Author Topic: Is this really the end? || The Last Of Us [Inactive since 19/07/2013]  (Read 10028 times)

Offline angelre0702

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Of Us

Year 2,034: "I promise," Joel lied, staring into Ellie's deep green eyes. Ellie pulled back for a moment and quarreled if he was telling the truth- no. He had to be. This was Joel she was talking about, he wouldn't lie to her. After a moment, she sighed, "Alright." and began to pad forward, eyebrows furrowed. She began to think about all they had been through that year and past. The thought of being chopped up into pieces made her shudder and try to shake the thought off her mind. While she pondered, Joel on the other hand were thinking about more important things: Food, water, medicine. He was running oddly low on supplies due to the unbearable heated atmosphere. While he was deep in thought, his ragged and torn bluejeans caught on a branch and pulled him on his rear end. Ellie's head was lowered and she was staring at her feet. Once she heard the thud, she gasped and looked up before she burst out laughing but halted herself when he grunted and failed trying to stand up. "Pff, ha! Are you alright?" Joel rolled his eyes and removed the branch from his pant leg, grunting as he put a hand on his knee and stood up. "Yeah," he groaned, a cough following along. "I'm fine." Ellie sniffed and rubbed her eye with her sleeve, slowly tracking along behind Joel. Although Tommy could lend him the supplies, he'd already taken enough and didn't want to be babied; Ellie's footsteps got louder as she approached him vigorously. "So,"she yawned, catching up with speed beside Joel. "Where 're we going today?" she continued, rubbing her nose. His head turned the direction to Ellie and sighed. "Find supplies," Joel said, looking around. "...'s gonna be like this for awhile, huh?" "..We'll see." He grinned, carrying on.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 06:05:37 pm by Scallywag »

Offline angelre0702

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Re: /o-)Is this really the end? || The Last Of Us//2, WIP.DNP. 13+(-o\
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2013, 03:29:48 am »
Ellie and Joel's main quest is to scavenge for supplies before they head off to find more children like Ellie, bringing them back to the Militia while they heal them. In this quest, they venture out and their bond strengthens as Joel takes in Ellie like one of his own. Ellie begins to see Joel like a father now, slowly opening up to him. All-The-While, Militia try to search for a cure for the infected. Their idea to get the vaccine in them is by sleep darting them and strapping them into a bed, returning them to their former selves.

[At the beginning of the Role-Play, the MILITIA'S progress is barely even there, I will update it until we reach the end of the role-play and I will start another Role-Play of T.L.O.U.. As we begin new chapters I will add to this. ----------UPDATE]

15% / ONE HUNDRED % //Will be updated on the Roleplay.

Casting List
Joel: Taken By .Re.~
Ellie: Taken by BlueCrisis
Tommy: Taken by .exe
Bill: AVAILABLE [Will be carried onto the roleplay when they find their first kid--It will be with Bill.]
Infected Immune Kids: Emilia Mae Blackwell/-------


6/28/2013: RELEASED!
No current news, check back for updates!

No godmodding/No powerplaying/No Gary/Mary Sues
If you haven't noticed in the title, this roleplay is 13+. Originally M+ game, but I decided to let you be at least 13.
The answer for the question in the bottom is: Shoot them in the head!
Serious cursing is allowed, yes. Every single curse can be exposed in this roleplay.
Gore is allowed, I warned you.
You must have completed/watched the entire gameplay, but if you haven't I'll PM you the details.
I am strict about being literate in this roleplay. Meaning: No short posts, 3+ sentences required. Try to have good grammar, a few typos allowed, but don't go: 'im are aloud to go in there :)'. Must.Be.LITERAAATE- Sorry.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 02:19:48 am by .Re.~ »

Offline angelre0702

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Re: /o-)Is this really the end? || The Last Of Us//2, WIP.DNP. 13+(-o\
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2013, 04:00:47 am »

Character Application

Assigned Character:
What do you do if a clicker grabs you!?:

Full Name:
Description: (Picture/Gif or a description.)
Mental Disabilities:
Physical Disabilities:
Battle Scars:
What do you do if a clicker grabs you!?:

Speaking from the maker of this thread:
Gharrr, this was the hardest roleplay thread I've ever created. x.x My fingers feel dead, oh so dead. 6/29/2013

« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 06:16:15 pm by .Re.~ »

