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Topics - Wolfexpert79

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Finished Maps / Space (Public,Download up!)
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:27:43 pm »
My friends,I welcome Space.

                                               This "Empty Space" is far from empty. In fact; it might just be the most beautiful map you've ever owned.

"Twinkle" particles have been placed every 100 spaces. (50 Y,100 Y, 200 Y, ect.) to add depth to the map. Because of this, you would never guess that the map has no sky.

Galaxy portals can be seen inside to give it that space feeling to it.

Earth and Feral Heart's beloved moon can also be spotted inside the map

Despite the heavy use of particles, this map isn't laggy in the slightest

Lastly...the Crystal of Peace. It is the one thing that keeps the different galaxies in harmony,with a Lion and a Wolf statue to represent balance.

I hope you have enjoyed our tour of our beloved space. Please look below if you wish to visit it yourself.


For the Best Experience, Download:
The Naturalistic mod (or feralistic |||)

The Darkness Mod

The FH Portal "Galaxy" Mod

Please enjoy your visit. If you wish to have a galaxy link to one of your maps, simply PM Alex- some information about your map and wait for verification.

Leaving / Leaving...I don't know for how long...
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:42:30 pm »
My mom just created a rule for the computer so now I only have 4 hours every day (10:30-2:30) so this is the last day i'm going to be using the computer until the rule is lifted...if that happens at all.

Why, you ask? Well that's because I can't get anything I need to do, done, in 4 hours so I'm not using the computer after all.

Everything i'm working on,Gierra,the jurassic park site b map i'm working on, my DA...
everything won't be updating for a long time

...bye everyone :(
video link

Ask Me / Ask teh dire wolfie :P
« on: September 05, 2012, 03:02:19 am » first topic here so..ask away XD (Awkwardness is awkward)

Finished Maps / *NOW RELEASED* Mystic Plains
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:47:30 am »
UPDATE: I have my internet back for good and here is the map you've been waiting for!

This image was taken while my character was under the star fountain. It wasn't edited i swear XD

a picture of the map. it's night all the time but the sun will still be there in the day behind black clouds O_O it looks creepy but it should be ok. You can see my custom edited feral heart moon in there :D

A picture of the fireworks show from up front. Cool right?

A picture of the fireworks from the bridge. You CAN see them right? ._.

Here's the download link, if your having problems seeing the weather,feral heart moon,particles, or your seeing strange white objects. just let me know and i'll try to fix it.

(Pssst...somewhere in the map there is a secret whirlpool...and if you jump inside you'll end up in a secret map that you can only find hidden in my maps!)

Introduction / Alex is back for more :)
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:37:50 pm »
I'm back! *flails around happily*

I now have more FH time because i'm less busy, i also have a small RPG game for all you warriors fans out there! (i couldn't work on Gierra -_- still have no idea how unity works...) you can view the trailer and download the game here:

I also have a new favorite game! It's called Tokyo Jungle and i can't wait to get it! but...first of all i don't have a PS3 and i have to wait for the US release because will probably be cheaper than 60 bucks

 and 2. my friends might want to play and they can't read japanese ._.

I would post the trailer here but it contains... violence. just violence XD which is another reason my parents probably won't buy it.

I have also made another map for one of my RPs, it's called Whitestone National Park and the map changes with the seasons. unfortunaltly i can't connect to FH right now.

Anyway that is all, bye now! :D

Leaving / Leaving, but not permanently
« on: May 05, 2012, 05:35:19 pm »
I've been really inactive for a while but i've just been busy. My computer broke so I won't be able to log on to the game anymore until I get a new one. The reason for my inactivity before my computer broke is because i've been using my DA a lot and didn't find time for anything FH related so I won't be making maps or anything for a while. (sorry to you all that liked my work)

All I can update on my internetness is that I have a new website, it's now because the weebly one disappeared  ::). My DA name is HOAFan, you can check it out if you want.

I am still learning coding for games and such (I haven't forgotten about that), and hopefully my new computer will be able to support some kind of game engine, I'm looking towards Unity (i was surprised to see it was free  :o ).

Anyway, it might be a little while until I can do anything that is FH related...maybe by the time i get back a new patch will be out.

btw: don't listen to the part of the site that says i'll be using the sandbox engine XD it makes stuff look like minecraft so I dropped it.

