Author Topic: Toast: Beneath the Jam  (Read 2068 times)

Offline ToastGhost

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Toast: Beneath the Jam
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:12:14 pm »

Name: Kirsten
Nick-Names: Kirst, Cursed, Toasty, Toast
Age: 20
Birthday: June 7, 1992
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Location: Michigan
Languages: English and HTML
Pets: One cat, a calico short-hair named Artemis, or Arty for short.
Occupation: E-3 in U.S. Coast Guard
Fears: Spiders, disappointing people, losing the ability to think for myself.
Dreams: Don't rightly know currently.  Should probably work on this...
Music Type: Indie, Dubstep, Techno.  Due to one of my friends, Country is starting to grow on me.  Or I'm growing immune to it.
Favorite Color: Neon green c:
Favorite Food: Rib-eye Steak
Favorite Drink: RedBull
Favorite Season: Fall

More about me: Hmm... About me?  Well, I'm currently writing a novel, along with several stories I may eventually make into novels.  Nothing's finished, though.  I'm an avid reader, sticking mostly to Science Fiction and Fantasy, though occasionally I'll venture into other genres.  I don't really have a religion.  I've been baptized by both the Catholic and the Baptist church, but I believe that all gods exist.  It's the people who believe in them that make them real.  I'll pray to whoever fits the bill.  One day, it'll be Jesus, the next, Zeus, or Poseidon, or Loki.  I prefer logic over emotion, though occasionally I will act on my feelings.  In stressful situations, I have a habit of smiling, and in situations where I should be sad, I laugh.  I'm battling depression, though I have no support for this current problem.  I have a sister who's more like a twin.  We complete each-others sentences and speak at the same time, in the same tone all the time.  Freaks people out.  That's about all there is too me, aside from the fact that I tend to run away from my problems and I procrastinate like there's no tomorrow.  I've found that if you procrastinate long enough, most problems tend to solve themselves.

Things I hate in people: Homophobia (gay isn't contagious, y'know?), righteous Church-goers who force their religion on you, hypocritical religious people who don't practice what they preach, girls dumbing themselves down for guys, bullying, society viewing rape victims like it was their fault (that they were "asking for it"),  mental/physical/verbal abuse (it's not funny, it's not part of "raising them up to be tough."  Please don't make your kids turn out like me), females taking advantage of the way men see them.

Things I love in people: Video-game nerds, anonymous people helping strangers, people who see logic, parents who actually raise their kids in a loving environment, seeing abusers get what they deserve, religious people who accept me for who I am and don't constantly say I'm going to hell for not believing what they do.

Games I play: Feral Heart (obviously), The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age II, Mass Effect 2 and 3, Okami, Tales of the Abyss, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X2, Harvest Moon (almost every single one), Red Dead Redemption.

Books I love: Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling, Dies the Fire, and the rest of the Change series by S. M. Stirling, The Heralds of Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey, The Vampire Earth series by E. E. Knight, the Dragon Riders of Pern series, by Anne McCaffery, and many other that for the life of me I cannot remember at this moment.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 06:41:38 am by Toast »