, she bit in to the roll of bread. She took the small saucer of eggs and placed it out for Shiva to eat. Shiva gorged down on it.

She looked around, watching those around her, she knew fully well she might be matched against any one of them at anytime, and she needed to learn their quirks, though she wasn't as observant as Desmond when it came to that. She didn't have much success at all. Though Shiva was different.

Tell me what you notice about them, Shiva.

Some of them carry themselves with pride, a little too much if you ask me. Some of them know their place, but all are determined to get stronger.

They've got ambition, I'll give 'em that.
Thersea threw the remains of her food away and left the tray to be recovered later by the Lyxeries. She had to train as well. Even if she didn't like it, she'd have to fight sometime or another.


Preston Laktaive caressed the innocent, shy girls cheek. "Come on now, darling, don't resist. I can tell you've been wanting me." Preston mused to the girl. He as seducing another, drawing another in to his web of agony, he'd hurt her just like the rest. "Lily, I feel the same way over you, I just didn't know a better time to ask."

She turned away. "I'm sorry, but I can't. I just can't, it's not you, it's me, really." He wasn't used to denial. Though he was magnetic, Lily wouldn't be drawn in. She walked away briskly. Well, another chance lost. He'd have to find someone else. Until then, he'd go get some food.

He began to walk to the cafeteria. He;d arrived at Gylar Xen just three days ago, but already he was fitting in well, people liked him for his dark but strong appearance. His fashion sense was a bit eccentric but he didn't care, he'd dress the ay he liked. Plus, Gothic Victorian suited him.


Offline Galeforce

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Re: {WIP} ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2013, 11:43:04 pm »
The day felt like any other day. Suffocating. Trapped. Carter had trouble feeling any different when he was in Gylar Xen. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, not having left his from, for ironically it was the only place he felt secure.

He closed his eyes, his thoughts drifting through the mind. I must relax. He thought to himself. Everything will be ok. There's not much to do about it now, so I'll just have to play along.[

It's not like you're on death row, another voice replied inside his head, and Carter opened his eyes to look at the golden reptile that sat on his lap, looking up at him.

The corner of Carter's lip lifted up a bit into a small smile, and lifting a hand he gently rubbed the little dragon's head. True, he said to the creature though mind link, but it still feels like a prison.

We'll make it through. Thyus replied, rubbing his scaled head against his Tamer's hand. Can we go eat now? I'm starving! He snapped his jaws in the air, ruffling his wings.

Carter nodded. Yeah yeah, come on you bottomless pit. He grinned, picking up his partner and rested him on his shoulder, then walked to the door and turned the knob, pulling it open and stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

He made his way down the hallway, off on his way breakfast.

Kuroi had a biscuit in his hand, taking a bite as he gazed around with his piercing yellow gaze. If his eyes weren't enough to repel anyone, his partner Cethin did more than enough to make them scurry in a hurry, his own yellow eyes sending chills through anyone's bloodstreams. He was still as a statue, his body coiled by Kuroi, his eyes watching everything yet they didn't even seem to move. The two said nothing, neither to each other or to anyone else, simply browsing for 'fresh meat'. Kuroi enjoyed picking on newbies and scaring the daylights out of them, simply to watch them squirm.

Why? Cause he enjoyed seeing others fear him, and enjoyed it even more to hurt them. It was his prime goal to crush anyone he meets, and make them suffer in the most brutal way possible, without them getting killed of course. Which was a pretty difficult thing to do. He found it harder and harder to keep himself from utterly destroying an opponent, he just got out of hand a lot of the times, till he pulled himself back at the last second.

He could hear his brother, Kyler, now, telling him to take it easy out in the arena, but he never listened. When he was out there, it was like he became a whole different person.... Losing himself into the thrill and flow of battle. But that's what got him his Master rank, what had achieved him such high honors. He and his brother had been here for a long while now, and it was all worth it.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 11:13:35 pm by Draco4777 »

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Re: {WIP} ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2013, 12:20:44 am »
    Aster still lay in his bed.  His breathing soft.  Laying on his back.  Only half covered by a lanket in full clothing.  Even the small leather padding over his knees.  His shoulder pads.  He had taken a shower.  Yes...  But had just worn the arena clothing anyways...  Sesthiliss lay at his side.  Curled up next to his waist.  Neither of them were asleep though.  They hadn't yet even moved from the position where they had awoken.  A small amount of allowed sunlight filtered into his room through the window screen,  Warming him slightly.  

