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Messages - kvcole

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I think i'm going to have to leave guys :P I've gotten way to busy in real life to keep up with this game. The only reason I ever go online is to rp with you guys, and nowadays i'm barely able to continue doing that. Sorry if this seems quick, i'm kind in a rush as I have to head out to babysit. ^^  Thanks for the experience though! I'll miss you <3

OMG Lol sorry! I guess I didn't fully read your post there aha. Sorry about that XD

Happy Happy Birthday! Today's your special day!
Here's a cupcake for you!

Now blow a wish away!

lol... XD Happy birthday!

I'm not sure if there was. XD
But if I am going to make a map, i'm a little lost as to what kind of terrain we're looking for. Height map-wise. I'm not too sure what you guys are looking for. Do we want a huge map? Or a small one?:P

Aww wow guys. Pftt I missed a lot on vacation XD
But i'm back! It's sunday the 18th, and I flew in yesterday at about six, so i'm back home now. ^^
I don't know it we're having a rp today? Probably not, but I promise I will have a clear schedule for next saturday :)
And I don't know what's happening now because Kenzi is gone, but do we still need a map?

Discussion Board / KONY 2012
« on: March 07, 2012, 09:05:49 pm »
KONY 2012
Just watch it.

I don't know if anybody saw my earlier post. I can't make it >.< I'll be in the bahamas for the next week. I'll have my laptop but i'l probably be out on the beach or something lol.
Sorry about that guys, things should start to clear up after that.

Aww :( Lorcan we'll miss you. It's too bad you have so much dance!

Sorry I wasn't on guys.  March break is coming up, and I've got at least four projects and three tests to prepare for and finish. No time for rp this weekend, and I probably won't be on next weekend either. I'm going to the bahamas. Need a break from all this... stress.
But I can keep up on the forum rp :) Hope nobody's forgotten that.
But is there a way you guys can like.. e-mail me or something to remind me to get on? lol.. If it's not too much trouble. Here's my e-mail: [email protected]

And Bie Kenzii!!
HOWEVER! Since Kenzi is leaving, I can make a map for us if you guys would like.

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