Author Topic: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN  (Read 4796 times)

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' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« on: April 01, 2014, 06:54:55 pm »
' This is it, the Apocalypse. '

' I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust.'

Year 2016, United states, The cities that once carried color and life, seemingly turn into gray rubble. Not a human scent or sound in any area, the only sound you hear is the sound of ravenous screams, turn around, they are coming after you.

The world has anticipated the 'apocalypse' for many years, but nobody knew it would come so quick, or come at all. The only known survivors are the ones with four legs and sharp teeth. Every dog saw it coming, and have maneuvered around these cities avoiding these flesh eating two-legs. Not a single soul knows when the 'zombies' will end, they keep coming, and oddly enough, they are able to reproduce. It is up to the dogs to rid the virus from all mankind. Any human who was able to get out, has fled the U.S., Other countries have built massive walls, around the boarders to keep zombies away, but America has lost all hope, not a single human soul still survives, It's time for the 'good for nothing mutts' to save the earth.


The city is a layout of broken down buildings and ash and dust. Nearly every building has been viciously attacked by the two-legged zombies. Only few buildings provide shelter away from them. You are one of these kanines, and you must fight to survive in this city of ash. Don't take a wrong turn, don't stop to look behind you, don't second guess if there is one around, simply go by instinct, kill, or be killed. The apocalypse has taken a toll on every being's personality, many have killed each other over this, you best try and keep your mind sane, or you'll be the zombie's next meal.

Rules ;

-No God modeling or Power playing.
-No killing each other
-This is MATURE, meaning, the more guts, the more glory. ;)
-Keep genders as even as possible.
-Romance is allowed.
-You will not run into a zombie every 2 seconds.
-Include everyone
-Just be awesome.

Zombies are much more active at dark hours, the sun seems to have a huge effect on their vision.
They hide from you until they know you are easy pray, so watch out.


Use any form to join, just make your own simple one, here is mine ;


Odann ;
Wolf Hybrid
Two years old

Odann is a wolf hybrid, who stands in a tall, slender frame of 2 years old. He had the average life of your average dog, of course until he watched his masters get eaten alive that is. Ever since he ran off, he has had the black collar around his neck, Odann is very off, and much too quiet for many. He is not social, he believes you are better off alone, the bigger the group, the more noise you make to attract the flesh eaters. He is often very rude to strangers, nothing personal, but he does not like company, especially around things that want to eat you.

He has no plans of joining a group [like many kanines have formed.] Or palling around, he means buisness, and his buisness is to take out every no-brained two-legged virus out there.

« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 06:56:29 pm by Chelsea »

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 01:52:35 am »
This looks neat. I'm interested X)


Name: Aria
Breed: Borzoi
Age: 1 1/2 years

She's A little bit skittish, but when it comes to her or a friends life, she does we best to be brave . She has four long, strong legs that she can move fast on, although that is her only advantage. She doesn't hide often and tries to stay on the move. She can cope on her own pretty well but prefers to be around others. She tends to keep to herself around strange dogs but once she befriends them, she'll be a friend for life.

History: She lived happily with her humans until the zombies came. Scared, her humans left America and left Aria alone. From then on she lived the streets alone and never really made contact with others. Even now, she roams the dusty wastelands, the only thig she can do is run for her life.

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2014, 10:02:28 am »

Name: Reina

Age: 3 1/2 years old

Gender: Bitch

Breed: German Shepherd

Personality: Reina is unlike a lot of dogs and is usually a single agent, never really being in a group she prefers to work alone. Although if she thinks it would be a good idea this female will take going into a group into consideration. This Shepherd is very, very stubborn and wouldn't do something unless she wants to, often sticking to her decisions and going against others. Sometimes Reina will be social and interact with others, mostly those she suggests appears to her liking-or if they have a good personality. Reina is a very hard headed dog and is pretty aggressive, most would try and avoid getting onto her bad side as an argument or fights could turn into something deadly or a grudge. Yes, Reina does hold grudges against certain individuals and takes it upon herself to forgive them or not. She has a short temper and is prone to snap, although having this surprisingly she can be tolerant over others if she sets herself to do so. Moving on from the negitaveness of Reina inface she is a loyal and loving dog who would risk her life to protect those she has grown fond to-Reina is also great at giving advise, despite her young age. Since her past job Reina does like to take charge in things and is a great leader, doing anything to protect those she's taking charge of, even if it means she's going alone she'll do so.

History: Reina has had quite the adventurous life although some parts suffering others she's picked herself up and learn the forgive humans again. When she was a young pup Re was bought by a thin, light skinned man who looked pretty raggy-but she didn't think nothing of it and was off to her new home. For a few days Reina thought this was where she wanted to spend the rest of her life until the beating started. Everyday when her master Josh returned he would take everything out on her and beat the pup senselessly, her fear of humans had quickly grown and a month or so later the battered pup was taken to a shelter.

When at the shelter she was trained and soon adopted out again. Not even the age of 1 and she was off to a different home. She was now 2 months and growing quickly her new family realised she was to big and back to the shelter she went, but was quickly adopted out by another man. Deciding to drop her grudge Reina lived with the human for 2 weeks, and quickly suffered neglect. Food nor water was left for her for days, weeks even she wasn't let out of the small confined backyard where she was chained up in hot weather and cold. The shelter soon found her again coated in mud and emaciated.

