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Messages - Taizer

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Not as big a project as my last GUI based mod (That scary big fallout one) but still a few days worth of work have gone into this.

Video Preview:

Due to the nature of one of the fonts as well, it might make Advertising video hard for you to read, so if you wish to not use the fonts just delete them from the files BEFORE you install them to your game.

DOWNLOAD LINKS ARE IN THE DESCRIPTION ON THE DA PAGE. as well as more info on the mod. As always back up your files before you install incase you wish to change back to normal. This mod also has an alignment change for the in game map and buttons.

I love feed back, so if you use it or like it, please tell me what you think <3 But please enjoy.

News Archives / Re: // Feral-Heart Game Update June 2016 //
« on: June 09, 2016, 06:41:58 pm »
Oh my gosh! You managed to put this together with no source I am amazed! What a good job, I'm so exited to look around at all this lovely work and effort.

Discussion Board / Re: the problems of being a game dev
« on: June 05, 2016, 11:54:10 am »
I'm sorry if I sound like I'm lecturing to hard or being rude as I'm not the best at getting my point across, I'm not the best at words, but this is just my opinion on it all...
Unfortunately "Putting up with people." Is just something you are going have to learn to do in order to run a game.
And I agree with what Sura and Alphabet has said above.

But I've noticed a pattern of this type complaining with several new servers and games popping up in the IT based circuit,  because A lot of them hate this 'release' question and all I can think is that, if you don't want these sort of questions so early on, don't even strive to get members right away, or even announce the game on a a website until it is around half completed, or heck even wait till it's almost ready for Beta release.

 You'd have more to show then as well in terms of development rather than 'hey im building a server come join my website' because people will more often than not, expect something in return for the time it took them to join up to your game.

This "When is it going to be released" question stems from the fact that most people join server sites to play games, they don't join to sit around on forums all day, because often most of them are not social players they just want to play and collect items...and more often than not I've seen entire websites desolate because the team gave up on the game not even half way and everyone left.

A key to a good game as well is having a team that act professional behind it, which means, talk it, act it, think it....everyone needs to work together and pull their weight at their tasks to get the game out faster and not to mention if everyone is rude in a public way, like how you are writing here, on FH forums, where an awful lot of your players are probably going to flux in from, then people are likely to not want to play a game with that atmosphere.

Even if you do not like how your player base is acting, don't drop to their level and act childish back, you have to put on what I've heard called a "Customer service face" and then if you still want to complain you do it away from public spot light.

As someone before has said though goodluck, I saw some of the cat models you had on the forum and they looked really interesting.

Presets & Markings / Re: Tai's Presets :3
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:26:20 pm »
These are amazin'! I can't believe you didn't use any glow coding for the last one!

Ahaha yeah! Scarecrow is all shading tricks and careful color placement. I did him back before I was confident with coding, so I spent hours making it look like it glowed without actually doing it. (because I was always afraid of breaking something if I coded wrong.)

Presets & Markings / Re: Tai's Presets :3
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:09:53 pm »
Do you think you'll ever do a tutorial on how you do your clothes on presets? They are breathtaking!


In all honesty, I don't think I will, because there isn't much to really tell to make a tutorial. (if that makes sense)
I just draw my presets the same way that I draw in any other medium, its all about placing the lines properly.

But  I've  been told before that I have a rather unique drawing style, so I don't really feel comfortable passing 'How to draws'  out to others ... Because I think as well if everyone did presets how I do presets, or if all the styles of doing them were the same or to similar, it'd be boring maybe? because everyone has a different style and I love seeing all the other styles in this community \ovo/

Presets & Markings / Re: Tai's Presets :3
« on: June 04, 2016, 05:03:28 pm »
26/06/2016 - Video of its scroll code in motion.

Presets & Markings / Tai's Presets :3 (Updated, 26/06/2016)
« on: June 04, 2016, 05:02:42 pm »
I thought I needed to make a thread here for my work as I do mostly one off presets on commission through my Deviant art, but I've been around a while and wanted to finally display some stuff here properly.

I do mostly game, tv, film type character based presets (and largely they all seem to be using the wolf).

But if you want to commission a character from me all my details are on my Deviantart's journal, I deal in Deviantart Points. :3

Also I'll update this thread as I finish more work <3

Forum Discussion / Re: What Do Your Usernames Mean To You?
« on: June 02, 2016, 02:32:01 pm »
My username is pretty old now, but I've used it all over the place since starting here. But when I made my account originally I just wanted something catchy that carried my already existing nickname, but Tai being only three letters sounded to simple on its own.. So I mixed it in with the name of a drink I liked at the time that you can get here in the UK called Tizer, This -> and I've always liked how it sounded, so I have never really wanted to use anything else as my main username.  
I do have a side account though which goes by the name of a fictional character I like, but its not as meaningful to me as Taizer is.

Thank you all for the kind words! I'm glad people like this. (And I'm sorry it took such a long time to reply here! Life has made me so busy of recent.)
I do have another overhaul mod in the works although not as texture extensive as this one was, although I'm unsure of release date, just keep an eye out I suppose :3

Finished Maps / Re: The Kitsune Grove! *Public Map*
« on: April 14, 2016, 01:34:30 am »
Oh! What a lovely use of the meshes I sorted out, they look really nice on here!
 I'll defiantly have to download this map and explore it when I have some free time :3

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