Author Topic: There Are Stranger Things Than You, Bad Wolf: a crossover fanfiction  (Read 5155 times)


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Hello, everybody! I recently completed my first fanfiction. Simply put, it combines the two popular television shows Doctor Who and Stranger Things. I can''t post the entire thing on here, as it is over 40,000 words, but I will link to it. Allow me to set the stage, as it were.

On a trip to the 1980s (per Amy Pond's request), the Doctor gets drawn into a mystery surrounding a woman with a missing child. The odd thing is, she believes him to be alive despite the fact that his body was found. And at this woman- Joyce's- house, something unexpected happens.

The wall of Christmas lights that Joyce had used previously to speak to her son became active again- someone was trying to make contact. However, the Doctor finds out it isn't Will "speaking", but someone else entirely. Naturally, the Doctor asks this person to spell out their name on the wall. And when they do, things get personal to him really quickly. The name spelled out on the wall? None other than...

If you wanna find out, visit this link:
There's also a version, but the AO3 one has some changes that I made. It's better written.

Anyway, let me know what you think! Feel free to swap theories and opinions and such! Note: Story is rated T for swearing and kinda dark themes. (If you've watched these shows- and I'm assuming you have- you know what I mean.) Spoilers mainly for S1 of Stranger Things. Relatively no Doctor Who spoilers. Also, there's a prequel (complete, oneshot) and a sequel (WIP, S2 spoilers) that you can read by visiting my AO3 profile.

Happy reading!