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Messages - longjump

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Going to toss in my advice as a long-term group leader~ (19 months of activity)
1 in 10 members will go inactive. That's just how it goes, in my experience. You'll get 30 people over the course of a month if recruiting is good and you might end up with 5/7 actives that stick around, IF you put in the effort in keeping them. Of course those numbers fluctuate depending on the time you spend recruiting and what kind of group you have, and FH's own activity at the time. But uh- here are my tips!

1- Have a decent website or a place for information, and make sure that this website is ORGANZIED and the font and color scheme is EASY to read! If I join an RP and find the website or place of information is hideous and all over the place, then I quit. This can simply be a group bio- but if you're aiming long-term you'll want something more.

2- Have a good staff team and base members. This can be hard, but it's even harder to start an rp all on your lonesome. Get some friends to join, friends you know are active and responsible, and have them make high ranked or interesting characters. These friends are your staff and even if you as a leader cannot be on all the time, they should be able to step in and start rp when you're not. KEEP IN MIND that the LEADER tag will ALWAYS make a bigger impact on members then a deputy, beta, etc.

3- Roleplay immediately after recruiting. Don't recruit until people are logging off- get one, two people, then go back and rp with them. People are far less likely to stay if they don't rp their first day. My technique as a WC leader was to immediately rp putting patrols together, lead by people already in the rp who knew the territory/ways around. They'd help newbies get into the swing of things, and then your members are FORCED to rp together- nobody can sit in the corner and whine that they were ignored or that their character is 'too shy' to approach others.

4- Make recruiting a group-wide thing. Encourage members to send out creative and funny ads. Get a line going, chat and be friendly to other groups. NEVER, EVER pick a fight or act salty towards another group in fluorite. They're not 'hogging' or 'stealing' members- people pick which group to join and accusing other groups of this is eXTREMELY insulting to people who joined them, at least IMHO. Use movie clips and local

5- Have a main plot in the works from the get-go. You need something, sandbox rps just dont work on FH 90% of the time. Try to avoid cliche tropes and make it something members can get inVOLVED IN. Another example from a WC rp: Plot was DF bitter cats trying to wipe out the clans. We had members apply for 'plot roles' that were a secret! We made sure they knew they might be playing bad or good guys, and asked tons of questions about their characters, and then picked the ones that best fit DF trainees. This way the entire plot was run by members and one, ONE staff leader.

6- Like I cannot stress the above enough make sure your main plot revolves around more then just one leader.

7- Like mentioned above, enforce your rules- and have good rules, please. Don't be vague, be specific. Also keep in mind that as a leader you need to be willing to take advice, but also know when advice is bad. People will whine that you don't listen to your community but if the community is arguing to allow sparkles in a completely realistic rp, you shouldn't have to bow to them.

8- Have random events all the time. Seriously. Hunting patrol? Have someone make an elk for the wolves to battle, then have a pair of hawks or a flock of crows try to steal the prey. Heck, let people apply for 'plot' crow roles they can play when leaders give them permission. Have bears attack patrols, have a rock slide bury half of camp. Let people apply for random injuries and then deal them out during patrols when nobody suspects a thing. Make a sweet character that everyone loves and then kill them brutally. (someone did that to me i stg I still hurt rip), Get people involved. IMHO, it's best to not tell people these things are happening unless it's a MAJOR event like a group v group raid. Border attacks, minor battles, and all these events are best left as surprises.

9- As mentioned above, you want surprises. You want people logging on wondering what will happen next. Don't tell everyone when something scary or dramatic is going to happen- I speak from experience when I say there WILL be a group of 3 people who ONLY show up for plot events. Only plots. They will never come on any other time and if you don't let them go to the events, and pick active members instead, they'll start spreading rumors- that's just how it is.

10- Favor new and active members. If you have a choice between a new member and an old, inactive member to put on patrol, pick the new one. In my experience people do better when inactivity is clearly not rewarded.

11- Do not recycle staff into high rank spots. Keep a rank until you find a normal member good enough to replace you, then promote them and die eventually whenever. Keep in mind that this person needs to be trustworthy ooc and IC.

12- Have an ooc presence. Enthusiastically greet people when they come online. Ask them about their day, compliment their character, ask to rp and hold a conversation. Just say things. Be a visible presence. if the leader is super active and rps a lot but doesn't chat and connect with members, they won't stay.

13- COMMUNICATE WITH STAFF. make a skype and share everything. screenshot impulsively and save it. You'll be grateful. Never answer a member unless the staff are in agreement or big boss has approved, never publicly slander your staff/leaders, it makes you and the rp look bad. never publicly slander the plot, NEVER publicly slander your rpers. In fact, don't gripe about your rp or the people in your rp ever unless in complete confidential private. If people aren't being active, pick up your plot and recruiting game. Don't make announcements about activity, inactive people don't care and it makes you look inactive to new members.


