Author Topic: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]  (Read 7107 times)


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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2018, 01:53:45 pm »
It's interesting to see everyone's input on this.
I actually did look into this a while back which you can check out here if you'd like (shameless plug).
Basically, I checked out the website's activity and plotted it on a timeline to see if we were in some kind of decline (spoiler: we're least not number-wise). I think it comes down to less rambunctious in-game behavior? It feels like everybody just calmed down.
Although I'm a long-time FH player, I've only been on the forums relatively recently so I don't know what that used to be like...but I'd imagine it was more or less the same?


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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2018, 07:17:50 pm »
The only problem is, website traffic doesn't necessarily translate to actual online activity, i.e. forum posting. Not to mention that traffic doesn't always determine a website's productivity, especially if there aren't a lot of conversions.

We may not be on a decline regarding page views, but when it comes to topics and forums posts, those have definitely been going down, albeit steadily.

The kind of "forum activity" I had in mind when I made this topic wasn't overall visits to the pages, but rather, actual posts and topics created by members. Though it may be my fault for wording that poorly, so I apologize.

Regardless, I much appreciate all the replies here. It seems that a lot of you think that the forums could use an update, or at least a bit of a cleanup.

And the removal of those random letters and orange dots all over, they're driving me crazy lol

I feel you Torskite. Those have been driving me up the wall as well.

More bonding events like movie nights, maybe something different to draw others in.
Host more forum contests, events, take a look at the old news archives and see what worked then.
Back when I first got involved in the forums, there was always something new to see. New roleplays, new art, something.
Others have given some good suggestions, and I will agree with some of them. Have more contests on the forums. I think we should have more art contests, story contests, or even another character contest like we had once.
Also, as many have suggested, contests should return. Whether it be stories, presets, art, or animation.

I actually think that we're on the right path with contests, but there are some things that could be improved.

For example, as it currently is, we have one contest open at a time; this time, it's the AMV contest. If that isn't your cup of tea, then there's nothing else that you can participate in for the time being. You are essentially out of luck until the next contest rolls in.

My suggestion would be to host multiple contests at the same time. Maybe host a preset contest, alongside a fanfiction and drawing contest.

The only issue here is the amount of staff members available to organize and judge these events. Maybe the community could also help to pitch in DA points and rewards in exchange for the ability to vote on the entries alongside the staff. It would add a level of involvement that we could benefit from.

The addition of forum vistas may be a cool idea- default vistas could be pretty images of default FH maps, with exclusive (or custom) vistas for MOTS, contest winners, etc.

Interesting suggestion, by "forum vistas", I assume you mean like the ones on Flight Rising, yes?
If anyone doesn't know what these are, check here: Forum Vistas. Essentially they are background images that are displayed behind your profile picture.

As always, I'd love to hear more from the community, even if you're not of the same opinion! It's interesting to get various points of view on this topic, so if you don't think there's a decline in forum activity, then please don't be shy to share your sentiments.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2019, 08:19:43 pm »
A friend of mine mentioned something to me about the forums. Having never used it, she didn't know where to start, or how to post, or anything. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but perhaps some people aren't sure where to go or what to do.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2019, 08:37:31 pm »
A friend of mine mentioned something to me about the forums. Having never used it, she didn't know where to start, or how to post, or anything. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but perhaps some people aren't sure where to go or what to do.

Definitely! I agree with you on this. Some people are not very (or at all) familiar with Forum usage, and no matter how much you simplify it, It will still be complicated for certain individuals.
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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2019, 11:44:12 pm »
A friend of mine mentioned something to me about the forums. Having never used it, she didn't know where to start, or how to post, or anything. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but perhaps some people aren't sure where to go or what to do.

Definitely! I agree with you on this. Some people are not very (or at all) familiar with Forum usage, and no matter how much you simplify it, It will still be complicated for certain individuals.

the only way to solve that is to just let the person throw themself into the deep end.

that's really the only way to learn how to use a forum like this.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2019, 07:26:24 pm »
A friend of mine mentioned something to me about the forums. Having never used it, she didn't know where to start, or how to post, or anything. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but perhaps some people aren't sure where to go or what to do.

Definitely! I agree with you on this. Some people are not very (or at all) familiar with Forum usage, and no matter how much you simplify it, It will still be complicated for certain individuals.

the only way to solve that is to just let the person throw themself into the deep end.

that's really the only way to learn how to use a forum like this.

That's exactly what I've done, I'm still learning even after playing FH since 2011.

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2019, 08:12:14 pm »
A friend of mine mentioned something to me about the forums. Having never used it, she didn't know where to start, or how to post, or anything. Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but perhaps some people aren't sure where to go or what to do.

Definitely! I agree with you on this. Some people are not very (or at all) familiar with Forum usage, and no matter how much you simplify it, It will still be complicated for certain individuals.

the only way to solve that is to just let the person throw themself into the deep end.

that's really the only way to learn how to use a forum like this.