They took her once again to what was known as her 'second home' because of the constant trips there and back from unwilling families. It took a while for the shelter to get Reina back to full health and to trusting humans again, the life the young pup had suffered was terrible. At the age of 10 months Reina was put back up for adoption. Luckily for her an opportunity came in, the Police department that wasn't to far away were looking for new recruits for their team and luckily Reina was ready. Like previously off she went.

When getting there Reina thought she would suffer more torture and beatings, but to her surprise all the humans and other canines seemed friendly. She was shown around by John, who had adopted her-and it all seemed great. They had fluffed beds in their cages, large areas to train in and play, a place to be bathed and pampered and a place with constantly filled bowls. Reina loved this place. A day later she began her training, it didn't take long for the pup to get the hang of things or grow attatched to John. Many crimes later Reina was turned into a top agent and a much loved K9 on the force but it all soon changed.

Just as she was settled in and had her forever home the skies quickly turned black and the humans changed.  Flesh eater began roaming America killing anyone in sight they disposed as weak. The station suffered an attack and many lost their lives, including John her belovind owner. Despite receiving a few wounds from fighting off the beasts Reina managed to pull herself to her paws. She glanced at her owners lifeless body and a broken heart formed-sadness filled the Shepherd as she starrted at his once tanned face. A chain was taken from his neck that she now wears as a memory. Ever since she has wanted revenge.
Family: She can't remember any of them

Mate: Nope

Crush: Nope

Pup(s): Nope

Extra: She wears Johns chain around her neck.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 10:05:12 am by Taylor »
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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 06:01:35 pm »
[[ I will go ahead and start, Both of you are accepted. ]]

Odann shifted his radars to the sound of a sudden clink of glass. He jumped to the side, and examined his surroundings, it had been him, foolishly knocking over an old coca-cola glass as h bumped into an end table. He always hated coming to old abandoned homes like this, especially due to the danger of flesh eaters. He stood still for a moment and invited all sounds into his ear drums. Nothing came, the coast was clear, for now. he made his way to a back bedroom, where the scene of guts and gore appeared all over the scraped tan walls. He swallowed anxiously before making his way deeper into the room. No signs of life, or as many say, the un-living. The male scanned the house, and all that remained was blood and broken walls and windows. He scratched at the refrigerator door, and opened it after a few blunt attempts. Old rotten milk and meat, and a few very expired apples is all that remained. He turned his haunches, and his eyes set on an old bag, dubbed with a dog food brand. He quickly but silently made his way to the bag, and thanked god to see the bag was still half-full. He shoved his maw inside, and scarfed down as much as he could, as quickly as he could.

The brute finished, and licked his furry chops. Another sound quickly shot his radars up. He crouched around the counter, and examined the only room he left unseen. The pantry, of course, why didn't he think of it?, Odann let out a low growl, and flashed his shuny white chompers. Nothing came of it, until he made his way closer to the pantry door. Out shot a sick looking individual. Screaming for its next meal of meat, Odann lashed out, springing his back legs into the air and towards the wicked flesh eater. He felt the rotten skin of the zombie sink in around his sharp kanines, and he thrashed his head viciously. he felt the sharp pain as both zombie and him hit the kitchen floor. He knew never to let go though, not until the thing stopped moving for good. He felt a fleshy human hand grip his leg, and he let go of the two-legged's jaw bone. He had ripped half its face clear off, but the thing kept squirming. One last lash of Odann's sharp teeth, and the rotten body lay limp on the floor. Odann let out a sigh of relief, before realizing he had to get the hell out of there, and quickly.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 09:38:30 pm by Chelsea »

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2014, 09:20:40 pm »
     The click-clack of Aria's paws echoed through the dusty wasteland. Her legs were tired from running from a pack of flesh-eaters that had just approached her an hour ago. It seemed as though they were still around her, waiting to lunge out and kill her. The thought made the fae shudder.

Her fur was dirty and tangled from being neglected for so long, and her claws were full of dust and mud. It felt as though millennia had passed since the flesh-eaters arrived, and the Lonliness was still with her. It was faint, but it was there nonetheless. It didn't matter, though. Aria had figured that the closest do was probably dead. The fae was alright, though. She had figured out how to cope without anyone else. But still, if someone was alive out there, she wanted to know.

Sudden loud noises came from the house next to her, causing the borzoi to jump. She pinned her ears back and stared at the old house with fear. A flesh-eater's in there...


Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2014, 10:39:29 pm »

"Honor, in the end that's the greatest strength."

"Though she be but little, she is fierce."


