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Messages - razmirz

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News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:55:47 pm »
Dear Feral Heart Community,

This is something we wanted to show you for quite some time. We wanted to release this patch for you guys, but Raz was against it and it was his choice to refuse to allow this to come to fruition, despite the fact that the rest of the staff team wanted to share what we've been working on with you guys. This patch includes a few new maps, including the additions that our community member map makers Lady_Alizarin and LaughingWolf helped create. We felt that it was unfair not only to the individuals who worked months on this patch but also to you guys for raising expectations that a patch would be released only for nothing to come from it.

This release is a major Work in Progress.

This version of the patch is still WIP-- the desert environment, in particular, was still having work done on it when you view this version. The desert had to be downsized so that it didn’t cause so much strain on the server (for those of you who recognize this map, I'm sure you will understand why). We had plans to edit Ficho Tunnels to make it more straightforward and easy to navigate. There is much in this patch that was still being discussed, and this isn't in any way the entire finished product. There is quite a bit in here that isn't even close to what was intended for the future-- portals, restructures, and decorations were all still a work in progress, progress that we were looking forward to turning concept pieces into fully-fledged final versions. Nonetheless, we wanted you to see what we were working on. If not in the way it was supposed to be imagined, at least a glimmer into the vision we had predicted.

We wanted to cultivate a patch that took into consideration the thoughts and wants of the community while still making it workable in the current world. Hopefully we were able to bring back some of that nostalgia for you and correct some of the problems that the current patch had.

In addition to the maps of the patch, we wanted to include some other changes to the game in this patch that the rest of the staff agreed upon-- bringing General Chat back, making some changes to the rules to be a bit more lenient on language, and opening Registration. We know that you all have raised concerns about these concepts in particular, so we decided to put our trust in your desires and focus on designing the game so that this would be your patch-- the community's patch-- not merely the staff's.

Thank you for your continuous support,  and thank you to all of those who put their faith into the staff team. We tried to include your thoughts with this patch and make this for you. Keep in mind that this patch won't officially make it into the game. These maps will be released as a private map pack. Enjoy.~

--> Click here to download the WIP release <--


News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:39:08 pm »
You make it sound like I outright declined everything. I refused to allow the simple ditching of what the staff considered to simply be in the way of their plan (other existing maps, world logic etc).  I refuted the idea that we had to wait while they continued to rewrite the world before releasing anything instead of progressing to it with patches that built on the game rather than an old setup gone new setup in method (on that basis I might have just as well reverted to before reds patch). And finally I didn't approve of how some of these maps put maps inside maps.

As for no mod October we aren't even in it yet xD I've not even begun to look beyond.

News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:08:43 pm »
Valar I will digg an old post out the staff room keep your eyes on the board

News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 01:06:19 pm »
There's reasons behind everything I did. I'm not one for doing stuff out of spite. I guess the honest answer is while I could wield the game with an iron fist I don't particularly want to. And even if i put all my time into that. The forum would be abandoned. Thing is at the end of the day. If there's no forum there's no game. As you are all probably aware its the forum that pays for the game. And it is self sustaining. So long as it remains self sustaining the game will live. But when I took this job on It was on the basis that game pays its own way.

News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:45:56 pm »
10 people I believe oh I might be number 11. Most of you are ex MOTS. Usually high post count. All I believe with a desire for the community to flourish. Other than that I know very little about you all. I guess you will ass see each other as you choose to post or not as the case may be.

News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 12:30:42 pm »
I haven't actually decided yet. It used to be the mate centre. For now its simply a place where the people in it can speak to me. That's assuming you would like to.

News Archives / Re: Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 11:57:26 am »
I dont speak puppy unfortunately

News Archives / Welcome to hmm
« on: September 26, 2018, 11:15:12 am »
Hello all who made it this far

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 09:44:38 am »
It's still here?  ??? It's just at present a little low on staffers.

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 26, 2018, 09:42:30 am »

If i respond in here I guess it might just disappear so new post time.

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