Keep in mind that no matter how nice you are, when you have an active group with hopefully 20+ plus rpers coming on nightly, (plus the semi-actives), you can NEVER please everyone. You can try, but unfortunately when you have so many people, and when many of them are younger users, it's impossible to make everyone happy all the time. Someone will get upset over a decision and leave, especially if you enforce the rules. Someone will get upset over a name change or a color change- and that's okay, don't make exceptions for those that throw a tantrum! Just try to stay calm and keep your group calm and stuff!

Whatever your plot is, as long as you avoid cliches and directly copying from other rps, you should be fine. There have been so many FH roleplays you'll be hardpressed to find one that isn't very similar to whatever plot you go with- that's fine, One (bittersweet) aspect about FH is that so few mapped/large-grouped roleplays survive to play out a grand plot to the end. If you keep people entertained and let them be apart of it, they'll be fine with something even semi-generic. A well-plotted WC rp with the original four clans can still be active and fun, even if lots of others try to do it all the time! Same goes for wolf packs, lions, etc. Just you being you and involving members can make it way more 'fun' and 'unique' then another RP that tried the exact same plot and died in a week.

Discussion Board / Re: Help me convince my parents to get me a Tumblr!
« on: January 04, 2016, 11:40:13 pm »
Also, I notice someone mentioned TUmblr having a 'block' feature- you CAN block things, but only if people tag them, and they still show up when browsing tags, which you pretty much need to do to find new blogs when you first join. So if people dont care (and a lot dont) about tagging things 'NSFW', then you're still going to see it on your dash, and 100% will always see it in the tags. And many people tag if differently, #NSFW, #N-S-F-W, #notsafeforwork #not safe for work etc etc. It'll be a while before you have enough tagged blocked to not see things, assuming people actually tag them.

And like I said, fandoms are also full of drama. Recently thought of an example- I received anonymous threats because during the WC debate, I said it was wrong to exclude older members of the WC fandom. Basically, I'm 16, and the WC fandom has decided, at least in many parts of tumblr, that people will in the 'fandom' aged 16+ are predators and it's inappropriate to rp/draw warrior art.

Yep. But, i also enjoy some parts of the fandom, so it's 50/50, but for a middleschooler or someone younger it's harsh. (and im not sure if it's still like that, but I remember some aspects of tumblr being sort of nasty towards younger users)

Discussion Board / Re: Help me convince my parents to get me a Tumblr!
« on: January 03, 2016, 03:59:32 pm »
I would suggest avoiding tumblr, IMO the community can be extremely toxic. NOT to everyone, of course, there are some awesome and chill peeps there, but if you're going to write stories odds are some person out there is going to find some reason to try to point out every single flaw. In my own experience it's full of people who fear monger and even the fandom parts can be really obscene so if you're young it might be best to wait until you're older to get one. Personally if I were a parent my kid wouldn't be allowed to have one, unless I could monitor what blogs they follow and use a blocking function, because even browsing tags can open up doors to drama.

IMHO deviant art is a way better place for that, but maybe I've just been lucky/unlucky.

Game Discussion / Re: under-the-radar bullying exposed
« on: December 09, 2015, 12:07:36 am »
When it comes to admin echoes I definitely think that comes across as rude. I saw the person nudging me back, I don't need a ton of people going "^^^" "What person said". it's humiliating and imo they don't need to clarify the rules, the admin already did that XD.

Another point of bullying I've seen a lot of people struggle with is 'indirect' bullying. AKA:
Person1: *logs on*
Person2: Ew lol look who it is
Person1: Pff y u no love me
Person2: Becauz u almost got my charrie banished
Person3: MEANIE lol
Person2: jk I love u <3
Person1: Brownies just not perfect though
Person2: Yeah she's dum XD
Person3: HA! Really dum lol

They're not being outright aggressive but if it goes on and on and on like this for so long it definitely hurts

Updated with information about TGF's newest plottwist!

Also, added screenshots from the map update!

COMPLETELY revamped the thread to celebrate our one year anniversary! (even if I am a month late, oops!).

You have all been messaged regarding your applications ^^

(You have both been messaged regarding your applications <3). OH nO! Even though peace has been found, the stars are angry at the clans for nearly allowing their death! They've warned us of punishments to come... And for nearly a moon it has been raining.. and raining... and raining..

Three cats nearly died at the last gathering, when a tree branch snapped and plummeted to the ground below, and in a twist of terrible fate, ThunderClan's leader, Squirrelstar, was stripped of six lives in a terrible accident! Only days later ThunderClan's old ex-medicine cat, Rookshade, passes from a heart attack.

ShadowClan has been forced to abandon half of their territory thanks to flooding, and the swelling river is a concern to RiverClan.

Will StarClan just let us all drown?

Both of you have been messaged regarding your applications <3

New stuff happening this week! StarClan warned the medicine cats of a terrible disaster last Friday!

Bump! We recently ended our plot, and a new one is starting up! Included screenshots of the 40+ users online during the finale, and more!

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