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Topics - razmirz

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Help Guides / Mac/Linux Setup Updated for 1.16
« on: June 10, 2016, 09:49:16 pm »
I'm disappointed to see complaints about no presets, maps, items, packs, etc
I put a good amount of time into it. If you read it all! It should answer everything!

If your expecting something similar to the old Mac version I'm afraid I'm going to disappointed.
I don't own a Mac and its always been an issue getting access to one.
I do however use Linux and luckily PlayOnLinux has a Mac Version PlayOnMac.
PlayOnLinux still uses "WINE" to run programs which is the same thing the old versions were made with.

So down to business.

Im going to assume as Mac/Linux user you know how to install things on your own operating system.

Mac users only you need XQuartz download and install from here
If you are still running Leopard you need the old version here
If your Mac is older than that I'm afraid your out of luck....

You now either need PlayOnLinux or PlayOnMac

Download my PlayOnLinux Install Script from here and extract it.

Now just follow the steps :)

The first screen :D

Tools > Run a local script



Pick the POL Script you downloaded earlier.


As its a custom script I've made its not signed by the PlayOnLinux team this is perfectly safe

Again because its not signed you need to accept and next



If it runs slow reinstall using the light option.



Now you can double click and run the game (note it might take 2 runs to make it work due to switching between directx and opengl)

If you highlight FeralHeart you will see this list on the left the "open the directory" option might be handy to get to the exports presets etc.

Now you have FeralHeart on your Linux/Mac computer



Help Guides / A quick understanding of the new login
« on: December 02, 2015, 03:58:11 pm »
Ok for those of you having problems and those of you who are just interested here is a quick rundown and some possible pitfalls when using the new login.

When you login to this page your "IP address" (the place your connecting from) is allowed to communicate with the game server. As the game server is not on the same node as the website it can take up to 60 seconds from point of login to being allowed to connect.

If you are getting thrown back to the login screen (and your sure your password is right) or just being left with a blank screen not receiving the message "You Must keep This Page Open While You Play". There are two possibilities firstly make sure you have cookies enabled if you can login on this site chances are the are enabled already. The second possibility is you may be banned right now, it currently doesn't show if you're banned and we are still investigating accounts.

There is a third thing that may happen when you try to login which is you get a message "no proxies here", I'll explain that in a moment.

Ok so lets assume your logged in. The page itself reloads every 50 seconds I didn't test with other browsers but I know on Firefox even if the tab is in the background and minimized it will always reload assuming your internet connection is maintained if your internet connection is poor you may want to install some sort of "tab reloading" addon these allow you to specify how often the page is reloaded and then the addon will continuously reload the page(a time of 25 seconds is wise if 50 is causing you trouble as then you have 2 chances to reload the page every minute). Essentially if the page isn't reloaded at least once every 60 seconds you will be logged out. The other possible problem is that what ever browser you choose to use is trying to be "to smart" some may ignore the reload request if the tab is not currently in view. If that's the case try another browser.

At this point you should have a stable link to the server. If you still cant connect I expect your using a proxy. Proxies are an anonymity tool. Not that anyone here should need to use one. Note that a proxy will not work on Feralheart so by having one setup your browser will end up with one IP and because Feralheart cant connect in the same way it will user your real IP. As the two IP's will be different you will not be able to connect. Simple advise here turn it off.

Now we've covered getting connected what might get you disconnected well trying to use the wrong username for one. And this accounts for anyone in your home. Say a sibling tries to get on there account without first logging into the site they will get you both kicked out. Or if you do something wrong in game obviously a moderator might remove you.

Typically though for a lot of users these sessions seem pretty dam stable. I can see there are some sessions that have been active for pretty much a day and that's not because the user is in game they just seem to have left the tab open.

Hopefully this clears things up


News Archives / Hacking Update 30 Nov
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:36:44 am »
Well guys the game is back

Login here

Make sure you keep that web page and browser open during the time you play FH

Then open your game and your all good.

I'll give you a better update tomorrow.



News Archives / Hacking?
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:55:20 am »
Quick Update

Yeah little blip.

Firstly your passwords are safe.

We have a temporary solution that should up and running possibly today if not I should hope its in place by the end of the weekend.

Long term solution will take a bit longer and needs more looking into. Not that I guess anyone minds as long as service is resumed.


Presets & Markings Tutorials / Preset Texture Format/Shrinking Guide
« on: October 07, 2013, 04:09:23 pm »
As we now have preset sync it's time people started making considerations about the size of their presets as we do only have limited storage.

