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Messages - SevenWhiteTails

Pages: [1] 2 3
Presets & Markings / Re: 7WhiteTails' presets of all time EDIT
« on: April 14, 2012, 11:39:24 am »
Edit made! Regular wings changed.

Presets & Markings / 7WhiteTails' presets of all time EDIT
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:29:18 pm »
Here are all presets I am wearing all the time. Wings mods - bat & feather - included!
EDIT: I changed a bit regular bat wings.

And here goes the new link:

See you in game!

Finally, not only empty words thrown and nothing more. I am so glad that you guys did something to this irritating issue. I also hope that "trolls" will read this post and start thinking a bit.
I suggest you (in case your warning wouldn't work out) make an update for the game and delete dancing actions. That would decrease such 'rapes' as we call it.

Game Help / Re: Wings change colors.
« on: December 27, 2011, 06:17:22 pm »
You mean wings? You need to download and install new patch. Then in game, in creator you have IV page and there are wings. Angel wings with feathers and Bat wings (as mine on the screen).

Game Help / Re: Wings change colors.
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:47:02 am »
You see, NightShade, it is not possible not to move camera.  Even if make the camera stay monitionless, wings on my preset still change colors. I tried it lots of times.
And as I said above - script for wings in presets does not work. I'm gonna try making new preset in new folder (this 11th and 12th folder) but I am pretty sure it won't change anything.

EDIT: I did make a feline preset with wings. As I said - nothing happened. Wings script is not working.

Here is the script I did re-write.

material preset_10_bodyMatL
            texture preset_10body1.png
material preset_10_bodyMatR
            texture preset_10body2.png
material preset_10_headMatL
            texture preset_10head1.png
material preset_10_headMatR
            texture preset_10head2.png
material preset_10_eyeMatL
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_10eye.png
material preset_10_eyeMatR
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_10eye.png
material preset_10_tailMat
            texture preset_10tail.png
material preset_10_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_10mane.png
material preset_10_equipMatL
            texture preset_10equip.png
material preset_10_equipMatR
            texture preset_10equip.png

And pictures: screenshot of the preset in maker and wing texture for it.

Sorry that I post so many pictures and write a lot, but I want problem to be clear to understand.

Game Help / Re: Wings change colors.
« on: December 26, 2011, 09:09:47 pm »
Jeez, Ranibow, you were right! Here are pictures:

Well... I tried making my custom wings for preset... but script doesn't work. I have the right one and still wings remain as default ones. What should I do to make it work? I re-wrote all script for preset for the new one from patch. But my wings... still this grayish def.

Game Help / Re: Wings change colors.
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:47:24 pm »
I hope so too! But what is wrong then if not everybody have such problem? We have, but someone says that wings work fine! No color change and so on. So what is the problem?

Game Help / Re: Wings change colors.
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:05:20 pm »
I can picture it, if it will help understand what happens.
Thing is - example - I'm on Lonely Cave with my delightful red wings.

Then I went on the Island. Lots of people here all the time. And what happens? This happens:

Even if I go back to an empty map, wings color remains as changed one.

And I don't want wings that change color when I move! It also happens with Angel wings. Please, help me get rid of this...

Game Help / Wings change colors.
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:20:04 pm »
Yes, I saw some people have same problem as mine.

Wings changes color as I am moving around public maps where others have colorful wings. It is really annoying because I want my color, not somebody's else! I tried reinstalling the game and installing new patch couple of times, no success.

If there is any solution for this, please... help. I need to fix that or I'm going to be driven crazy.

Game Help / Re: Preset help - how to make fluffy mane?
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:12:52 am »
Oooooh now I get it! Thanks again Ruby, it helped me a lot!

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