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Messages - glaceon24

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Opening a book Axevin started to read up on the plans. /This is useless/ She growled in thought before slamming the book shut and storming to the pavilion. Jumping off she spread her wings and drifted down to the palace and landed on the marble heading toward the tunnel that lead to the old heart chamber.

(sorry for the late reply)

Discussion Board / Re: Do You Speak Any Other Languages?
« on: September 18, 2014, 11:57:07 am »
I'm very fluent in English but I do know some German with it being most of my haratige.

Axevin walked along the halls of the skykingdom. She had been forced to retreat from the cave where the heart was intill it was stolen. Growling to herself she walked out onto one of the many balconies that were spread along the palace. Opening her wings and flapped them and staled in the air intill flying off toward the library to read up on some of the old battle plains from the first turn. Landing on the smooth polished marble she listened to the sound of her talons clink against the stone as she headed for the section of the library that wasn't sealed off.

They have their own quarters)

ok :) If ya'll want to start go ahead

Accepted ^^ and if Ya'll want we can start now if you would like.

Welcome to the rp ^^ and Duna once your form is done you are accepted to :)

- Feralheart rules apply
-No powerplaying/godmodding
-No autohitting
- Don't kill a persons character without asking
- Only 4 dragons from each kingdom can be a guardian
- You can have as many characters as you want


Name Axevin
Age 1700
Gender female
Kingdom Sky kingdom
Occupation Gaurdian of the heart of courage
History Axevin was hatched before the darkness had spread arouns Xsun. She was given the job of a guardian to the heart so that she could give the sky kingdoms magic to it.
siblings (if any) none
Crush/mate none
Offspring none
Capture or free Free

Darkness is coming, to bring a storm
Theres a war coming, 2 kingdoms will rise and 2 will fall
The choice to survive is up to them, Who will join to beat back the darkness, and save the fallen four

Time terms
Millennia: Unicycle
Century : Solarcycle
Half a century: Turn
Year: Thread
Month: Arealm
Week: week
day: day
hour: hour
minute: minute
second: second

The world of Xsun Is a calm place. But with a prophecy that was given by the teller. Xsun has become deserted tribes have retreated to their own kingdoms, afraid that if they leave they would be consumed by the many dark shapeless, liquid like creatures that roam around searching for the hidden kingdoms to capture the dragons and bring them to their master to be enslaved. Few dragons dare to leave the kingdoms and meet at the Heart of courage for the gatherings that were once enjoyed and beloved. But are now feared for the fact the heart has been stolen.

The Heart  of courage is an ancient Amulet that was enchanted by the first Teller of Xsun. It holds all the magic from the kingdoms. Every gathering the magic is releast to replenish the life energy of them.  

The fire kingdom is surrounded by lava pits. The dragons who inhabit these are the colors of fire, mainly reds, gold's, yellows, and oranges. Rarely there are blues and purples. They've hidden their kingdom by having the craters erupt with walls of blazing hot fire that surround the palace. Their king has taken to the deepest of all lava pits to keep the dark creatures from storming the palace to capture or kill him and his people.

The Sea kingdom is surrounded by Changing currents. The only way to get to the palace is to be guided by a dragon that lives in the sea. The dragons inhabit the sea kingdom are blue, green, purple, and rarely the white/tan of the sea foam. The queen has dived to the deepest part of the palace, which is in a trench a few miles under the court room of the palace.

The ice kingdom is already very treacherous for dragons not acquainted with the terrain, but the fringed tempters are already hard to bare to the others that are not the ice breed. The closer one gets to the center of their home the colder it becomes. The queen has not taken shelter for she belives that the temptures will protect her and her people from the dark creatures.

The sky kingdom is ontop of the tallest mountain in Xsun. Its surrounded by thick clouds that blend into the mardle palace giving it the appearance of a gaint cloud. The sky dragons are the colors of the sky and clouds such as light blues and grays, or pure whites they are rarely the dark gray of storm clouds. The king has taken refudge in the library that floats above a deep valley.

siblings (if any)
Capture or free

Warriors Magma (Dunasaur)


Tethana (MyCatMeowed)

Guardians (protect the heart)
Axevin (V-gon)
Baden (River)


Coros (MyCatMeowed)

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