That's exactly what I've done, I'm still learning even after playing FH since 2011.

Honestly, same. I’ve been here since 2012 and I still don’t know some stuff that you can do on the forum. I just recently found out about Adding buddies and ignoring users xD I sound like a noob but it is what is is lol!
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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2019, 01:43:32 am »
Mind if I put my two cents in?

1. Do you think that the forums today come up short in activity compared to previous years?

Though I haven't been around since the starting days of Feral Heart, going off of what others have said I would believe so. Over time I've noticed games such as FH and other IT servers alike don't really live for long, or just never seem to be able to have a consistent booming of activity due to various reasons. Especially on the forum side due to attention not being brought to them a lot.

2. Where do you see more activity? On the forums, or in the game?

I definitely see more activity in-game, especially in new, young users. For me, when I first started playing, I only caught a glimpse of the Forum button before I dove straight into the game when creating my account. After that, it became so easy to just log straight into the main game and play away. For me, there was no reason to go to the main sight because I had everything that appeased my young self in the game, thus leading me to easily forget the forum was even there. I was happy with my username, my game luckily had no issues, and I was content with what I found in the main game. For most, that's how it goes. Then you have those who wish to seek information, fix an issue with their game, a change of username, or their password. After that they're more open to seeing the forum after having to navigate it and use it. That is, if they even care to use it afterwords.

If you look at it, not a lot of young kids would be drawn to the forums. They would be more focused on the fun and easy, "I wanna play and make animals and run around with cool characters" side of FH, rather than the read and type a reply, build on a topic or conversation based system that forums are. They would be more focused on running around and goofing off, rather than getting in trouble for not following the standards of forum etiquette. Be them simple, there would still be goofing off on their part. Now I'm not saying there won't be any young users who would be interested in using the forum, because I'm sure there have been plenty of young souls roaming about in the past, and even present. But what I am saying is that the majority of younger players would prefer the fun and easy nature of the main game, rather than the more "in depth" side of the forums. Granted there are forum games, however, it's still a different playing field for some. If anything, some just may not be interested in the forum, or brush it of as they have no need for it, and that they're just content with the main game.

3. Do you think that newer discussion topics are lacking in replies? If so, why do you think that is?

I would say yes for some topics. I have seen different topics get more attention and thought put into replies than others, but I'm afraid I can't say what kind of topics due to it varying so much.

I want believe that the reason some replies are lacking is due to some people don't want to put effort into a reply, but they still put down something to make it seem like they're around of the forums, or just add to their number of posts. They may genuinely don't know what to say but still want to add something to the pot or give support to their friend(s)/peer(s), or they once again just want to get another number to their post count and not know what to say. I'm not sayin' I'm perfect, and I admit that in the past I've done it myself. I'm sure a lot of people have to an extent. But, lately I've seen a lot of the same theme going around. Mainly about Feral Heart itself, and nothing more usually.

4. Have topic ideas/subjects been exhausted? Could that be why we’re not seeing many new ones?

Eehhh- It's possible, but honestly, again as of late, I just see a lot of the same theme going on here as said in the previous opinion. It always seems to be relating to FH in some way. We don't see a lot of off topic threads going about different games that they like, or different book series or TV series. Maybe we'll get something here and there, but not often it feels. Some users just might be afraid of starting a topic in fear of one already existing and being called on it, and not want to have to dig through old threads to see if one has been created or not.

5. If you think the forums are less active, do you have any suggestions on how to improve activity?

The only thing I can really think of, is have more attention brought to the forums somehow. Make events more known if possible through the main game. Staff and other members could go around and mention these fun events or contests throughout the maps to others so that their interest may be peaked, and they mosey on over to the forums to go check it out and maybe get involved. I'm sure they have done this in the past, due to one time when Nynx crept up on me and my lonesome in Bonfire and threw a wall of text at me telling me about, I believe it was the summer party last year? -with more information of the forum, and how to download the map and presets for it. I'm not sure what it was about exactly, but thanks again Nynx! xD But, even though I was already active on the forums, I feel like it would easily grab different member's attention to the forum for a party invite- and, maybe once they've seen it they'll be a little more interested in being on the forums, seeing as updates and information are mainly put on it. The same goes for different fun events, such as preset contests, art or video contests, ext. ext.

Sorry for that wall of text lmao

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Re: Decline of Forum Activity [What's your opinion?]
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2019, 10:47:15 pm »
Forums everywhere are declining in activity.  Which is bad as internet forums were the next boom in knowledge transfer, like libraries, but with every opinion.

Topics aren't exhausted yet, just … peoples interest isn't held by much for long these days.  I've noticed that in real life too.  You can be talking & mid' sentence they'll just run away saying "Hey look a squirrel!" or something.

As I observe most people scroll through facebook these days I guess if you wanted to improve activity FH might have to have a FB presence.  Which if some people like to keep separate from their real life friends might be tricky to get likes because... "So&so has liked animal game mod'/group/fanart" might be hard to explain to their friends & family.
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"