So I'm going to provide a quick tutorial in shrinking your presets using Gimp.

Firstly and most obviously, changing the dimentions of the files.
Some people use 1024px x 1024px files or bigger. This is really quite unnecessary. 512 x 512 should be the max size. The tail can be even smaller, perhaps 128 x 128. You can draw as the high resolutions but try and re-size down for the final product. Why should the eyeballs need the same size texture as the entire body?

The next common issue is the use of .png's.

I know why you all like to use .png's; they store the entire image exactly as the original was with a reasonable file size. Only there are ways to make it far smaller. So lets start with a body .png.

Heres our original a fairly normal body texture. 512 pixels square. It's current size is 339KB

Sticking with pngs as they are needed if you want to use transparency.
Lets start by indexing.
Open the index dialogue as follows

Set the "max colors" to 255 and go to File>Export

Once saved, we now have this

This is only 146KB so we've more than halved the size of the preset. Can you really see the difference? All we've done is reduce the number of colours this method won't work so well for a rainbow preset with lots of different colours. But most presets use varying shades of 1 or 2 colours.

Using the same method we can reduce the pallet further this time. I used 128.

So we've halved the palette again but this time we only shrank to 119KB. Still a saving but you might find its not worthwhile for you.

The rest of this guide will cover non-transparent textures only. (Note: if you not using alpha_blend as your transparencey method you can still use these).

JPG is an awesomely underrated format. Its weakness is the stark contrast you get in some digital art. Luckily our preset has a nice fuzzy texture.
When saving .jpg's, there's an excellent option to preview your compression level.

Heres the image stored in jpg at 100% quality. Just saving it as a jpg has shrunk it down to 183KB which is still over a third off the original.

Now lets try 60%

Those with a good eye will see round the edges of the preset there's a light fuzz. Luckily this is almost all outside the area that's applied to the preset. Where it is inside the applied area its well hidden by the fur texture that's there. This time we have shrunk the texture down to just 37KB!

At this point you may think me crazy. BMP is the highest quality format I will mention here. Technically it's completely uncompressed so leaves us with large image files.

At 1025KB this is huge compared to our other condensers, but when it goes into the preset file it's compressed where .jpg's and .png's can't be. The compression leaves the file at 314kb. Ok, not a major reduction over .png but it is smaller.

When we save BMP though, if we click advanced, we have some options.

By choosing a 16bit colour pallet we are limiting ourselves to 65536 colours instead of the standard millions.

On a normal computer screen you will see no difference here at all. We have halved the storage required and are down to 513KB before putting it into the preset and a modest 173KB after.

Finally, on top of this we can do the same as the PNG's and index the image.

Our original is now 258KB and compressed. It's 148KB so we've actually beaten PNG with a higher quality format. (Note to firefox users: firefox seems to have turned some of the image pink this should not be a problem anywhere else)

My next format is one you may not know. Its called DDS, its a special format designed for the graphics card. It's indexed like .png but its indexed to what your graphics card works with and it's loaded directly into the graphics card without conversion. Making it a faster format for those laggy presets.

Gimp doesn't support .dds by default but you can get the dds plugin here
I won't detail installing it as it comes with readme and there's docs on the site.

DDS can support transparency but I've always found .png to handle it better.
When saving with the dds plugin it will ask for a few things

Set the compression to DXT1 if you want to try it with transparency I recommend DXT5.

This is what our result looks like the file is 129KB so we've saved a good amount of space. But better still is .dds textures can be compressed further just like the bmp's so when it goes into the preset file it shrinks to a mere 79KB!

Using a mixture of the methods above I have managed to take a preset with over 20 image files that was already pretty well compressed at 4MB right down to 1MB. So next time you make a preset, when you're saving those image files, think about the kind of image your working with. Does it need transparency? Does it use a lot of colours? Would it be affected by a little fuzz?

Hope this helps you all crush down those textures to get more in your presets.


For completeness I've added a little table of other formats and how well they compressed. All of the following can be used in GIMP

Format        Size       Compressed  Indexed255  Indexed+Compressed


This preset sync will allow you to receive presets uploaded to the server automatically. No more sending your preset to everyone and no more downloading every preset. (Note you don't have to install the sync on your pc to share your preset installation is just to receive. If you can't install for whatever reason skip straight down to Uploading Presets.)

Important note if you have a limited internet connection or very little space this addon might not be for you

Get it here 18th of Feb updated again the download should be much more efficient. Please please provide feedback in the thread! I am unable to fully test it myself.

