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Messages - Melon

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before an admin/mod posts!
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:50:10 am »



News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 10:38:50 am »
I'm trying to be very calm about this, but perhaps if you had explained it in the first place people wouldn't be so upset? You seem keen to blame us for over-reacting when you gave us barely any information. You seem downright mocking us for not understanding it when you didn't explain it. Here is your exact post.

There was no explanation. There is still no explanation.

Perhaps it's time to, well, suck it up about your supposed dislike for explaining things.

Also, I still believe this is an absolutely horrendous idea, and as I have no real evidence to go on to the contrary I will continue that opinion.

This is what I agree with 100%, give us a reason for No Mod October... but in the first place..

Why would the mods have left in the first place? For what reason?

Praise / Re: Thank you FH staff
« on: September 26, 2018, 03:00:13 am »
You guys did everything to shape this game to what it is today. We are forever grateful for your hard work. We all love you as well, please don't forget that.

Thank you for everything you have done for this community.

We are forever grateful.

Leaving / Re: I feel like I must depart as well..
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:55:54 am »
Yes, I feel like I am leaving.. this could be a hiatus until everything is sorted out.

Due to the drama which i am sure you have all read, I shall take my um... leave?

I'll probably be around on the forums and maybe the game as well.. but I don't know if this will ever get solved, or we have to move to an entirely new game.

So, goodbye I guess? Not exactly sure how to word it.

You guys are awesome.

I'll miss all of you guys if the game goes under as well as the community. I'll probably try and stay with the game as long as it stays up unless Raz pulls the plug.

Game Discussion / Re: I'm not giving up on FH.
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:54:48 am »
I actually agree with you, even though I made a leaving post earlier.

I truly don't want this game and community to die, as it holds dear memories for me.

I don't really own a Discord account, but you guys can add me here if the game goes under:

Leaving / I feel like I must depart as well..
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:48:50 am »
Yes, I feel like I am leaving.. this could be a hiatus until everything is sorted out.

Due to the drama which i am sure you have all read, I shall take my um... leave?

I'll probably be around on the forums and maybe the game as well.. but I don't know if this will ever get solved, or we have to move to an entirely new game.

So, goodbye I guess? Not exactly sure how to word it.

You guys are awesome.

Leaving / Re: We love you!
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:55:12 pm »
Thank you all for doing what you did, you guys did great things for the community. Raz made a awful decision, and that was a awful decision. We will all miss you great people, have fun wherever you guys go. Perhaps, we will see you guys again, but until then... Goodbye guys, we will miss you!

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:35:16 am »
Deleted my post from before to make a new one.

This is such a awful idea. This could very well kill the community... Why would you think this was a good idea at all?

The entire community is against this idea heavily, as it CAN and WILL be abused.

I really hope this is just a joke.

Species / Alatzer
« on: August 28, 2018, 11:43:50 am »
You may be wondering: What is a Alatzer? Well, here I am about to explain them to you.

They are small creatures that range in height from 2'1 to 4'6. They have fur that covers almost the entirity of their bodies, apart from their hair and sometimes wings [furred wings can exist].

Their biology is akin to those of a more animalistic anthropomorphic vibe, having wings and tails that are in the shape of a devil's.

These creatures can live in a wide variety of places, ranging from wildforests to tropical deserts. Alatzer are mainly omnivorous; eating multiple things that can be turned into energy and enough to be stored for the harsh winter months.


Discussion Board / Re: What species is/are your OC(s)/fursona(s)?
« on: August 25, 2018, 01:55:03 am »
My fursona is a Chao, though I never draw them since I suck at art..

They are called Mitsuba, who's a cute little neutral/swim/normal chao with a unicorn horn. The other one is Kieran, who's a regular normal chao with a yellow beanie [took the icon from a wallpaper.]

I've went on a tangent, haven't I?

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