Author Topic: Lab Testing animals  (Read 56914 times)

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Lab Testing animals
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:13:37 pm »
Welcome to the Lab Testing Rp

This Rp takes place in a large lab that does tests on animals. The lab is located in the middle of a large forest with rocky mountains, grassy plains, large rivers and small creeks, and lakes. It is currently winter since it is winter right now. You can be any animal you want to be real or mythical. You are currently taking residence in the lab. You have had many tests done on you. You wake up in a small metal cage. You are surrounded by many other cages with other animals. You feel tired but your heart is pounding. What do you do? Should you escape? Do what you must to survive. Can you survive the lab?

Also you can pick whether this is the first time being in the lab or whether you have been in it for a while
No god-modding or you will be warned then if is persists asked to leave
no descriptive births or mating
Dont get mad at the person be mad at the charry no fighting OOC
Make it fun and dramatic
minimal cussing
Have fun:)


Have you been in the lab before:

my form:

Have you been in the lab before: yes i have been in the lab for 1 year now
description/picture: above. If my picture isn't working she looks like her profile picture with light brown marking covering the top of her body and white covering the rest. She has emerald green eyes.
Personality: Grace is sweet and caring. She loves helping others but has a sorta dark side. She has never lost a fight and she isn't afraid to fight. She is clever and smart and very good at sneaking.
History:She was born in a small pack but was left behind during a forest fire. She was found by the lab people and has live there since. She has been plotting a way to escape.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 03:47:11 pm by Abby »
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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 03:27:40 pm »
Name: Briar (Her warrior cat name would have been briar flower
Species: Cat
Gender: Female
Have you been in the lab before: No, shes a newcomer
Age: 20 moons
Personality: She is a nice and kind female, but will fight for her kit
History: A forest fire destroyed her home. She traveled for days until she met a rouge male. The two traveled together, finding out they were from the same forest. Soon they became mates. Then, her mate was killed by a monster. The twolegs in the monster got out and grabbed her. She was took to the lab, where they put her in her own room that was connected to many others. Her kit is about to born.
Mate: Deaceased male rouge
Kits: Unborn
other: N/A

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~Pacific Rim~
Gipsy Danger Characters I'm usually on: Helia Wyght Yeva Monroe Rosalva Arce

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 03:36:37 pm »
Accepted:)I shall start)

Grace slowly opened her eyes as she stood slowly in the small cage. She stretched out the stiffness in her legs as she shook her fur out. She looked around at the new animals. `They must be terrified` she thought remembering how she felt when she first was brought here. She growled low seeing many of the lab workers carrying animals in and out of the testing rooms. She growled low in her throat `This will be the day I escape` she thought waiting for her 9:00 let out. Since the lab workers knew her they trusted her. big mistake. They let her run around the lab for an hour a day. This would be the time she escaped and possibly helped every other animal in the lab escape.
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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 04:07:11 pm »
Name: Blu
Species:Winged Wolf
Lab exprince: She's new to this lab, but was sent from another lab.
Age: 4
Discription/pic: (ignore the tool bars)
Personality: She's sweet, on one hand, and the other... she'll rip your face off. So stay on her sweet side.
History: She was tested on in another lab, across the world. And sent here.
Mate: N/A
Offspring: N/A
Other: Theme is Last resort
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 02:02:57 am by Girfan#1 »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 04:20:58 pm »
accepted:) You can just jump in)
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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 04:51:21 pm »
(Ok, thanks.)

