Author Topic: Guide to Bad Roleplay  (Read 10263 times)

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2013, 01:37:10 pm »

Yeeeees. Great tutorial Foxxy, would help a ton of newbies just getting into roleplay, to get used to the references and such.

Hahahaha, your so funny. xD Yea, I really liked reading this since I had nothing to do. +floof from typing all this wonderful guide.

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2013, 08:07:08 pm »
I'm sorry to be such a buzzkill on this topic since so many seem to be complimenting it but half of these terms I've never even heard of and seeing that I was mentored by several decade or longer roleplayers (meaning yes they've been roleplaying and gained amazing experience for ten years or more), that's saying something.

Meta gaming, god modding and auto hit are essentially right although definitions of them vary from who you ask and can have multiple definitions. These other terms..just seem made up to me. It's like the new use of 'bunnies' to describe beginner roleplayers. It's a made up term by someone who wanted to start a new trend when there are pre-existing words that describe the situations perfectly fine.

If you really want to set up a guide, stick to the basics first since that's what seems to be lacking the most in Feral Heart. Basic terms such as out of character, in character, canon characters, head canon, god modding, power playing, 'literate' (which is in fact utilized so incorrectly it's beyond ridiculous), Mary Sue, auto hit, roleplay, original character and more. There's a ton more to the simplified format of roleplay and the messed up idea of having to use the biggest words possible to seem like the most experienced player out there. Ask any veteran roleplayer or retired or even venture out of the walls of Feral Heart and see what I'm talking about.

All in all, the list is incomplete and requires some extreme revisions. Please make sure you post things that are thought through to their fullest before posting them that way the beginners of this game won't learn wrong and have to be (if even given the chance) retaught how to roleplay.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 08:09:33 pm by Jennifer,, »
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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2013, 10:32:32 pm »
I'm sorry to be such a buzzkill on this topic since so many seem to be complimenting it but half of these terms I've never even heard of and seeing that I was mentored by several decade or longer roleplayers (meaning yes they've been roleplaying and gained amazing experience for ten years or more), that's saying something.
I'd like to point out that people are always taught differently than others by various role-players. Not everyone has had the same type of role-playing environment. The length of time role-playing doesn't matter, it all comes down to what kind of role-plays you participated in to have the experience you've gained. 

Meta gaming, god modding and auto hit are essentially right although definitions of them vary from who you ask and can have multiple definitions. These other terms..just seem made up to me. It's like the new use of 'bunnies' to describe beginner roleplayers. It's a made up term by someone who wanted to start a new trend when there are pre-existing words that describe the situations perfectly fine.
I am not going to say I know everything there is to a certain subject, but these terms do exist. I would not post just anything simply to get praise and call it day. Also, if the terms are not familiar to you, then, again, you were simply taught differently than me. In addition, some platforms use the these terms differently like twinking (having to do with gear).

If you really want to set up a guide, stick to the basics first since that's what seems to be lacking the most in Feral Heart. Basic terms such as out of character, in character, canon characters, head canon, god modding, power playing, 'literate' (which is in fact utilized so incorrectly it's beyond ridiculous), Mary Sue, auto hit, roleplay, original character and more. There's a ton more to the simplified format of roleplay and the messed up idea of having to use the biggest words possible to seem like the most experienced player out there. Ask any veteran roleplayer or retired or even venture out of the walls of Feral Heart and see what I'm talking about.
The reason I did not go to the basics is because that was not the purpose of the guide. The purpose is to give terms to bad role-playing habits. Yes, I agree there is a whole ton to the basics, but that is not what the guide was intended for.
Image © Mikita Kavalenka

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2013, 12:55:01 am »
I'm sorry to be such a buzzkill on this topic since so many seem to be complimenting it but half of these terms I've never even heard of and seeing that I was mentored by several decade or longer roleplayers (meaning yes they've been roleplaying and gained amazing experience for ten years or more), that's saying something.

Meta gaming, god modding and auto hit are essentially right although definitions of them vary from who you ask and can have multiple definitions. These other terms..just seem made up to me. It's like the new use of 'bunnies' to describe beginner roleplayers. It's a made up term by someone who wanted to start a new trend when there are pre-existing words that describe the situations perfectly fine.

If you really want to set up a guide, stick to the basics first since that's what seems to be lacking the most in Feral Heart. Basic terms such as out of character, in character, canon characters, head canon, god modding, power playing, 'literate' (which is in fact utilized so incorrectly it's beyond ridiculous), Mary Sue, auto hit, roleplay, original character and more. There's a ton more to the simplified format of roleplay and the messed up idea of having to use the biggest words possible to seem like the most experienced player out there. Ask any veteran roleplayer or retired or even venture out of the walls of Feral Heart and see what I'm talking about.

All in all, the list is incomplete and requires some extreme revisions. Please make sure you post things that are thought through to their fullest before posting them that way the beginners of this game won't learn wrong and have to be (if even given the chance) retaught how to roleplay.

Yes I must agree with FoxPhilosopher this guide is for helping those who tend to mislead with roleplaying. Maybe in the future, you should think about what others have learned differently instead of telling them their guide is wrong, hmm? In the meantime, perhaps you should think before you post, just saying.

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2013, 04:04:36 am »
Lol Well that's the last time I attempt to help out in Feral Heart.

The truth is in the pudding.

Offline darkknight

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2013, 04:47:29 am »
Lol Well that's the last time I attempt to help out in Feral Heart.

Why we come together is to discuss subjects that we like, in this case, the interest for role-play. If you feel that there should be a basics for role-playing or something in that nature for the forum, why not post one? That is, if no one has already done so.

For me, correcting misinterpretations for other people, even my own, is always a good aspect. Like I said before, we all just have not engaged in the same environment, but this platform seems to be where various people come together to share what they learned or have done. If you are experienced as you say and feel you can correct someone else's information objectively or even give your own to share, then why not? ~
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 04:56:11 am by FoxPhilosopher »
Image © Mikita Kavalenka

Offline darkknight

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Re: Guide to Bad Roleplay
« Reply #16 on: May 10, 2014, 05:30:06 pm »
The list has been updated with exclusion of a few terms and edit to the current ones. Since a few instances are more suited for a forum-based type role-play, I decided to extract them to keep it simple. In addition, they were not as experienced on the game as godmodding or auto-hit.  
Image © Mikita Kavalenka