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Topics - CoyoteCocoa

Pages: [1]

Welcome to Ozara! We are a-

●Realistic● (No neons/unrealistic colors, or crazy items.)
●Literate● (3+ Sentences a post.)
●Dedicated● (Longterm)
●Active● ( We like to be on about every day, but we understand emergencies and that you have a life to live! )

Dog pack based in Kiwimbi Beach!


To keep the pack alive and have the group be considered a family. Let it be on for long enough to let characters have pups, let pups have pups. Let many relationships, romances, enemies, and besties bloom. Let many side plots flow like rivers down a valley! Challenge all the dangers!

Will the pack split apart? Will they stay together forever?! Will anyone dare challenge the Alpha? The Beta?

Who will die? Who will survive...

Let thoughts run wild.


We are also proud of our unique ranking system. To explain: this is the simplified hierarchy.

Alpha > Beta > Delta's >Hunter > Patrollers > Mother-dogs > Young > Omega

To break it down more:

Hunter I > Hunter II > Hunter III > Patroller I > Patroller II > Patroller III

A big part of our group is challenging. As a Patroller I level, you can challenge a Hunter and become a Hunter yourself! We have a system of feathers to rank up through the tiers!

We currently have 30+ members.

Survivors by Erin Hunter was huge inspiration for this!

My discord is, or feel free to catch us online! A good time is at 2 pm CST in TG!

Thank you for reading!

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