A white van drove up, making some of the animals inside roudy. A man in a black suit opened his door and got out. He opened the back door and brought out a large and sturdy cage, covered with a black tarp. Anyone could've heard chains rattle as they banged the cage, but the tarp blocked most of the sounds off. Two men in lab coats came out and took the cage, and the placed it on a random table, for later purposes.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 05:07:50 pm »
Grace smiled as a lab worker opened her cage `Come one grazie` she said as Grace smirked she crouched in the cage `What's wro` the lab workers sentence was cut short as Grace jumped out of the cage landing on the workers chest. The worker named Lisa backed up in fear and shock hitting a metal lab table knocking over medicine bottles. Grace hopped off of Lisa's chest and landed on a granite counter top and she began to run and slide down the counter as her claws gave no friction. She growled and jumped she landed on another worked and jumped off of him onto the ground. She began to run towards the door leading out to a long hallway causing fallen medicine bottles to scatter everywhere. She barged through the door and hit the wall on the other side of the door before turning and running down the long hallway. She growled as she slid under a lab worker with a long metal pole with a noose on the other end. She kept running until she hopped onto some boxes and found a large red button. She knew this button would open up all the cages releasing the animals. Grace smiled at the workers before pushing the button with her nose. She smiled as she heard barks,hisses, neighs, and many other noises as all the animals began to barge down the hallways and exit the lab. Grace hopped off of the crates as she made her way to all the rooms checking them. She dodged another worker before standing on her back legs she leaned against the wall next to a doorway as two workers came running out of the room. She waited for them to leave before she ran into the room. She saw a tarp-covered cage on a table. She growled `These people are horrid` she thought before jumping onto the table and yanking the tarp off. She ignored the creature inside and focused on the lock. She almost had it undone with her nose as two workers came back in. `All the animals have escaped` they yelled before standing in shock seeing Grace and the creature. Grace growled low as she jumped landing on one of the workers. The other one took a needle and stabbed it into grace's back. She yipped before grabbing onto the workers hand. She bite deep as she tasted blood she drifted off into a sleep `I failed to help that creature` is all she could think as she slept
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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2011, 05:56:17 pm »
The wolf in the cage got her tarp yanked off, and she noticed a figure getting injected with fluids. She wanted to say something before, but it was to late. That figure... tried to help me. Whatever it was, is kind. But I did nothing, but cower. She thought. She looked around, then thought, Wait, this isn't the lab I live in! She started to panic, she was picked up by fear. She didn't know what was going on, then she was picked up. Not just by fear, but by a human. She never knew this woman's name, but the woman was nice. Forgeting she could fly awat, she was put carfully into a cage. She never got a name, but the woman called her, Blu. Who is Blu? I can't be Blu. For I've no name, but I'm liking it. She thought. She tossed in her cage, trying to clean herself, her wings pointing outward. They were out of her cage and in front of the figure's cage. She thought, it still might be too drousy, to really do anything. She stared at the figure, trying to make out what it was. But instead of making it out fully, she shrugged. Then another man in a lab coat ran in and put an odd creature in a cage, right by her's. She heard it being thrown in the cage, and she made out the cries. It was a fox. She ignored it and kept grooming her paws. The chains made it difficult around her paw. And the one on her neck, it was choking her everytime she craned her neck, to lick her paws.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2011, 06:07:00 pm »
Grace growled as she woke up. She was in a cage again this time she had thick metal chains around her front and back paws And one around her neck. She growled and stood automatically yanking at them. She snarled as she banged against the side of her cage. She slammed against the side again. She looked around only 3 animals were left in the lab her, the creature she attempted to save, and a fox. `I set them all free` she thought `But i failed still` she growled and began to bark yanking at the chains. She slammed against the sides of her cage as two lab workers came in. `Grazie calm down please ` they cooed. `Here want some water` one asked opening her cage and undoing her chains and setting down a bowl of water. `Are you stupid` the other worker yelled Grace smiled `Yes, he is` she thought as she hopped out of her cage this time heading for the creatures cage again.she was inches from it as a thin noose went around her neck and yanked her off of her feet. She stood and pulled against it growling as she reached for the creatures cage. She growled as she turned and ran at the worker holding the noose but failed as the other worker attatched another noose around her neck. She growled as one of the workers said `The boss will want her put down` the other was obviously holding back tears `Yes, I know` he said as he redid her chains and closed her cage
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Re: Lab Testing animals
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2011, 06:30:50 pm »
(I like your joke when you said,` Yes, he is.` XD)

One woman walked down the hall, she whispered something to one of the men. Then walked away, she signaled him to come. She looked sturn, then another man in a lab coat came with another creature. It was a cat. The wolf started to panic again. Her wings fluttering angrly, her chains rattling like she was about to die. Her eyes rolling, her tounge lolling, like it was 110 dergeries in her cage. The a woman ran to her cage and opened it. "She's having a seizure! Help!" She screamed. "One of the problems of wolves having wings." She said to herself. She sighed, then pushed on Blu's chest, trying to get air pumping into her lungs. Blu was shaking and shivering. Her eyes still rolling and her tounge hardly moving, but still lolling. The woman and the man rushed saving Blu.