Author Topic: Ogre torchlight won't import mesh.xml  (Read 1181 times)

Offline Golden_Fox

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Ogre torchlight won't import mesh.xml
« on: September 03, 2017, 07:07:53 pm »
Hey there!

Lately I have been trying to import Feral Heart meshes into blender, I have all set (I mean, I have ogre toolkit and I have already converted all archieves .mesh to .mesh.xml, I did the same with .skeleton) I put .mesh.xml and skeleton.xml into a new folder, so both .mesh and .xml won't be mixed up. I downloaded Flywheel68's blender pack and I use the template available on the file. I also placed the right scripts into .blender scripts folder, thus whenever I try to import cbody.mesh.xml (for example) and click start on torchlight panel, nothing happens! It is unable to find skeleton too, it says can't find skeleton.xml
If needed I can attach a screenshot of the error or a video, maybe I'm doing something wrong…

I hope my topic is clear enough lol, I'm sorry for any grammar mistake, I'm not English native speaker and I still learning