Author Topic: Supernatural Beings  (Read 18015 times)

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2012, 07:22:23 pm »
 "What does that mean?" Derek asked.
 Xander stared at the girl as her eyes glowed.
 Derek looked at Xander and his eyes glowed yellow as well.
 His lip raised in a snarl as he flicked his wrist and claws shot out of his nails.
 Derek gasped and pushed Xanders chest "dude, calm yourself" he yelled while glancing around nervously.
 Xander shook his head and focused his eyes, the girl in the car was now paying no attention to him. He growled slightly and looked at the ground. He took a sharp breath "what happens now?"


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #21 on: December 31, 2012, 07:36:54 pm »
Becca started to smell something, and it was stinky. She smiled herself, but it wasnt her, so she putted on some perfume. She signed and got out the car, and called her father. "Are we are leaving or not" she asked angerily "Aww man.. My thoart is acting again" she added and started rubbing it. Martin knew this case will take all night, so he shook his head, No. Becca made a growled noise, then came with a idea, and followed the policies that went in the woods. When the policies wasn't looking, she grabbed one and took him to the tree, and sucked his blood, it was even had a freshly tasted, the policeman screamed in pain. Becca gripped onto him tighter, so he won't run off, then the policeman finally die. Martin heard a noise and ran over to see the problem. He gasped.

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #22 on: December 31, 2012, 09:33:38 pm »
 "Whatever it is, its gone" Derek stated while pointing at the car that she was once in.
 Xander looked up and gasped, he looked around quickly "We need to find her...figure out whats going on."
 Derek watched a few cops run into the woods after a loud scream "We need to get out of here. We still need to figure out what you are and how to control it before we take on some serial killer."
 Xander glanced around and leaned closer to Derek "That's the thing, i don't think she is a serial killer" He said while his brow creased.
 He threw his head back and rolled his eyes "What is she then?''
 Xanders brow creased further as he looked at the ground "Something.....Something worse. A lot worse, and we have to figure out exactly what she is. There is only one way to do that" He said while glancing at Derek.
 "Great, just great" He moaned and tapped his jeans "Lets at least figure out what you are."


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #23 on: December 31, 2012, 11:33:11 pm »
Becca gasped in breath and jumped off the tree, and landed safely on the ground. Becca saw policies coming foward, checking what's going on. Becca flies out of sight, and landed by her car, seeing the two gentleman. She growled under her breath.

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2013, 12:08:49 am »

"The Witch"

Name- Aveline Walker  
Gender- Female

 Species- "Erhm, species? Does my appearance presumed to be that of a mutated animal of a sort? No, it does not." Miss. Walker can be classified as a witch that genetically altered herself with ears of a canine.  Why does she want dog ears? She won't say.
Personality- The witch of Prescott is much a loner type that resides in a cabin deep within the Endless Forest seeing as how moving to the town would actually place her under suspicion if they caught her in the act of her practices. However,  she will go outside and dress herself up as in modern fashion (but the attire above is the usual one) to see what mankind has progressed throughout the time and she goes under the alias of "Ava" that is shy and subservient, usually apologizing for every little thing she has done. This disguise usually carries about books and her signature glasses turn from white to black to suit the appearance.

When out of her disguise, she expects others to have respect for her as she can easily bend and toy with others at her will. Aveline usually enjoys tinkering with her crystal ball and communicating with Lilith Utler, her teacher, that is residing in Russia and this is usually the most social interaction she has with others. She is quite coil towards her victims or those that she meets within the forest and would usually pick on one person that'll she tease continuously and appear in front of randomly. She resents anyone that dare tries to pull up a challenge.

Family- Lilith Ulter (Her teacher; Alive; In another country)/ Immediate family (mother, father, and young brother; deceased.)
Age- Her body takes on the physical form of an 18-year-old but her true age is unknown as Aveline finds it remarkably disgusting that someone would dare ask for it.

*Aveline has a sweet spot for canines or any species canine-related.
*She is neutral on the matters of the war between the Nomads and the Supernatural but if you bribe her or win her over, Aveline will gradually shift her thoughts.
*If wanting to alter yourself back to a human or wish to be changed, Aveline has contracts for you but beware for the price you'll pay.

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2013, 01:57:26 am »
(Your in, welcome)
 Xander looked at a teacher that walked out of the collage, he threw his hands in the air "school will continue as usual two days away."
 Xander rolled his eyes "I've always hated how he speaks" he chuckled and glanced around. His brow creased when he heard a growl. He cut his eyes over at that Sam strange girl.
 "Come on Xander, were going to figure out exactly what you are" Derek stated and pulled at Xanders arm.
 Xander nodded and followed Derek, his eyes still fixed at the girl.

