Author Topic: THE HUNGER GAMES [Inactive since 19/04/2012]  (Read 15627 times)


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2012, 07:27:29 pm »
(@XxEmo_CookieXx: Oh, some romance sounds fun ^.^ Teheehee!
I personally think that we wont need a posting order as long as everyone gives chance for the others to reply.
Yus the tip can be rounded off :3 I  wondered if it would be acceptable as a token due to its sharpness, remembering that Katniss almost was almost unable to take her Mocking Jay pin into the arena. >.>
-Roll's eyes at Narujen- What youh say!? Maybe he could do that! Its worth a try! -Chase's her trying to attack her with the Token- XD Lol)


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2012, 08:17:58 pm »
@LunaSpirit: *Runs away from her* Foul! Foul! Somebody sic the Mutts on her! DX ...Wait, never mind. Then they will attack me too. >.>

I'm actually surprised that they allowed Katniss's Token since it could've been used as a shuriken. XD


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2012, 10:49:19 pm »

@ALL: I've noticed that 4/5 of you have voted 'No' on the posting order, so that is fine. I noticed BlackCatTrain didn't vote, but majority rules....

The arena is large and has a circular shape. You arrive at the Cornucopia along with the other tributes. On your left are mountains; They look peaceful, littered with some cherry-blossom trees. The cherries are poisonous, although, you don't know that. Behind you is a vast field with waist high grass. You're not sure what could be in the grass, and it looks like a nice place to hide, but your still uncertain about what lurks inside the field. Ahead of you is a desert--A mild change in scenery. You're not sure if it's an illusion, but there seems to be what looks like an oasis farther out in the desert. And finally, to your right is a barren field of close knit yet large rocks. Each one grows from it's place in the ground and builds up to form the mountains that are on your left, but aside from the mountains they look like they could offer shade. No plants in sight in that area, though.  The clock is ticking. A loud voice booms in the arena."Ten." It starts slowly. "Nine. Eight. Seven..." You count down the rest in your head until a loud buzzer sounds. Time is up. So, young tribute, which area will you claim as yours? Will you run directly at the Cornucopia, or flee and wait until the best weapons are with the Careers? Are you alone, a Career, or will you form a pack of your own? That is for you to decide..

The bell rings. Loud, and I find myself clutching the necklace my mother gave me tightly. I've assessed my situation. As frightened as I am I force my legs to move, my combat boots pounding heavily against the ground with every step. I'll never be able to sneak up on anyone as of now, but stealth isn't necessary right now. All that matters is I stay alive. My heart is racing and I can't help but flinch as I see the other larger tributes advance-- Not as fast as me, but I'm pretty sure their strength makes up for speed. I want to groan, but my vocal cords won't cooperate. As the adrenaline surges through my veins, I blindly pick up something from beside the Cornucopia and make off towards the mountains. As I turn to look at the mess behind me a cannon fires. One person--another cannon- Two people are dead. I force my gaze away from the Cornucopia and focus on what I'd grabbed; an oriental style sheath. I know immediately what it is. A katana. Smiling to myself, I slide the sheath into my belt loop and continue running. It was all I'd grabbed. So now I'm without any water or food and will have to rely on the animals for that resource. For now it seems I'm traveling into the mountains alone, but no doubt that others will follow. I've got to find a place to set up camp... and soon.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 10:57:46 pm by xXEmo_CookieXx »

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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2012, 02:41:38 am »
I stayed on my platform a while longer, knowing that the careers were probably focused on the ones trying to one away-the ones in motion more. I assessed the situation, still on edge, but I could always dodge if it came to that. Slowly and silently, I stepped off the platform, remaining calm, and began sneak around, dodging any attacks, getting grazed above the eyebrow by a stray knife, and my arm nearly shredded off by a barrage of arrows. Despite this pain, I picked up the largest backpack I could find, a set of kunai knives, shuriken, and some bows and arrows. Then, fast as lightning, I leapt away.
   OUCH! something had struck me, missing my heart by merely an inch.
Pelting away, bathed in my own blood, I raced toward the cherry blossoms, which reminded me of home. I ran as far away from them as I could, leaping through the trees, having my weapons at the ready for anyone who decided to follow me. I finally decided to stop in a tree and began rummaging through my rucksack, and pulled out a coat, some rope, another pair of clothes, a sleeping bag, a breathing mask, a mask and some dried fruit.
  I counted my shuriken and found there were about fifty. I counted my kunai knives and found there were about fifteen. This should be enough to keep me alive...for now, but I had no idea what lay ahead of me....
  I pondered making an alliance with somebody, and if so, who should I ally with? Someone not so strong that they could easily break me in half, but not someone so weak that they would just be a dead weight...My own District 11 Male Counterpart would be a good option, but I seriously had no idea where he was. I spotted someone coming by this way to the mountains earlier, maybe they would be a good partner. I decided that if I came across them I would ask to ally them, but I doubted that they would actually say yes, judging them from earlier. It really wouldn't hurt to ask, though....
Whatever, if I come across them, I'll ask, if I don't it doesn't even matter. I'll ask whoever survives long enough to reach the mountains. If they happen to be too strong, or seem to want to betray me, I'll just kill them in their sleep or something....scratch that.
    Joining the Career Pack seemed like a bad idea, considering how powerful those guys were, but I guess I could just ditch them after it was down only to the strong ones...but who says I would even make it that far? I was only from the lowly District 11, anyways. They would never accept me. No matter, I'll just continue as is and see what happens... I begin to leap through the forest again.


