Author Topic: A new sub-board addition?  (Read 4877 times)

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A new sub-board addition?
« on: June 29, 2017, 09:48:26 pm »
Overall idea: Adding a Other Games Screenshots sub-board, to the sub-board Other Games.

I just wanted other people's input on this idea. It's pretty much a slight request and heavy suggestion to add and create a sub-board that people can host their in-game screenshots on from none Feral Heart related games, for the current sub-board Other Games. Now, I know people will probably bring up that this may not be an ideal spot, as the link of the board in general pretty much goes Off Topic >> Discussion >> Other Games, and as we all know, showing off screenshot gallery isn't really classed as a discussion. But, discussions do and can happen in responces. The Other Games sub-board is the only appropraite place I see suitable to hold an 'Other Game Screenshots' sub-board.

There is also the case to think about what rules would be applied to that board, such as no screnshots containing nudity, offencive material/language etc. Unless edited so that certain content is heavily censored/pixelated I suppose. I'm not sure how things would go in terms of gore, as blood isn't too bad honestly. But I understand perfectly if internal organs can be a stomach turner and would eirher have to be censored or not permitted in this certain board. Perhaps there could be a way around this even, and state in the sub-board's rules that certain graphic content should be placed in spoilers with a pre-warning of what the content is behind the spoilers. It's a thought.

Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts. There's always a way around worries or concerns, as I've clearly stated. Please ask if you want to know some more detail, instead of assuming something will absolutely not work, as I'd most likely have an answer or solution for it, to be considered by Staff of course. I know users can be quite cocky when trying to prove points or share the down sides, dare I say in no means to be rude.

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 02:53:08 am »
I like this idea. Sharing screenshots from other games, whether it may be in the form of glitches, wins, loses, etc, is a really great idea. It'll bring another type of entertainment into the ring and give variety. I 100% agree with this idea, because I know that I have a bunch of amusing screenshots to share, and I'm interested in seeing what everyone else has to share as well. Great idea, Buff!

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2017, 07:50:32 pm »
I like your idea, but instead of creating a sub-board and topics in it for screenshots of a certain game, why just not post them in the threads made in the "Other Games" board?

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 08:26:39 pm »
Other game / screenshots.  Sounds logical.
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The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2017, 10:17:03 pm »
Hm, I'm not quite sure on this idea. Don't get me wrong, it would be a nice addition, but I just feel like it would clutter the boards more.
People can already post screenshots of the game in the thread if they wish.
As this forum is for FeralHeart specific I think it should be kept to a minimum on how much other games can 'take over'. It's nice to see other opinions on this though.

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2017, 12:24:28 am »

As this forum is for FeralHeart specific I think it should be kept to a minimum on how much other games can 'take over'. It's nice to see other opinions on this though.
Quote from: Valhayes link=topic=61559.msg849349uk#msg849349 date=1498852232
I like your idea, but instead of creating a sub-board and topics in it for screenshots of a certain game, why just not post them in the threads made in the "Other Games" board?

I agree with what was said. The idea isn't a bad one but I don't think it's necessary for us to create an entirely new sub board just for other game screenshots. The other games board is already meant as a place where users can post any kind of content relating to other games anyway ^^ So we welcome screenshots of other games in the current board if anyone is interested in show casing :)

Offline Bawfle

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2017, 12:11:45 pm »
I like your idea, but instead of creating a sub-board and topics in it for screenshots of a certain game, why just not post them in the threads made in the "Other Games" board?

Honestly I thought of this at first, but that board is mainly for other game discussion/advertisements/recommendations. Not really for screenshots, and whenever two threads host content of the same game, it gets locked and deleted later on. So it didn't seem at all like it would be successful. And even if staff think that the board is welcome to screenshots as well, it should be made clear in that case. Perhaps an addition to the rules on the Other Games board, that allows threads purely for sharing screenshots for other games, even if there is an discussion/advertisements/recommendations of that game already.

As this forum is for FeralHeart specific I think it should be kept to a minimum on how much other games can 'take over'. It's nice to see other opinions on this though.

I see where you're coming from, though if this forum was specific to Feral Heart only, then there wouldn't be an Off-Topic board, or an Other Games board even. These screenshots can't necessarily 'take over' in a sense either, since Feral Heart has much of it's own content. If anything, screenshots of another game does much less of 'taking over' than the regular discussion/advertisements/recommendations you see on the Other Games board alone. Even if this addition was created, it still wouldn't be the main focus of the Forum either, as this forum has more Feral Heart content on it than the Other Games board ever would. The only thing that probably makes the screenshot board addition look like it's taking over, is that it's just a tidier expansion of the Other Games board. One day someone might come across it, then they'll come across the screenshots board and explore people's game play screenshots of the games already discussed/advertised/recommended on the Other Games board.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2017, 12:18:22 pm by Bawfle »

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2017, 05:43:36 pm »
As this forum is for FeralHeart specific I think it should be kept to a minimum on how much other games can 'take over'. It's nice to see other opinions on this though.

