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Topics - SevenWhiteTails

Pages: [1]
Presets & Markings / 7WhiteTails' presets of all time EDIT
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:29:18 pm »
Here are all presets I am wearing all the time. Wings mods - bat & feather - included!
EDIT: I changed a bit regular bat wings.

And here goes the new link:

See you in game!

Game Help / Wings change colors.
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:20:04 pm »
Yes, I saw some people have same problem as mine.

Wings changes color as I am moving around public maps where others have colorful wings. It is really annoying because I want my color, not somebody's else! I tried reinstalling the game and installing new patch couple of times, no success.

If there is any solution for this, please... help. I need to fix that or I'm going to be driven crazy.

I went through all game help here and I haven't found anything about this.

I want to make a fluffy mane for my preset, but I don't know how.
I tried to experiment with files that FH provides, but nothing worked out...

If anyone can help me, please... I need it. I tried everything! Even this mane mask which looks like 3 stripes of hair.

Even if you don't know how to explain, but you have ready and working fluffy mane - just send me it. I will figure out how to make it myself.

Presets & Markings / Seven's presets - Updated again
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:23:55 am »
My main chara Seven

Download link:

Put this file to 'presets' folder and done!

Hello darling forum members! I decided to take few art requests for you. I will draw only linearts, to make it quicker to do.

I you wish me to draw any of your characters, just write a comment on this topic. And please, give me link to a screen shoot or another picture of your chara.

Now, da places:
2.Rak$ha (I'm so honored!)

Here finished linertarts:
1. For Reawyy --> http://i53BannedImageSite/2chutth.png
2. For Rak$a ---> http://i53BannedImageSite/2iutc3r.png
3. For Howl --> http://i51BannedImageSite/rw87cy.png
4. For Avani ---> http://i53BannedImageSite/14acxuo.png

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