Author Topic: My Characters :3 (WIP, Suggestions Welcome!)  (Read 2907 times)

Offline dragonlover6

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My Characters :3 (WIP, Suggestions Welcome!)
« on: February 06, 2011, 06:49:19 pm »
Name: Kathrine (Main Fursona)
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Description: In her wolf form, Kathrine is a deep brown color mostly. Hints of lighter brown swirl under and around her pelt, ending in her face under her eyes. She's heavily built, and very fluffy; she has tufts down her arms, rump, and back. Rare for a wolf, Kathrine's eyes are deep blue, being based off of her human form.
Human Form: When not running through the forest as a wild wolf, Kathrine disguises herself as a young adult human. Like in her wolf form, she is heavily build with blue eyes. Long hair flows down her back as a deep brown, curled slightly. Kathrine's skin is relatively pale, wth occasional scars on her fingers and arms. She loves to wear Rock band T-shirts and loose fitting jean pants.

History: Kathrine was born 20 years ago, most of her childhood remaining a mystery. She usually says that she grew up with her parents for a few years, which were heavily focused their own beliefs, and weren't very open to other's ideas. After 12 years, Kathrine's family discovered that she was a werewolf and deemed her demonic. Her best friend, Jess, and her family took Kathrine in when she was abandoned and grew up together. She is now a college student, studying with Jess and learning more about what Kathrine really is.

Personality: Kathrine is in a  few words, complcated. She is loyal to those who would trust her and except that fact that she is not totally human, an would do anything to protect the innocent. She also loves to have fun when she isn't studying, and  particularly enjoys going out to dinner, seeing a movie, and taking a walk in fresh nature. Kathrine takes pride in being a wolf, but never reveals it do just any person. She is a very intelligent woman, despite being beautiful. Kathrine is always very modest, and never puts herself above any other creature.

Name: Vantani
Gender: Female
Species: Liger
Description: Vantani, being a liger, shares the genes of her mother, a tiger, and her father, a lion. Her pelt is a tan orange, blending the pelt colors of her parents, with fading black tiger stripes. Vantani is also enormuos in  size, easily towering over most other felines. She is very powerful in battle, not being a force to mess with. Her keen green eyes study creatures as they pass by her face.

History: Vantani was born and raised in captivity, just as her mother was. Before Vantani was born, her father was brought into captivity from the wild. He was badly injured, and starving. He was taken care of by Vantani's mother and eventually fell in love. The rest can be put together. However, Vantani didn't like how her and her  parents were kept behind closed walls and caged doors. As she grew larger, the young liger began to thirst for fredom and a bigger world. Her mother argued that they were safe here, ad that Vantani was not yet old enough to live in the wild. Vantani pretended to listen, but one night escaped from her enclosure and escaped into the jungles. For may years and eventoday, the staff of the zoo she grew up in still cannot find the female liger that escaped her enclosure. Vantani now wanders the world, searching for a purpose.

Personaliy: Vantani keeps away from others, preferring her own space... Also the fact that many other animals are intimidated by her large size and big teeth. However, on the inside, Vantani is very lonely, and somties misses her parents. She is very careful when she meets a potential friend, in case she accidently hurts or scares him or her off. Vantani is also incredibly shy, not  proud of what she is. Vantani still needs to realize her own strength, and become more confident in herself.

Don't kick me when I'm down. Because when I get up, you're screwed.

The name's Vant, don't wear it out hunny |3