Age; Bruce is 3 1/2, Lijah is 2 1/2
Gender; Both Male
Relation; Adoptive brothers
History; Born in an aristocratic mansion in England, Bruce was an only pup. One year after Bruce's birth, the family took in a young pup abandoned on the side of the road. Lijah grew up believing he was with his birth family, whilst still knowing something was off between his brother and him. Though they fought and played like brothers, they were polar opposites. They were flown to the US to be starred in a commercial when the disease struck. Lijah, now aware of his adoption, finds his brother's bounding and wide grin irritating.
Personality; Bruce grew up more rambunctious than his adopted brother. While Bruce fought and adventured, Lijah found comfort in quieter affairs, such as enjoying the views or intellectually stimulating himself. Due to their background the boys grew up with a heightened vocabulary to match their accents. While Bruce grins and boasts about brute strength, Lijah, not nearly as large as his adoptive brother, prefers intellectual strength and wits, which he possesses plenty of.
Crush; N/A
Other; Bruce is white, Lijah is black
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2014, 12:25:10 am »
[[ go ahead and join in everyone! ]]

The male's fur stood broadly on his shoulders, and his heart raced. No matter how long you live in a place like this, you never get used to zombies. He shook off the chills down his spine and made eye contact with the beam of light cascading out a nearby broken window. He took his chance, and sprung his carriers into action, leaping through the window. He hit the ground on all fours, and looked to his left, nothing, and then to the right, and there was something[Aria]. He backed up into the shadow cascading over the dry dirt, and hid his large bodice. His adrenaline was still pumping so hard that he couldn't think to use his nose. Odann shot out a sneeze full of dust that managed to crawl up his nose from leaping out the window. It gave his spot away, but he quickly scurried forwards, after the blurred figure. He let out a growl and picked up his speed, but his eyes caught his feet into a twist. His ears shot up, and he examined the figure, it was another one of him. He had seen other dogs around, but never one that looked so oddly elegant.

Odann lifted up his feet once more, and slowly trotted towards the stranger. His feet stopped instantly as he neared the female, five feet of oxygen is all that separated the two. He let out a sigh, before realizing the ordeal he had just been in. " No time for an introduction my lady," His deep accent caressed his words. " There are more out there, if you know what I mean." He cocked his head, he was quite frankly in a hurry, and if she didn't want to leave, that was her choice.

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2014, 01:05:27 am »

The sound of someone's voice caused the borzoi I whip around, her bushy tail swishing behind her. She saw a brute standing there, panting. Aria took a step back. "I, uh....wh-who..."

She focused her eyes on the dog who had approached her. Seeing that he was a normal dog like her, she calmed down and sighed. "Uh, yes. I just came from downtown, where I was attacked by a group. I outran them, but..." She looked at the old house from which the brute had come. "What...what happened in there?" She breathed.

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2014, 01:17:36 am »


The resonating silence surrounding us brought my ears to an erect position. Though I listened intently, It was difficult to harshly. beyond Lijah's boredom as he kicked a tattered can across the pavement. "Do you wish for us to be heard?", I asked harshly. He glanced up at me, narrowing his eyes before having them rest back on the can. "You barely speak anymore, tell me, what is the cause of this?"

"I find myself better company than you.", Lijah muttered, not bothering to look up again. I paused my walking to glare at him.           


"You remind me of a soaked kitten, brother." Bruce barked, beginning to walk again. "Yes, cause I'd much rather  look like a snowflake." I replied quietly. We came to a sudden stop as a noise from a group of houses sounded nearby. "Walkers?" "Perhaps."
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Re: ' This is it, the Apocalypse.' | Kanine | Mature | OPEN
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2014, 12:12:10 pm »


A sigh escaped the Shepherds was as she sat on the highest floor of a small house, her ears flicked as an unwilling scent lingered up the spiral staircase-her snout scrunching in disgust as the sound of a sudden smash caused her to quietly leap to her paws. Reina had been here atleast an hour now since being chased from a pair of walkers, ever since they remained downstairs unaware the canine was hiding out on the upper floor. Poking her head through the small posts that lined the passage of the top floor she glanced down-her eyes had widened to what she had to witness. One of the walkers crouched down with limbs sticking out, its crooked hands scooping into the rotten carcass of a human-whilst the other one seemed more interested in searching for something alive to kill.

Pulling her head from between the two small beams that held up the banister, quickly she shuffled back and crawled towards the stairs-her almost maroon eyes glaring through the gaps as she watched the Zombies. Narrowing her eyes Reina stepped down each step one step at a time, placing her paws down carefully in order to stay silent-her heart had begun to race but she kept it together, besides she was use to situations like this. Finally she had reached the bottom and her heart continued to race, her ears remained erect to the grunts and growls of the foul flesh-eaters. Hiding in the shadows the female Shepherd took the opportunity to find an escape route and quickly enough she found two-a almost closed door and a smashed window. "Well, they'll see the light and hear the door creak...but I could also make a noise going out the window..." she whispered to herself-then heading for the window.

Pushing up with her hind quarters after a short run up Reina managed to leap swiftly out the window-and was gone out of the walkers sight before they could even see her to attack. A grin grew across the ex-police dogs face as she glanced around the barren streets, her tail hanging loosely and her eyes narrowed. Many unfamiliar scents filled her nose causing her to lift her head and get in deeper scents "Hmmm.." she mumbled half to herself as she set off. Her filed down claws barely made a sound on the uneven pavement as she continued forward, if anything was lurking in the shadows she was ready.

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