I see where you're coming from, though if this forum was specific to Feral Heart only, then there wouldn't be an Off-Topic board, or an Other Games board even. These screenshots can't necessarily 'take over' in a sense either, since Feral Heart has much of it's own content. If anything, screenshots of another game does much less of 'taking over' than the regular discussion/advertisements/recommendations you see on the Other Games board alone. Even if this addition was created, it still wouldn't be the main focus of the Forum either, as this forum has more Feral Heart content on it than the Other Games board ever would. The only thing that probably makes the screenshot board addition look like it's taking over, is that it's just a tidier expansion of the Other Games board. One day someone might come across it, then they'll come across the screenshots board and explore people's game play screenshots of the games already discussed/advertised/recommended on the Other Games board.

I see why you may think this is a good idea but I just don't really see a need to clutter the boards more, let's be honest here, the forums are quite messy as it is. And if people really wanted to share screenshots they could do that on the actual game's forums and not the FeralHeart one. I'm not sure if I sound passionate about this, but I just feel like this would slow down the cleaning progress of boards, as games do come and go and it's quite often that it happens.

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2017, 07:04:07 pm »
I see why you may think this is a good idea but I just don't really see a need to clutter the boards more, let's be honest here, the forums are quite messy as it is. And if people really wanted to share screenshots they could do that on the actual game's forums and not the FeralHeart one. I'm not sure if I sound passionate about this, but I just feel like this would slow down the cleaning progress of boards, as games do come and go and it's quite often that it happens.

I'm honestly not sure why this is quite a big deal. The off-topic area is a tiny unpopulated area on the froum compared to the rest, and it wouldn't hurt honsetly to either open the Other Games board to allow screenshots of other people's game play in other games, or add a sub board if staff felt necessary to keep things saparate. If anything is a clutter, it's the Human Roleplay board, as it's practically a dead waste land. Same goes for Misc Roleplay. Even the Animal Roleplay board has already created a path of decay. In my opinion, having an Animal Roleplay board in an Off-Topic area on an Animal based game/forum in the first place is pretty pointless, even. Sharing screenshots of the fun people are having outside of Feral Heart really is not clutter, and declaring that this forum is for Feral Heart specifically really is a load of nonsense, as like I said, if it was there wouldn't really be an Off-Topic board if this Froum was purely for Feral Heart business. If people looking at this thread think that this Other Games Screenshots business is too out of the Feral Heart boundary, honestly, having an Other Games board already did that in the first place. Opening the Other Games board to allow screenshot sharing from other games really is no biggie. Having a new sub board to keep things more tidy and separate, is again, no biggie. If anything it'd look tidier than the Forum itself, or the content in the boards. But if having another sub board is a big deal, again, opening the Other Games board to to allow screenshot sharing from other games really is no biggie at all.

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Re: A new sub-board addition?
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2017, 07:18:43 pm »
However, I am pretty certain that providing viewers of threads in the 'Other Games' board with screenshots of what games they're suggesting people should play is much better than actually having a sub-board itself. For example, IT Servers in-the-making can post images regarding progress they've made so far, and even trailers. Having screenshots of the other games you play that you'd like to recommend to other users can be a good way of gaining their attention completely, rather than just reading endless words of what the other game is about and how you play.
Therefore, a sub-board to provide screenshots of gameplay probably isn't needed. Rather, it should be encouraged just a little bit that users could provide us with screenshots so we know what to look forward to. It shouldn't be advertising-like pictures, but certainly screenshots of how much of a blast you can have when in-game of MMOs, IT servers, MMORPG or whatever. This way, it saves users who just want to make recommendations making two completely separate threads - one regarding information, and the other screenshots. Let's be honest, what is the likelihood of users going to a completely separate thread just to see the screenshots and have to look back at the original thread for the information? That in itself can be rather annoying for some, and encourages people to not look altogether and show disinterest. The chances of people looking at threads in the Other Games board is little too, but that is out of choice of the audience. I for one, visit all of the Other Games threads when I see them pop up just to see what it's all about and judge from what the users say. Being convincing is probably more important than showing off your gameplay skills with screenshots.

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