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2013, 02:04:10 am »
[[Thank you c:!]]

Sullen eyes were hidden by onyx locks of hair as a lanky figure of 5"7 emerged from the shrubs near the Endless Forest as Miss. Walker was now entering the town of Prescott. Not being there for several days, she was beginning to wonder if anyone bothered to find her other identity "Ava" who was known as the nervous-wreck that worked at the local antique store that carried about cursed artifacts and scrolls. Ava held closely to a bagged item within her arms as she soon made her way pass the pavement street towards the town. There was smoke high and above in the distance and Ava could almost feel her canine ears folding down in curiosity but in this form, they were gone.

"What has happened..."


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #27 on: January 01, 2013, 06:55:04 pm »
Becca looked at the two boys that was starring  her, she growled under breath. Why are these losers starring at me? she said to herself, then went on her phone, pretending noting is happening. (sorry short)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 07:26:44 pm by Thrillex »

Offline akemi1999

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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #28 on: January 01, 2013, 11:08:47 pm »
 Xander turned and followed Derek down the sidewalk.
 When they reached the apartments Derek lead Xander to his own apartment.
 "Why cant we go to my apartment?" Xander asked while he leaned against the wall.
 "Because I have a computer" Derek mumbled while he turned the key in the lock. He threw the door open and walked in.
 He stood up and walked in "So do I" He mumbled.
 "Well, mines faster...Just sit down" He demanded while plopping into his computer chair. The chair slid right underneath his desk.
 Xander sighed and sat down on Dereks bed, it was right behind his computer chair.
 Derek pulled up Google and looked back at Xander.
 "What?" He asked while you stared at him.
 "Glowing eyes, turns into a wolf" Derek said as he typed it. He turned and looked back at Xander.
 Xander looked at his hand as he flicked it and claws shot out of his fingers. He cut his eyes at Derek.
 Dereks eyes widened and he turned back to the screen "And freaking claws that are scary as hell" He stated as he clicked search. He clicked a website and scrolled down. "Aswang.....The creature is described as a combination of vampire and witch and is almost always female." He stated and looked back at Xander "I don't think your a female, unless you've been hiding something from me" He said seriously.
 Xander looked at Derek "Really dude, you're an idiot" He said with a smile.
 "Alright, that's off the list" He said and turned back toward the screen. "Vampires..... It is difficult to make a single, definitive description of the folkloric vampire, although they were usually reported as bloated in appearance, ruddy, purplish, or dark in color. It is said that their eyes sometimes glow red."
 Xanders brow creased "Wait, what did you just say?"
 "Uh...their eyes sometimes glow red, but yours glow yellow" He stated.
 Xander nodded and his thought turned to the girl that was in the parking lot.
 Derek cleared his throat and scrolled down further "Lycanthropes............or werewolves are mythological humans that have the ability to shapeshift into wolves or anthropomorphic wolf-like creatures."
 "Go on" Xander stated while he thought.
 "Umm.... They can infect the human population with a bite...But you didnt get bit" He said as he turned to look at Xander.
 "Uh, Derek" Xander said as he lifted up his shirt on the right side. The bite was somewhat still there. As he looked at it it just disappeared.
 Derek gasped and jumped up out of his chair. He ran up closer to Xander and watched where the cut once was.
 (Sorry it was really long, i couldn't stop writing)


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Re: Supernatural Beings
« Reply #29 on: January 01, 2013, 11:24:51 pm »
Becca looked and saw the two disappeared, she smiled evily and called her friend, Reaven. "Hey Reavo! Meet me a some college..It's party time.." she said. Reaven answered, "Great I get the peeps... Wait just us?"
"No ding dong! The gang of course! Anyway hurry up!--"
"I'm right next to you" she said as she hanged up the phone, Then Becca use her head and pointed to the woods. Reaven and the gang smiled and rushed over to the policies, scream and cries was around. After while when they were finished, they left and it was only and Becca and Reaven. "Hey Reav.. Let me ask you something.. So I saw these two guys and they were starring at me.. And one of them had a disgusting smell.. What do you think that is?" she asked. Reaven looked at Becca, and answered. "Hmm wait what did it smell like?"
"I dont know... But I think I got an idea..." she grinned evilly
"Uh oh not the ideas.." she said, and follow Jade.
(Is Xander parents alive? Just asking.)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2013, 11:27:02 pm by Thrillex »