The first run might take a while at present there are over 800 presets to sync.

No tutorial for now but it shouldn't be needed any more just install like you did the game run it and enjoy.
Sorry no MAC/Linux or Windows XP support.
Mac/Linux support may return later

Quick explanation of the folder layout you get with preset sync
  • presets             (Reset at each game run. Only use this to copy out any presets you export)
  • PrivatePresets    (Treat this like the old presets folder copy your exported presets in and any presets from others. These override the Public Presets)
  • PublicPresets     (Where presets from the server appear don't put anything in here)

Note if you don't use your account for a month your preset will be automatically removed. You can just reupload when you come back though!

Old setup information no longer needed
Update Added XP Support Linux/Mac support can be found here

Before we begin, I advise you make a copy of your FH folder in case anything goes wrong.

Firstly, you need my modified version of the FH game executable. Vista Win7 and Win8 users can get this here XP users can find it here

XP users have two requirements:
  • You must be an administrator the first time you run the new game file.
  • Your hard drive must be in NTFS format (most are you can check by going to "My Computer" right clicking the drive where you have FH installed and clicking properties)

Now replace FeralHeart.exe from your FeralHeart Folder (normally C:\FeralHeart\) with the copy you just downloaded, Then run the game.

Once the game runs you should now find you have 3 folders in your FeralHeart folder:
  • presets             (Reset at each game run. Only use this to copy out any presets you export)
  • PrivatePresets    (Treat this like the old presets folder copy your exported presets in and any presets from others)
  • PublicPresets     (Where presets from the server appear don't put anything in here)

You will find your presets are now in 'PrivatePresets' and links to them are found in 'presets'. Once we have public presets, links to those will also be merged into the presets folder.

Quick note about PrivatePresets they have priority over public ones so if you have an old private preset for someone you will not see any updates for them if they upload it publicly.

Warning: do not put anything in the public folder or modify anything as you may break the sync system.

Now thats setup we are ready to receive some presets.

Download and run BittorrentSync from here

Then follow the Screenshots bellow. Some I have listed as Optional but I do recommend them.

Optional: I untick the quicklaunch and desktop options here as I feel they are unneeded.
Click next

Click Install

Choose you have a secret and enter "BTQI4TBSVH3KCDNQ7X6NU3QZVA55RD3IY"
Read agree and next

Browse and select your PublicPreset folder
Next again

Now we can Skip

From here on is optional but recomended
Open BTSync if it doesnt automatically you should see this window

Right click and choose show folder preferences

Click properties, Check the boxes as follows then click add

Fill in the server info then hit ok twice

Now hit preferences you probably want to untick the notifications as they will likely become annoying and you may want to change your computers name as other users can read this.
Hit apply and we are done

Now for uploading your presets

For those who have used the character reset, you will find it just below on the same page.

For those who haven't Login at the top of the site and click "User Panel"
There you will find an upload form.

If your preset is too big see here

As long as you keep using the game, your presets will stay. If you don't enter the game for 30 days your presets will be removed to make space on users PCs.

News Archives / RIP General
« on: June 17, 2013, 07:39:49 pm »

For the purpose of clarity this has absolutely nothing to do with Arokai this thread is purely regarding superfeesh/onowl

Anyone who knows me will know I don't get involved in drama. In fact since the days when I was running IT I've not been involved in the community as a whole at all. I choose the back seat because I've seen more than enough drama to last me a lifetime.

Now to the point...

Most of you are aware of the Arokai project and Superfeesh also now known as Onowl. Unfortunately I have reason to believe without doubt that not only have most of Super's accounts been taken over. But their trusted name is being used to spread false rumors.

Should the real super be out there watching this you know how to contact me and I will be happy to verify your identity and any legitimate accounts you still posses.

Now as a fan of super, a friend, or just as someone who respects the identity of others. I ask for your help. Quote this message to every blog, forum, messenger, email etc that lays claim to be owned by or related  to "super".

If your looking for my evidence I will be keeping it to myself for the time being but take a look at all the new accounts popping up all of a sudden claiming to be Super. Have we ever known such an increase in activity from her? Look at the things she speaks about too. The comments barely resemble what she used to post about.

Oh and if this "super" tells you to go and speak to someone else to verify there identity. First think do you know and trust this person? How well do they know super really? Could it be possible they may actually be involved in the takeover of supers accounts?

Hope this clears things up for some who have been confused Information spread from supers accounts.



