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Messages - Tanglemask

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I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble but this RP is NOT active.

The project was set aside, possibly scrapped entirely, because I could not keep up with it. FH holds little interest to me anymore so going onto the game is not productive. It was too much for me to handle and nothing was getting done so I couldn't bring myself to continue.

It's dead. It never got anywhere. I mean, a part of me wants to finish this, but there are 7 more maps to do, presets needed to be finished, lore needs to be written, and the forum I had created is collecting dust (a newer one)

Idk. I may look for a person to help manage it with, someone reliable and I could trust, and maybe reboot it, but I am unsure. I know a lot of people are interested in it, but can I bring myself to work on it is the question.


Edward Cyper
"quotation, song lyrics, saying, nothing (*) "

Aliases: Eddie, Ed,
Faceclaim/Artist: - Michael Fassbender
Gender: - Male
Age: 30
Class: - Assassin/Mage
Sexuality: (*) - straight, bi, etc.
Personality: - trait or description
History:  (*) - backstory, what happened before
Family/Friends: - people with relations to
Skills: (*) - fighting, magic, etc.
Loyalty: - Cairn
Extra: - other stuff (*)

Forum Discussion / Re: What is your total time logged in?
« on: May 17, 2014, 10:08:35 pm »
Total time logged in: 50 days, 8 hours and 43 minutes.

I have no life lol

Screenshots / Re: ENB Development
« on: March 30, 2014, 12:35:19 pm »
Woah. Seeing how far you came is awesome. The last one looks incredible. I'm glad I actually have the ENB mod because it makes my videos have such a nice touch. You should post more pictures. I'd love to see more. +floof

Discussion Board / Re: Any good movie ideas?
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:39:34 pm »
If you're into darker superheroes and don't mind a bit of blood and gore I definitely recommend Watchmen.
A classic would be Labyrinth. David Bowie <3
Any superhero movies in general like Man of Steel was great.
Now you See Me is a one about magicians who rob banks.
Pacific Rim if you haven't seen it  yet. Giant robots. All that matters.
Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Hobbit movies
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
The Lone Ranger

You could always go on youtube and watch gameplays without commentaries. Especially with the newer games like Infamous Second Son or Thief.

If you want anymore just ask ;3

Videos / Re: Tangle's Camera Movements
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:00:04 pm »
These are so cool! I wish you luck with the other ones!
So far they are all so pretty! +Floof

Thanks ;3

Give us a quick overview on how to make these, I'd like to try my hand at it.

I did most of it through messing around and repitition. When I learned how to move items on a body it just came to be the same thing as camera movements. Negative numbers affect the direction, lower and higher angles,  the speed. What AutoTrack does and how it can completely change the movement.

p0=0;0 15 -50
p1=1;0 15 -50

For instance, the first camera movement.(shown above) p0 and p1 are the change of movement. From what I've done, the limit is 0-4, or else it doesn't work correctly. It doesn't have an AutoTrack or HeadTrack because it stands still. There is no movement. Mind you, how you position the camera before using the movie movement is tied in with those Tracks. True or False locks the angle depending on what you're going for. The 0 and 1 before the ; is speed. The p0-4 is order. 0 15 -50 is your directions. They change a lot and nothing is set in stone with them but like with items they are up or down, left or right, back or fowards, depending on the number or negative number you use.

Then you just mess around. Usually once you hit 100, it just repeats. So 110 would be 10. -130 would be -30. You can't really put any numbers over 100. And make sure to remember that AutoTrack, NoAutoTrack, and HeadTrack are important as well. They aren't needed, but they do effect how things look.

That's all I really got on it. I'm not a good teacher. It would probably be better if I did a tutorial. I have livestream so I could do something with that.

Forum Discussion / Re: Have you inspired someone?
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:32:35 pm »
I can certainly tell you I've been inspired by alot of people, but I'm not quite sure if I've inspired someone else... But yeah, you don't have to look far to find inspiration. Some fabulous preset makers have inspired me to learn myself, music has inspired some of my characters and helped them evolve, pictures have inspired my drawings- the list goes on! My biggest inspiration would be music, by far.

Yeah I get a lot of inspiration with presets. It was my best friend who actually got me into it. And definitely, music is a huge inspiration. Lyrical ones can make an story but the instrumental ones get you far. They hold so much emotion sometimes that it's crazy.

I guess I have inspired people to make unicorn fox characters, after I made a thread about the species. I've had people come and ask if it was alright with me to make one of their own. I am perfectly fine with it.

I've inspired someone to make a robotic preset once after they saw the preset of my cyborg fox from outter space. I made a robotic fox character because Tearless made a cool robot lion that I thought was so neat. Seeing her robot lion inspired me to make a robotic character of some kind. So I designed a preset for a cyborg fox.

Watching my boyfriend play a game of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. inspired me to make a kreptis character that resides in the shadows of Chernobyl. And that's how Vixyne was made.