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(I love The Last of Us ^^
Full Name: Emilia Mae Blackwell
Alias?: Lynx
Sex: Female
Age: Fifteen Years
Description: Emilia has long wavy dark hair that go perfectly with her light toned skin. Her olive green eyes shine bright and stand out when she wears light colored clothing. Emilia stand at 5'1'' and weighs about 135 pounds with a smaller frame.
Infected?: Yes, but she is immune. She found out when she was bitten on her leg and never changed.(If this is alright.)
Weapon: Emilia is outstandingly good at archery, she carries around a longbow she made herself as well as a small pistol.
Armour?: Emilia doesn't have any armour, just regular clothing.
History: Emilia wa born into this world, she grew up never knowing what it was like before the infestation. This world was all she knew,it was killed or be killed in her mind. Her mother, Diane, tried to keep her safe from the the infected and from the military. She had never been outside the wall until a few months ago, when she got bit. Emilia was sure it was a death sentence, so she went back to her mother to say goodbye. When she revealed the wound her mother went nuts. She screamed at Emilia, asking why she had to go outside, she said she should have stayed within the wall, where it was safe. Emilia couldn't have said anything to make her mother happy. Emilia waited for the symptoms, but they never came, her mother was just as surprised as she was. Soon came the day when the military came in and checked the people living within the walls, checking for the infection. Emilia didn't know the alarm would go ff once it was her turn, she thought her body fought it off, but it turn out it was just living within her. They took her away from her mother, Emilia can still easily remember the look on her mom's face, sorrow and anger. Her mother tried to stop them, she attacked them. then boom. Her mother fell to the ground, motionless..lifeless. She had been killed. Emilia knew there was nothing she could do, she grew up knowing that there was no hope for anything.

Emilia let them take her away, she didn't know what they would do to her, maybe they were going to execute her, Maybe they were going to test on her body. She didn't know nor did she care, all she cared about was getting away from them. She heard them talking about her, wondering why she hadn't turned. Lucky for her they never put the cuffs on her, they just held her arms. Her escape was quick and easy, most of them were confused by the time she made it into the secret tunnel that led to the outside. Now she roams the country, trying to find others that are like her.
Mental Disabilities: Emilia is claustrophobic and has Over Compulsive Disorder. If she is in a tight space or in a crowd she could possibly pass out or get sick. Her OCD can also be pretty bad but she can control it better.
Physical Disabilities: Emilia broke her leg about a year ago and it didn't heal properly, so now she walks with a limp and isn't as fast as she used to be.
Flaws: Emilia is scared of the dark, yes she is afraid of the dark. She has always been afraid of the dark, she doesn't know why. She is also
Battle Scars: She has a scar on her cheek from a tangle with another survivor who wanted her food, the woman scratched her face with a pocketknife She also has a scar on her left calf from a runner who bit her a few months ago.
What do you do if a clicker grabs you!?: Shoot them in the Head!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 05:20:03 am by ????????? »

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Offline Ex0rcist

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Oh man, I love The Last of Us. I'd like to be Joel... but I'm somewhat confused on which application I fill out to be him. Character Application, or just the regular Application?

Assigned Character: Joel.
Gender: Male.
Skill: Stealthing around the enemies, scouting for supplies, always thinking about the task at hand without hesitation or interruptions.
Weapon: Shiv, Rifle, Shotgun, El Diablo, and Bow.
What do you do if a clicker grabs you!?: Shoot them in the head!
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 05:07:48 pm by .exe »

In-Game User: ex0rcist

Offline Vysena

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Assigned Character: Ellie
Gender: Female
Skill: Helping out Joel with surviving, killing the infected, and being immune.
Weapon: Shivs, a rifle, bow, and pistol
What do you do if a clicker grabs you!?: Stab it with a shiv.

 || Preset ||

Offline angelre0702

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@auriakuri: Accepted! You may begin to post.
@.exe: Actually, one of my best friends is applying for Ellie and I'm Joel. Would you mind being Tommy? If it's an actual character you fill out the Character Application not the app.
@BlueCrisiiiiiissss: Accepted, gurl! You may start poooosting.)

Offline angelre0702

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Durr, I guess I'll have to start. ;w;)
Joel looked around the maze-like headquarters of the Militia; Tommy seemed not to be around. Shrugging, he carried on toward the trail slowly. He looked back at Ellie and smiled, looking forward he continued to trek down the trail. "'Bout ..three miles away, better tell me now if you're hungry so we can get a move on or you could have one of these apples," Joel said, not turning around to receive her answer. Stopping beside a log, he set his backpack down and bandaged a bloody cut that was seeping into his sock. His back was arched and anyone could tell easily that it was giving him a bit of trouble where he fell from a tree a few days ago. Joel inhaled with a quiet snort and rubbed his mustache before he fiddled through his sack more. In realization that he had a sack 'full' of ammo, his eyes wound with shock though he forced himself not to show it. That -Removed by Moderator- Bill put that in there, God. Should've told me, he mumbled under his breath, quickly reloading his rifle and his shotgun. Finding one of Ellie's comic books in a pocket deep in his backpack, he looked up at her and set it on the log. "Hey, Ellie, I think I've found one of those comics you've been readin'."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:35:53 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline Ex0rcist

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That is quite alright. I'll take the place of Tommy, then. c:

Assigned Character: Tommy.
Gender: Male.
Skill: Keeping the plant running, looking after the families that reside within the walls, helping out with supplies.
Weapon: Shiv, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle.
What do you do if a clicker grabs you?!: Shoot them in the head!))

In-Game User: ex0rcist

Offline angelre0702

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@exe.:Accepted! Sorry about that whole confusion, I realized I put myself in Ellie instead of Joel. Sorry.C: You may post~)