Author Topic: An Honest Rant  (Read 15475 times)

Offline Wyldercat

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2016, 01:34:02 am »
And really, why would you want recognition if along the way, you upset a bunch of people? It kinda defeats the purpose in my opinion.
Well, usually not so many people are hurt, and of the minority who are, very few seem to be genuinely devastated, from my view at least. It's just rude.
Also, I don't hold it against people who do this, I mean, most people aren't intentionally boosting their reputation for malicious reasons; and most of the people don't even seem to realize they're doing it, so it doesn't make them bad people... it's just rude and faux.

To be honest, I'm not really as involved in the community as I used to be, however I can sill see allot of buttering up happening.
It's always difficult to look at a community you love and point out the flaws, but there are flaws. Everything has flaws, no matter where you go.
I guess, considering the kinds of things you can see happening in different communities, we can at least be grateful that our flaw is being too nice.

And while I have never let myself be decieted by this kind of over-glorification (or have tried my best not to), I have seen the undertones of it here and there.

But, nevertheless, there are still allot of people in this community that are honest and kind. honestly kind.

This is an issue that can only be solved by the community itself. Mods and Admins will find it difficult to change this aspect, it is a hard flaw to fix, as it is a subtle and rather complex one. It's up to the people of the community to help change this.

Yes, I second this. Like I mentioned in the beginning, it's not such a huge problem that the majority of users are being seriously harmed by, but it's an unpleasant experience for those involved; and not ALL outgoing members fall into this facade. There are actually some really rad people here.
Although, back on topic, I really want more people to witness this, and try to strive against it. I don't want to be a "Monopoly community" in which the opinions and "direction" of the forum is dominated and controlled by a minute top percent like some past communities I've been in.

I agree with you I feel like some people(not everyone) only cares about being well known and famous when that really doesn't matter. I think people should just be honest towards each other, and they shouldn't care about winning stuff so they can be recognized, and trying to be popular. There is nothing wrong with people being friendly, and helpful, but they should also be honest to. That is probably why so many people feel left out because lots of people are trying to be a winner, and a goodie two shoes.

Yes, I agree. It puzzles me why everyone who isn't grovelling at everyone elses' feet are outcasted and completely overlooked by the faux friendlies.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2016, 02:53:33 am »
I frankly agree with you on this 100%.

This is also kind of why I do not post on a lot of threads. I would like to help others and such, but however I can see the insincerity and falseness of some members who have already posted, seeing they mainly do it for wanting to get popular. So most of the time I just skim through most threads and don't even bother to post because I know my opinion will be different and I do not want to be called out upon for it. I see most tend to say the same thing most of the time to every thread. And that's okay but it would also be nice to see some different opinions too. Not just everyone jumping on the band wagon if you get what I mean.
I noticed this pretty quick when I went to the forum more. Hopefully I don't offend anyone, didn't aim at anyone in particular. I just kind of think there should be more opinions; people shouldn't be afraid to speak their minds. I just think that some are scared to even speak their opinions so they just go along with what is going on.

Anyway, glad you posted this. Was waiting for a topic like this.
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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2016, 03:18:46 am »
I agree fully.

I can't say that I'm not guilty of doing this before and might sound like a massive hypocrite, but I've kinda noticed myself fall into this pattern and have tried to correct it. I mostly stick to discussion threads now, giving my actual opinion, otherwise I just feel like some machine copy and pasting the same thing over and over... and sadly most people doing this haven't realized it yet. I've noticed some members around that mass-spam the same things on every thread without a thought, yet receive more praise than someone with well-thought out responses. And this is kinda the reason why I took a break from the forum as well. It's stressful and aggravating seeing these certain users getting so much praise and love for contributing absolutely nothing. I'm not saying that I want that praise instead or anything, but I do see some other people who are 10x more deserving of that recognition.

I've seen so many lovely users on here who are both friendly, care for the game, and actually know things about the game that are overlooked far too often, usually it seems it's because they aren't as 'outgoing' or... well, I guess I'll put it as "aren't as childish". It's just sad that the only way, or at least the easiest and laziest way imo, to gain popularity in this community is to just basically spam like this and constantly have on a fake mask.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2016, 04:28:10 am »
To be honest, I've thought the exact same thing f'er some time.

Of course, I can't say I'm completely clean of all these errs, but I've been trying m'best to correct m'self. I've seen quite a bit of members who were so good and wonderful folks but overshadowed by the many more popular members who seemed to be more plentiful in their posts.

I also can't agree more in the help board section of y'er first post. 'Tis why I've started to post less in the tech boards. It seems to be a waste of time f'er me to post a lengthy post with much detail when someone comes along with a brief post of something from another thread that gets the owner of the thread off track from where they really should be. It gets rather irritating to take five to ten minutes plotting out a post and then see an entire conversation develop inside the thread, making the original post I created obsolete.

I've noticed these "glorified" users popping up here and there, and it does disappoint me to see them loved by all and then 'ave users that are just as wonderful ignored. Another thing that really irks me is members hit the celebrity status within weeks of joining - claiming to be all loyal - and then a few months later fall off the face of the forum and game. But of course, those under appreciated members still sit quietly on the sidelines afraid to join in the community because they're afraid of being ignored.