I am a lot better at drawing now as you can see on my DA but i do the best I can with paper and gimp, not everyone has 100 dollars to use adobe ._.

So that's about it, i'm pretty much dead here but i'll be back again sometime.

Your awkward member truly,

Game Help / how do you install the .mesh converter?
« on: March 10, 2012, 12:03:54 am »
i'm not sure where to put this but how do you install the ogre.mesh converter and where do you get it? do you need ogre 3D or do you just need blender?

can someone please give me steps or a tutorial on how to install it? i can't seem to get it right >_<

Discussion Board / Click To learn about my 3D game!
« on: March 05, 2012, 11:29:53 pm »
i'm not even sure if i'm supposed to post stuff like this here but i'm going to try.

I'm getting blender soon and game development is already taking place with concepts, i'm holding a contest on DA so click if you want to join and become part of the official staff if you win:

everything you need to enter is inside

1st place:A part in Gierra's Game Development Staff!! and you get first release
2nd place:You will be able to be a beta tester for the game! and you get early access to the game

3rd place: if you have a group we will happily affiliate to yours :D
Nothing too suggestive as far as weapons and actions go >_<
take your time if your entering a model or post a picture of it's WIP every now and then. i don't want the character models looking bad and blocky!
Use your imagination, this stuff is going to be part of the game and more than one person can win!
No multiple accounts -_-

There will be other contests in the future such as ones for voices,music ect. but this one is important now.

feel free to post here or there :D

Game Help / music glitch
« on: February 26, 2012, 06:20:34 pm »
i like to add music to my maps but at the end when the music stops/restarts there is a crackle/screech. is there any way to fix it? because of this i can't add music anymore

Miscellaneous Tutorials / Alex-'s Guide to FeralHeart!
« on: February 26, 2012, 04:53:34 pm »
Alex-'s guide to FeralHeart!!!

Lesson #1: Trolls
1.1: DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!!! by this i mean if a troll bothers you
either block or ignore them. don't give them the satisfaction of
arguing :T

1.2: Don't be a troll! to avoid this don't do any of the following:
Movie Spam
Den Claim
Map Claim (unless it's a private map you made)
Chat Spam in general
Chat clear in general (submitting and whole bunch of space as a
don't bother/troll other players! it upsets people
roleplay fight someone who isn't roleplaying with you
powerplay/god-mod it's highley unfair to everyone
DO NOT use the report button in-game,it's a lie. it really doesn't do anything
at all. (how dare kov >:U)
if you need to report someone,take a screenshot of it (use the
prtscn button on keyboard) upload the picture to the website tinypic
or photobucket (no account is needed) and pm it to a mod. make sure
you include the offender's username!
Please respect mods and other users. don't be ruse and track spam
them (continuesly bother them with your problem or spam on every
topic they make)

Lesson #2: Be proud of yourself!
I see a lot of people on the forums not from the U.S and in almost
every topic the make, they say sorry for their bad english. i'm not
the best speller/literate/typer so i understand you all, but
being sorry that you can't speak/type english correctly is not
something to be fully ashamed of. (short lesson is short)

Lesson #3: Be yourself!
FH is a very good communtiy (save for the spammers and trolls).
it doesn't matter if your extremely shy in real life, or just want a
place to get away from it all. FH is a place where you can have fun
and express yourself and lots of awesome ways. (another short lesson)

Lesson #4: Show your talent!
Another thing you can do on FH besides roleplaying or hanging out
with friends (if any) is making art,videos,maps,presets,items,
meshes ect. every feralheartian (i made it up ok? xD) has their
own talent in one of those catagories or has not found out that
their good at something yet. my talent is map making but i'm not
good at any other catagory except probably presets.

Lesson #5:Don't be afraid of/judge literacy!
A lot of people on FH have highly or super to extreme literate
roleplays and some people are semi-lit or lower. I find it so
upsetting thatplenty of people think that people who aren't fully/
extremely literate are immature! there is no reason to think of
yourself that way either. lots of people just can't be fully
literate (like me) or just don't like highly/fully literate
RP's. like i said in a previous lesson about your englsh, not
everyone is good at spelling/literacy/punctuation! so don't
look down on yourself or judge others because of literacy, a lot
of semi-lit roleplays are super fun for everyone so why not
give it a try?
More lessons soon!

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