Author Topic: Official FeralHeart Surveys  (Read 19223 times)

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Official FeralHeart Surveys
« on: December 08, 2022, 07:35:46 am »

Here resides all of our official surveys! Please take the time to look over them and share with us your thoughts. All answers are anonymous and everyone is welcome to participate. We want to make the best of your FeralHeart experience. Please help us with your feedback and we appreciate your honesty.

Keep in mind that these surveys are timeless and will remain up forever but may be updated when need be. We ask that you remain respectful and constructive with your responses. Thank you all!

\\ Staff Evaluation Survey//

This is our official Staff Evaluation survey. Here you can voice your thoughts and concerns about the staff and aid in directing how we improve ourselves for the community.

\\ Forum/Site Survey //

This is our official Forum/Site Inquiry survey. Here you can voice your thoughts, opinions and ideas and help shape how the forum/site functions.

\\ Game Development Survey //

This is our official Game Development survey. Here you can voice your thoughts, opinions and ideas and help forge the game as it develops.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 08:49:21 am by Ame88 »

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