     Outwardly he looked to be asleep in every way.  Until he moved his arm to lay above his head.  Opening his eyes.  But still he just stayed there.  Eyes fogged over in thought...  It had only been a few days...  And yet.  Already he missed his sister.  And mum...  Wishing he could speak with them...  Even just for a bit...  Not that he didn't like it here.  Just that.  Hem...  He was enough of an isolationist himself.  Here.  It made him feel really alone...  He finally sat up in silence.  As sesthillis nudged at his leg.  Slightly worried.  They shared emotions.  He knew he wasn't alone.  She knew she was there for him.  But.  It never lessened the feeling.  

     Maybe now he knew what some of the soldiers felt like overseas...  So far away.  Unable to contact family, friends.  Because your superiors won't let you.  Or don't have the means to let you...  He softly roughed the scales on Sesthilliss' neck as she murred softly from it.  Lifting her to his shoulder and letting her curl about his neck as he lifted the hood of his robe like clothing.  He didn't wear the blade they had given him actively.  Instead carrying the short sheath in his hands by it's leather section.  But he lifted it.  And pushed open the door, stepping out.  He let the hood hang down so it hid most of his facial features.  His hair, his face, his shoulders, even the pale color of his skin.  From anyone more than a couple feet away from his face.  

     It was time for breakfast or lunch...  Or whatever...  If he would eat was another prospect as it didn't take him long to walk from his room to the food area.  Moving through the empty line. Putting random food on his plate.  He didn't really pay much attention and sat down.  He let the blade lay on the table next to his tray and food.  He downed a large cup of water.  And then just sat.  Staring at his food.  No...  Through his food.  Dazed out with a blank stare.  Eyes not focused on anything as Sesthilis dropped from his hood.  Making his hood fall down across his back.  Red hair spreading out long beneath.  Some catching still in the hood while the rest spread across each shoulder, split slightly by the cloth of his hood.  

     He didn't react as Sesthilliss attacked some of the food on his plate.  Snarfing down mostly cooked meats and a bit of starches before nudging his hand.  It made his fist open as she let a small section of sausage fall into his palm that made him jump.  About catapulting it across the room though he caught it still and tossed the piece of hot food back to the plate and blowing on his hand as he shook it.  "Fine..."  He finally ate a bit by her insistance.  The section of sausage that had disknowingly almost started a food fight.  And some mashed cauliflower.  Then still just sitting there.  Not really in the mood for food in general.  

     His plate still had a small pancake, and several small slabs of ham with a salad covering the small plate.  He simply nibbled at it for a bit.  Before finally noticing.  His hood was down.  In an attempt to hide the suden anxiety that such a simple thing caused.  He slowly.  And at his best attempt  "Casually" (with some shakeyness) lifted his hood back up and tucked his hair back under.  He hadn't uttered a word.  And he had sat alone.  Again.  Like he was used to.  Like he usually preferred...  But not always...  Maybe she was more than just a companion...  She provided a bit of direction.  Which was a comfort.  Since alone he had trouble divining even which direction to walk sometimes.

     She was just a little thing.  But like the little part of him he always had least least touch with...  Hard to notice such things...  A small sharp pain made him yank his hand up wide eyed under his hood as Sesthilis ducked off and under the table.  Having bit his hand to get him to stop thinking.  He sat again in silence for a moment before she slowly crawled back up onto the table.  And he laughed softly.  Just leaning his elbow against the table his chin softly in the palm of his hand as he only slightly scolded Sesthilliss inwardly but thanked her at the same time...  I needed that...

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2013, 04:00:31 am »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2013, 03:37:20 pm »
Profile Picture by Kiaz1st on dA

Offline Wendigo9

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2013, 06:19:26 pm »
To cut the strings, to end their lives.
No mercy, no pity, no false disguise.
Morte, Amore, death and love.
Behold their pain form high above.

Desmond was finally dressed in a casual outfit for once, just wearing shorts and a T-shirt with sneakers. He walked off, Taiha slung across his shoulder and Mars following closely behind him. He turned a corner in to the cafeteria, and quickly retrieved his food. Some slices of bacon a bit of broccoli and two pancakes, as well as some yogurt with a strawberry in in. He sat a small ways away in a corner, not really wanting to be bothered. Though, with his luck, someone was bound to walk over and talk to him.

In a grumpy mood this morning?

I'll give you my strawberry if you shut up.
He didn't hear much after that, besides the sound of Mars happily devouring his strawberry.