I love Tearless' robots. Same here. She was the reason I decided to go through and make my Steam Powered Giraffe robot presets. I love looking at presets or designs people come up with because it is huge for inspiration. And your unicorn foxes are pretty cool. If no one made characters then I would have been sad. It's something different (and I love foxes so it's an instant favorite)

I have ever inspired someone, I would never know, haha. I hope that I have sometime in the past. It would fill me with great joy to know that someone was inspired by something I had created or thought of.

In this weird day and age, I've come across plenty of things that have inspired me. Most of the inspiration derives from artwork and even a few short stories I read every now and then. Taking a little stroll through Tumblr (I could literally spend a whole day on there and not regret it) sometimes fuels my inspiration with all the neat image manipulations people post/reblog. Music too, though not as much as artwork.

I too am a little disappointed in the amount of copying I come across. All I can think about is how angry the original owners/creators must be to find that someone took an idea that they put their blood and sweat into. I remember someone once used the download link to a map that I spent a good month to create and claimed it as their own. Another time (Way back in the day. I'm talking like two years ago) someone used the same exact layout I had in a topic, changed the words, and didn't even bother asking me (Oddly, that topic was deleted long ago. I can't find it anymore).

It saddens me to see the amount of plagiarism around, too. Though I am glad to see new things popping up left and right every once in awhile.

Me. I love how you code your threads and that got me more into it. So yeah. Your coding stuff is definitely inspiring to make mine just as awesome lol. It's the simple stuff that you do that definitely make it work. And then of course the recaps. I started using that to help out.

I made a tumblr for inspiration/nature/clothing/etc. I had to keep track of everything lol so I just made one. If you want to check it out its keepsakespells. I have everything tagged to keep it neat too. So you'll surely find some cool stuff on their. How I created Bluewick was just a picture on deviantart of a kinda Italian fantasy-ish town and it went from there.

You should see how much planning I put into rps and stories, characters. It is pretty upsetting and angering. I went through it with my Subject 16. I wouldn't be so angry if they said something before doing it. If I knew about it before hand it's not so bad. But the blatant copying that had gone on was enough to bring me to tears. The Cylars are by far my favorite creations ever and it's just depressing when it happens. The map problem had happened to me before. My older maps were used in an rp and the creator took claim to them. I came on to do some shooting and they were there complaining and yelling at me before I told them who I was. I now put 'tanglemask' in the hightmap to prevent this. Which is actually a common thing now. People have to place their signatures on artwork to prevent thieves and even then it's still hard to stop it.

There's a difference from taking inspiration and complete copying. Like with a story of mine. The Super Soldier serum from Captain America was an inspiration for the super powers except mine was taken from an angel who fell to earth and was drafted into war. So yeah. The original idea was from Marvel but I was inspired and went from there.

But yeah. There's a lot of new stuff to make up for it. I like being a part of it.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:31:01 am »

Kasper Ulrich
He woke screaming, flailing his arms in a panic, as if fighting off some monster. It didn't last very long before the teen ended up coughing, hacking out the last remnants of his once fatal pneumonia. There were a few nurses rushing around him, only a few stopping to comfort him. With shaky hands, Kasper brought them to his chest, feeling around for any pain or wound. Nothing. He felt completely fine. His wish... It worked? A smile came to his face. Words were flying around him, talk of a meeting, but it left him confused. Kasper stood up carefully before making his way passed the chaos of the nurses. Now to figure out where the hell he was.

Forum Discussion / Have you inspired someone?
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:57:16 am »
Weird topic name, sorry, but I am unsure what to call it. But that's the question. Have you created/done something that made another person create based on it? Have you seen something that inspired you?

The reason I'm asking is because, while I've gotten over it, a few people would copy my character Mason 'Subject 16', or make experiment roleplays based on the video I made. /watch?v=jLGeAiSvV4g (Which saddens me a bit because I was planning a large scale roleplay which I need help with and I kinda can't bring myself to continue)

The thing is, now any experiment roleplay I'd like to join as Mason, I can't because the number 16 has been taken. I'm pretty sure someone on the forum is called Subject 16 but that could be totally unrelated.

I digress.

I remember that there was a animal roleplay on her made by Meowzer, which she based off of a video she saw. And then not a day later, a different person made a in-game roleplay based on her rp. Then there's characters and maps, and other various things that kinda connect with each other. I see it a lot with roleplays on FH though. Certain things, small maybe, catch your eye and kinda make you think of something else.

Looking at pictures sometimes inspire some to write. Even music. It could be little things or big things. I'm just curious because it's probably a common thing. Just know there's definitely a huge difference between inspiration and blatant copying. Which tends to rear its ugly head often on FH.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays /
« on: February 23, 2014, 11:57:53 pm »
(Sure! Thanks ;3 I'll go fix that then)

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