I'd really like us to step up in the community and reach out to all those wonderful members who deserve some love. I think we could do some good f'er this community and change it f'er the better. I've always been slightly scared of ruining m'friendly reputation by bringing this subject up. To be honest, I've wanted to post this f'er a while, but sadly I was afraid people would think I was posting it due to jealousy. I know that to be stupid and rather immature. I'm certainly glad someone was brave and mature 'nuff to do so- so thank ye f'er that.

EDIT: Oh gosh, I'm so sorry f'er the long post. I'm on my phone and it didn't look so big when I was writing it. I didn't mean to blab. ;n;
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 04:29:58 am by RoseTheFox »

Tmw you planned a ten minute nap but instead took a whole year.
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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2016, 07:55:57 am »
Just because i'm a computer generated animal doesn't mean i'm fake. Just trying to give back to a community i get so much from.  And if i give bad advice, well, i give advice on other forums too but nobody likes it because it's not the generic "Throw money/tech' " response the 'cool' people copypaste.

So yeah basically i'm a terrible forum poster and i hope you can forgive me but if you don't that's ok too.
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The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"


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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2016, 09:50:59 am »
To be honest I guess this thread kinda relates to me. I mean, don't get me wrong - I am nice but I also came have a bad day and just end up taking my feelings to the Internet and writing crazy posts. That right there might be the final judgement of who I am. But anyway if I simply don't like someone I can show through my post. 

Anyway I agree with you on what you're trying to say.  Then again nothing wrong being friendly. But I think too much of the friendly people end up to be sneaky and boom. I also like to stay away from people that only thinks of fame and popularity. So yeah.

Edit: [add on] I'm a human being with many feelings. I like to be real with people and I want to have hear the truth. Nowadays this generation only holds fake people and you can't trust no one. It's sad. When I compliment people on their talents I praise them well <3 and I mean it.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 09:52:56 am by Preach »

Offline Wyldercat

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2016, 07:36:49 pm »
I frankly agree with you on this 100%.

This is also kind of why I do not post on a lot of threads. I would like to help others and such, but however I can see the insincerity and falseness of some members who have already posted, seeing they mainly do it for wanting to get popular. So most of the time I just skim through most threads and don't even bother to post because I know my opinion will be different and I do not want to be called out upon for it. I see most tend to say the same thing most of the time to every thread. And that's okay but it would also be nice to see some different opinions too. Not just everyone jumping on the band wagon if you get what I mean.
I noticed this pretty quick when I went to the forum more. Hopefully I don't offend anyone, didn't aim at anyone in particular. I just kind of think there should be more opinions; people shouldn't be afraid to speak their minds. I just think that some are scared to even speak their opinions so they just go along with what is going on.

Anyway, glad you posted this. Was waiting for a topic like this.

Exactly. I've also been striving to stay away from spamming in threads.

I agree fully.

I can't say that I'm not guilty of doing this before and might sound like a massive hypocrite, but I've kinda noticed myself fall into this pattern and have tried to correct it. I mostly stick to discussion threads now, giving my actual opinion, otherwise I just feel like some machine copy and pasting the same thing over and over... and sadly most people doing this haven't realized it yet. I've noticed some members around that mass-spam the same things on every thread without a thought, yet receive more praise than someone with well-thought out responses. And this is kinda the reason why I took a break from the forum as well. It's stressful and aggravating seeing these certain users getting so much praise and love for contributing absolutely nothing. I'm not saying that I want that praise instead or anything, but I do see some other people who are 10x more deserving of that recognition.

I've seen so many lovely users on here who are both friendly, care for the game, and actually know things about the game that are overlooked far too often, usually it seems it's because they aren't as 'outgoing' or... well, I guess I'll put it as "aren't as childish". It's just sad that the only way, or at least the easiest and laziest way imo, to gain popularity in this community is to just basically spam like this and constantly have on a fake mask.

I didn't mention the childish idea in my original post, but I very much agree with it. Mature can often be regarded as rude or unfriendly in this forum, and people who comment neutrally or honestly are often disregarded, not replied to, or just ignored; just because it's not what the masses wants to hear.

To be honest, I've thought the exact same thing f'er some time.

Of course, I can't say I'm completely clean of all these errs, but I've been trying m'best to correct m'self. I've seen quite a bit of members who were so good and wonderful folks but overshadowed by the many more popular members who seemed to be more plentiful in their posts.

I also can't agree more in the help board section of y'er first post. 'Tis why I've started to post less in the tech boards. It seems to be a waste of time f'er me to post a lengthy post with much detail when someone comes along with a brief post of something from another thread that gets the owner of the thread off track from where they really should be. It gets rather irritating to take five to ten minutes plotting out a post and then see an entire conversation develop inside the thread, making the original post I created obsolete.

I've noticed these "glorified" users popping up here and there, and it does disappoint me to see them loved by all and then 'ave users that are just as wonderful ignored. Another thing that really irks me is members hit the celebrity status within weeks of joining - claiming to be all loyal - and then a few months later fall off the face of the forum and game. But of course, those under appreciated members still sit quietly on the sidelines afraid to join in the community because they're afraid of being ignored.