Thersea left the first floor of the West Wing, traveling up to the stimulation room. Nothing beat real experience in her mind. Conditioning wouldn't mean S@#*! if you couldn't hold up in a real combat situation. She stepped in to the room, immediately sitting in one of the Stimulation Chairs. She sat patiently as the helmet lowered itself on to her and Shiva's head.

Her face changed from patient to determined as the black lenses slid over their eyes, Shiva let out a growl of approval.

The scenery before them changed, and Thersea felt dizzy as her mind was fully immersed in to the virtual world. Shiva felt similar. It took awhile for her fuzzy vision to clear, but when it did, she stared in awe at what Gylar Xen was capable at. Currently, she was in a barren desert, nothing but rocks, sand, and a few cactus. Across from her, their was a man, THey didn't put much effort in to creating him. He was wearing a full body black suit, and wielding a long staff. His face was covered by a mask and hood.

She pulled the Nunchuk from her belt, and Dragonforce blared in her ears almost instantly after that. Heh, they know I like speed metal. Remind me to kill them.

I'll make a note.
Thersea started doing a whole bunch of fancy tricks with the nunchuk, they were, after all, mainly a distracting weapon. >>>

Offline Galeforce

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2013, 12:02:43 am »
Carter moved into the cafeteria, and his ears were blasted by the activity of the place, voices added over voices making the place louder than it should be. In all honesty Carter hated loud noises, and Thyus wasn't a huge fan of it either, for he hissed and covered his ear drums. Humans are too noisy, he complained, and Carter could only nod in agreement. After all, it wasn't like he could argue with his reptile friend when the proof was right here before them. Thyus immediately forgot about the noise, however, when his golden eyes caught sight of the varies of food.

Yes! He said excitedly. Lets eat. He hopped off of Carter's shoulder and flew over the crowd of kids, heading over to the breakfast line. Carter couldn't help but smile and follow his bonded friend, making his way through the crowd as he tried his best not to be rude and push through them.

"Excuse me. Sorry. Pardon me. Let me just slip through here. Ah, there we go. Sorry, excuse me." It pretty much went on like that the entire way.

When he reached the line he grabbed his plate, yet it wasn't he who was grabbing anything. Thyus was doing all the picking for them, filling the plate with different types of food, yet Carter didn't object for the little dragon seemed to know exactly what he wanted. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and even brought Carter a small carton of orange juice. When Thyus landed on his shoulder, Carter smiled and patted his head. Thanks Thyus. He told him, and the little creature thrummed in acknowledgement.

Carter picked up their plate and looked around at the tables, wondering where he should sit. He caught the familiar sight of Aster, but with him was a taller and older man it seemed, one he didn't recognize. He tilted his head, confused as to who he could be, but he didn't want to intrude on the conversation they were probably having or anything. He decided to let Aster be, for even though he hadn't known the guy long, he knew enough that he wasn't exactly a...'people's' person. Carter sighed and looked at Thyus. Do you think you can fly around and find a place for us to sit?

Thyus sat up and did a saluting stance with his claw. Aye aye Captain. He said, and leaped off Carter's shoulder and did a few flaps of his wings, flying up over the vast crowd and into the air to scout.

Kuroi had become shocked when his brother seemed to appear out of no where and attacked him(though of course he was just exaggerating on the 'attacking' concept). Before either him or Cethin could react, Kyler had left them be and wandered off, leaving Kuroi a bit bewildered. What was that all about? He had talked and acted so fast that he couldn't get a single word in. Cethin hissed and narrowed his eyes after Kyler, annoyed and angered that he had gotten near Kuroi, but his Tamer had ordered him to never attack Kyler under any circumstance.

Kuroi sighed and placed a hand on Cethin's head. Don't worry much about him, he's always like that, he reassured Cethin, though that didn't seem to settle the serpent's feelings at all. Kuroi, however, couldn't help smiling softly. His brother was still the same. It was good to know that this place didn't change both of them.

His smile then faded, however, for he recalled being told that cherishing family or friends was a weakness. He had to be focused fully on his fights and do all that he could to win, and if he wasted his time worrying about those he held dear then they'll drag him down and make him lose sight of his goal. He shook his head, pushing the thoughts away and left the cafeteria, for he wasn't really feeling hungry anymore. Cethin slithered after him, keeping by his side yet stayed a little behind him. Kuroi headed for the stairs, going on his way to the stimulation room.