Looks like "Super" wanted to contact me begging that they are the real super shame the message was sent via at least to other people. It was only a couple of weeks ago I was messaged directly I wonder what the big issue is if shes the real super?

It also seems aren't supportive of my post It was removed after it was made into a journal post. I wonder what there issue is? Perhaps some of them are involved?

Regarding Someone’s Claim

I’m saddened to think that someone would say that I am.. well, not I. His proof is likely that my IP changes. And I have already explained that to him (and the rest of my team). At one point I had halted talking to him. I had no desire to. Upon returning I had forgotten but it has recently returned to me and now more than ever I’ve no desire to talk to him.

It’s sad to think that increased activity and a louder voice makes a man think I’m a different person. Nevertheless I respect that he thinks that and will not bother him. It was the confidence my friends gave me that had me coming out of my shell; but as always it has proven bad. Petty Internet drama is NOT what I intended.

I will likely be going quiet now. Less updates, less everything from me. This is only because I want the drama to end. There’s no need for it. As for Raz’s claims that you should go to him for information — you guys can just as easily go to anyone on the Aro’kai team who has known me for years now. Marona for example. Rai or Buri.

I thank you all for your patience and support during this time. I will continue Aro’kai, but in the background, quietly. Please, please, please do not start drama over this!! <3

Now lets break this down.
His proof is likely that my IP changes

Not at all IP's change and are easy to proxy/vpn, I have questions you cant answer. Responses that are entirely out of character and a lack of cooperation when you realize I know someone who you don't know how to fake your way past.
Upon returning I had forgotten but it has recently returned to me and now more than ever I’ve no desire to talk to him.

You mean when your cover story collapsed?
It’s sad to think that increased activity and a louder voice makes a man think I’m a different person.

Perhaps that's because you are a different person and you pull up topics the real super wouldn't?
Nevertheless I respect that he thinks that and will not bother him.

Bother me by all means I'd love for you to prove yourself.
It was the confidence my friends gave me that had me coming out of my shell; but as always it has proven bad.

So at which point did you loose you confidence? You never seemed to lack it before?
I will likely be going quiet now. Less updates, less everything from me. This is only because I want the drama to end. There’s no need for it

Oops did you slip up and no longer want to play hard ball?
you guys can just as easily go to anyone on the Aro’kai team who has known me for years now. Marona for example. Rai or Buri.

Like I said in my earlier post pick someone you know you can trust and that you know for sure knew super not any name she pulls out of her hat.
I thank you all for your patience and support during this time. I will continue Aro’kai, but in the background, quietly. Please, please, please do not start drama over this!! <3

Again shes backing her way out of the situation quietly

UPDATE 5th June 0030BST

Seems some of you want to argue about the how legitimate it is for me to call up "Super" on how real she is. Firstly said super came to me I didn't go looking for her. The story she gave me unravelled rather quickly and she has since been hiding from me and avoiding contact.

For those of you who are going down the old DA story. No I'm not referring to just a DA account. I'm referring to email address's. Messenger ID's and other connected accounts.

No for those who say well this is Arokai business not FH business. When a fake super pops up and starts using Supers name to spread rumours regarding FH I believe FH has every right to point it out.

And I never asked anyone to believe she's fake I simply told you all to think before you make a decision and make sure the decision you make is from a source you trust.

UPDATE 6th June 2200BST


Well take from that what you will.

Anyone can take screenshots of exiting code they've deleted bits from and make a few more screens as you hit the redo command.

I didn't ask her to install anything. Simply click the call button and click to screen share.

I have it from a reliable source that this is supers "offical" skype I left the ID on the top of the first screenshot

For the perpose of openness

I did remove her IP

And I did removed one comment as in a previous conversation I was told not to mention it and it made no difference to the outcome of the conversation anyway.

Meshes / Interactive Blender Shortcut Ref
« on: May 04, 2013, 11:59:29 am »

The holy grail of blender keyboard shortcuts.

Note Pressing Ctrl Alt and Shift Shows Further shortcuts for each mode.

News Archives / Slowing things down a little
« on: September 22, 2012, 08:53:41 pm »
As most of you have probably noticed we have a lot of new users appearing here in FH all the time. You've also probably noticed that the server isn't completely happy with so many users. So to slow things down a touch, I've placed some time restrictions on user registrations. Registrations will now be opened and closed at random for you; with accounts this should make little difference unless you have a friend you want to sign up. In which case they will need to check back from time to time until registrations are open.

Hopefully this will make things somewhat smoother for everyone.


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