I'd really like us to step up in the community and reach out to all those wonderful members who deserve some love. I think we could do some good f'er this community and change it f'er the better. I've always been slightly scared of ruining m'friendly reputation by bringing this subject up. To be honest, I've wanted to post this f'er a while, but sadly I was afraid people would think I was posting it due to jealousy. I know that to be stupid and rather immature. I'm certainly glad someone was brave and mature 'nuff to do so- so thank ye f'er that.

EDIT: Oh gosh, I'm so sorry f'er the long post. I'm on my phone and it didn't look so big when I was writing it. I didn't mean to blab. ;n;
Yes, I agree with this fully. Often community events are one-sided, and other perfectly eligible or kind users are completely overlooked, since they don't kiss up to everyone or aren't so called popular.

Just because i'm a computer generated animal doesn't mean i'm fake. Just trying to give back to a community i get so much from.  And if i give bad advice, well, i give advice on other forums too but nobody likes it because it's not the generic "Throw money/tech' " response the 'cool' people copypaste.

So yeah basically i'm a terrible forum poster and i hope you can forgive me but if you don't that's ok too.
Alright, please don't get the wrong idea here. As I stared before, this isn't a targeted post, and it's not a personal issue.
This thread was meant to bring up the issue of spamming to boost one's reputation or everyone just being so unnaturally nice that no one's honest or can take a neutral stand on things anymore. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with giving back to the community, in fact it's without a doubt an entirely good thing. It's just that the way some users try to falsely be everyone's friend, or act super nicey nice to everyone, and receive so much glorification; yet they contribute nothing.
And as for the help thread, not all helpers are bad. Not at all! Almost all issues are eventually resolved, which is great; but the main focus on that part of the rant was meant for the people who just copy and pasted the same suggestions even when they are irrelevant or have already been mentioned before. Some people don't even read the topic, and just spit out uninstall and reinstall or the same change browser suggestion to every single help thread.
By NO means are you a bad forum poster.

To be honest I guess this thread kinda relates to me. I mean, don't get me wrong - I am nice but I also came have a bad day and just end up taking my feelings to the Internet and writing crazy posts. That right there might be the final judgement of who I am. But anyway if I simply don't like someone I can show through my post. 

Anyway I agree with you on what you're trying to say.  Then again nothing wrong being friendly. But I think too much of the friendly people end up to be sneaky and boom. I also like to stay away from people that only thinks of fame and popularity. So yeah.

Edit: [add on] I'm a human being with many feelings. I like to be real with people and I want to have hear the truth. Nowadays this generation only holds fake people and you can't trust no one. It's sad. When I compliment people on their talents I praise them well <3 and I mean it.
I feel and agree with you 100%. I'm often tempted to vent, or speak my honest opinion, but I can't, because anyone who's not super "OMG ILY" friendly to everyone and dare speak their mind is regarded as faking it for attention, or rude. Then again, that's how the world works now, I suppose.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2016, 07:44:34 pm »
Just a question, but you know how you say that you are rather tired of people seeming to copy and paste the same thing over and over in the help threads? Well, what if someone is having the exact same issue as someone you helped in the past and they just simply pasted their past reply to help the current person out? Is that bad?

Really sorry if I sound stupid here...

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2016, 07:50:46 pm »
Just a question, but you know how you say that you are rather tired of people seeming to copy and paste the same thing over and over in the help threads? Well, what if someone is having the exact same issue as someone you helped in the past and they just simply pasted their past reply to help the current person out? Is that bad?

Really sorry if I sound stupid here...

Well, if it proved helpful, then it's great to spread the suggestion, but if it's an issue not related to a problem at all, or proved unsuccessful then it can be rather annoying for the one being helped. Especially if there is a new, more logical solution also offered that gets overlooked.
I mean, that's just my take on the matter, and it's not truly a bad thing in the help thread most of the time, but so many users are being told to uninstall and reinstall despite easier options and it just gets on *my* (note that this is just from my perspective) nerves sometimes.

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Re: An Honest Rant
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2016, 08:19:43 pm »
Just a question, but you know how you say that you are rather tired of people seeming to copy and paste the same thing over and over in the help threads? Well, what if someone is having the exact same issue as someone you helped in the past and they just simply pasted their past reply to help the current person out? Is that bad?

Really sorry if I sound stupid here...

I think as long as the solution works for the problem and is the easiest solution, then it's completely fine!

What Twisted is referring to I believe is more towards people who just say the exact same solution for every thread, even if it doesn't work or the OP has specifically stated it hasn't. Or people who tend to give incorrect answers when they know nothing about the topic at hand---a wrong answer is completely fine every once in awhile, but if someone really doesn't know a lot about a topic in the slightest I feel like it'd be best to leave it to the members who do.

I don't go in the help boards much nowadays so I'm honestly not sure if it still happens, but it has definitely happened in the past. But basically, yeah, if you have the right answer and you know it can help and there's nothing much easier to do, then it's fine to say the same answer!