Sorry for ramble D:


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2012, 03:07:42 am »
((That's fine Kitsune. Just glad you posted xD ))
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 10:27:57 pm by xXEmo_CookieXx »


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #45 on: March 29, 2012, 04:26:13 am »
(@XxEmo_CookieXx: Eh? That's Kitsune, not me. XD Also, just to let you know but I'm having writers block at the moment so I'm going to watch The Hunger Games (downloaded it from the internet) and hopefully I'll get some ideas. ^^;)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 04:42:33 am by Narujen »


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #46 on: March 29, 2012, 07:53:28 am »
(Ahhh, epic music helps a lot when it comes to coming up with ideas for fight scenes. xP)

Junko steeled herself before the bell rung and when it did she dashed toward the Cornucopia, gaze locked onto a pair of wakizashi swords hanging from a wall. Apparently she wasn't the only who wanted them though, 'cause when she grabbed them she was suddenly yanked back by the back of her collar and thrown to the ground, knocking the wind out of her and making her lose her grip on the wakizashi swords as she rolled a few feet before coming to a stop on her back. When she opened her eyes they immediately widened and she rolled to the side, barely dodging one of the wakizashi swords before it stabbed the ground where she had been and the one holding the wakizashi was a boy and from the look on his face he was surprised at her speed. Not wanting to waste the moment of surprise Junko swung her leg around and kicked the side of the boy's head, knocking him over and forcing him to let go of the wakizashi. While he was busy holding his head as blood trickled from one of his ears she grabbed the wakizashis handle and she pulled it out of the ground as she got up and casting a glance at the other wakizashi she decided it wasn't worth the risk- one weapon was better than none- so she ran toward the vast field without looking back, snatching a small backpack from the ground on the way. Small backpack or large, it didn't matter to her as long as it had something useful inside.

Offline Eggy

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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #47 on: March 29, 2012, 08:34:49 pm »
Alivia could hear her heart beat. The green grass seemed to stop moving, and everyone seemed to stop too. Alivia took a breath and looked around. The earth began to move again. Fast.
 Alivia ran like hell.
She ran, her feet beating against the ground. As she was running, she grabbed a backpack and swung it around her shoulder. On her way, Alivia also grabbed a knife and a dagger. She flipped them in her hands and through them in her bag. Alivia bolted towards the forest, hoping to find some water and possibly something to start a fire with. As Alivia ran, she heard a sickening boom. Someone must have died. She slowly climbed up into a tree, something she had learned from watching previous Hunger Games. Alivia looked on the ground for any other competitors. When there was none, Alivia jumped down from the tree and looked for something to eat. Damn. I could have gotten something from the Cornucopia.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 08:46:32 pm by Night_Hawk »


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #48 on: March 29, 2012, 09:07:37 pm »
Train sprited toward the Sakura trees, his over-sized White T-shirt was waving in the wind behind him, with his gun drawn, he dashed up one of the Saukura's, the pistol waving in his hand as he ducked behind it's pink and white cover.
He noticed a girl below (that means you Kitsune XD); "Who are you?" he called and dashed down toward her, she pointed the pistol at her chest and gave her a cold stare.

(sorry If I'm epicly failing XD, I only read five chapters so far XP and never saw the movie)


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Re: THE HUNGER GAMES ((Literate-Accepting Applications))
« Reply #49 on: March 29, 2012, 09:41:53 pm »
Kai felt his heart hit against his chest violently, his heavy breaths were just as painful, and the world around him seemed to be spinning.  Urgh...Stop it! His mind spat at him, but as each second passed, his vision continued getting blurrier and more out of focus. This was not a good start at all. The countdown had already reached five, but Kai was still nowhere near in a fit state to battle a bunch of tributes or to run towards a place of shelter. If he passed out now, the dark haired youth would fall into the minefield and blown into smithereens before the actual games had ever started...
That was not a pride filled way to fall.
Kai shook his head rapidly, as if it would make any difference to his state of mind. Surprisingly, his vision quickly slid back into focus, but the other tributes had already pounced towards the Cornucopia and grabbed most of the best weapons available. He was left with little option but to run where his legs took him, and this was towards a rocky air which was littered with trees and other vegetation, which was quite a fair place for survival in Kai's eyes. His instinct had done rather well. The dark hair youth grabbed the closest bag pack to him before continuing dashing towards the rocks, but even though he was running with all his might, his speed still didn't match that of any of the other tributes. Maybe they had already seen his weakness...
Suddenly he felt a sharp pain reach the top of his shoulder, not intense enough for him to cry out aloud, but enough for him to clasp his hand around the small leaking wound. Quickly, Kai twisted his head to face his attacker to find it to be a young light haired girl now left weaponless as she had just used her spear in attempt to attack Kai. He laughed aloud, grasping the spear in his free hand and waving it at the girl, she clearly would not last long here. "Well thank you very much!" He yelled before heading towards his place of "safety".

The cannon had sounded, someone must have already been defeated.

(OMG BIGGGG POSST! I dont normally post this long... I guess I just got carried away.