Author Topic: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [Inactive since 02/11/2012]  (Read 29137 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2012, 02:31:38 am »

Kasi could hear the yelps of other dogs as they were shot down "Hey! Stop making so much noise!. Those things will come here." she huffed. She stood up and saw an infected coming towards the fence she felt no more sympathy for these creatures, it was almost strange to her, earlier it seemed the thought of killing them would shatter her heart. She drew her bow and shot it straight through it's skull, she smirked and jumped from the roof and went looking for the boy, she never got his name. She walked through the compound like place, she knew she was in the right place when she saw the dead canines, she sighed and continued looking for him. She came to a lobby and saw him standing there with a dutch shepherd, she tilted her head and had her hand on her pistol, just in case, she though to herself. "Hey. I just wanted to say thanks for helping me back there." She began to rock from side to side nervously "I didn't catch your name, I'm Kasimira, but just call me Kasi." She held out her hand, she was never good at talking to people especially boys. She immediately pulled her hand back, what if my hand is clammy. She put her hands behind her back and scratched her foot on the tile, she was surprised when the shepherd came up to her and sat there, like he was waiting for a command "Uhm, platz.(Lay down)" The dog did as he was told and was still staring at her "Good boy." she rubbed the dog behind his ears "They must have taught you commands in German eh?" She stood back up and looked over at the boy.

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Offline Poppyheart

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2012, 12:59:01 am »
Forum Username: Chearry!!
I didn't draw this, just colored. c:
Name: Jackie Gallagher
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old
Surviving Lineage: None.
Undead Lineage: She doesn't know--Or at least remember. She knows her dad and mom died. Never remembered if she had siblings.
Main Weapon: What could a 14 year old have? Anyway, she has a very advanced knife...

Other Weapon(s): She has an advanced knowledge of plants, and knows many herbs and poisonous leaves a and berries. She knows the ideal places to find water as well.
Strongest Point: Being low, in a dark shadowy place where she is distanced from any enemy.
Weakest Point: Being near fire, or on a cliff. She is not comfortable with either of those.
Other: Her knife is also used as a throwing knife. She barely uses it as a stabby weapon. Also-She has a little bird for a pet.... She helped it out of its misery when it broke both wings in a fall. (Click here to see)
Role-play Sample: A light flickered on in a small house. Anyone could see it through the small window in the attic. Emerging from the shadows, a small girl floated softly to the window, creating a dark shadow against it. Her night dress was dark, midnight black. Long brown hair flowed to her lower back. She watched everything out the window, and her lips formed the words; "Are you okay?"

Gliding down the stairs, her nightdress wafted behind her. The girl slipped out the door, carefully placing her bare feet on the grass. She tip-toed carefully around, heading too a small shape that was as big as her forearm. She leaned down, the cold dew on the grass nestling in the fabric of her night dress. Picking up the shape, she stretched out one wing, and then another. Sharp, black eyes glazed with pain stared out at her. The beak in between was moving in a silent plea for this human to save her. Covering the bird, the girl whispered softly.

"I'm Jackie. You're....Blue." The simple name made the bird quiver. Jackie hoped it could understand she would help the creature. As she hurried to the house, Jackie drifted inside. She hoped that no one had woken up. Suddenly, her eyes widened. She sat down on the hard wooden floor. A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered what happened...

"Sorry Jackie." A beautiful woman whispered, her face pale and sick. She was wearing a mask so the germs could not contaminate anyone in the room. She ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, which was draped by her shoulders. A sickly man coughed in the bed next to the mother. Jackie rushed to his side, leaning to give her father a kiss goodbye.

"No." He coughed, pushing her away. The man made one frail movement, and his body was still.

Snapping back to reality, Jackie crossed her legs, holding the bird in her lap. It was time to leave.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 01:03:16 am by Chearry »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #22 on: October 24, 2012, 01:18:19 am »
If you could please find a realistic picture, that'd be great! But, if you can't, I understand.))


"I'm Marcous. No problem. Just remember, that's the last time I save your -Removed by Moderator-." After she told Hermes "Uhm, platz." And the dog sat, Marcous was impressed. German, eh. He thought. "Sprich, hund, sprechen." He commanded, the dog just cocked his head. "Damn dog," Marcous got up and weaved through the familiar building, until he was back in the fenced in courtyard. Few creatures limping about, one trying to break in. It looked like his ex-girlfriend. "S'up -Removed by Moderator-?" He chuckled, then went to the building, and sat down on the wall. He twiddled his thumbs, feeling bad about what he did before most of the human race was eliminated. He put his hand to his forehead, unaware of his two sisters' burning eyes. "What's wrong?" Agus' voice startled him. "Nothing, leave me alone," "C'mon, we've been through so much together." A cough came from Koilana. "You getting sick?" She shook her head. He stood up and put his arm on her head. And reeled back as fast as he could. "Not getting sick, damn, your head is a oven!" A sharp nudge jabbed his ribs. "Well, no that I think about it... I do have a sore throat, my head head--" She was cut off, only because she fell face first onto the ground.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:29:42 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline Poppyheart

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #23 on: October 24, 2012, 01:21:41 am »
Well I didn't find any good pictures of the character I wanted, so I thought, why not just grab a free lineart and color it? I will look.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 01:25:46 am by Chearry »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #24 on: October 24, 2012, 01:27:41 am »
Ok, you may start when ready. I'm going to add you.))

Offline Poppyheart

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #25 on: October 24, 2012, 01:30:52 am »
Found one, here Not exactly what I want her to look like. Just imagine this person ehh, younger. xD

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2012, 02:00:07 am »

Kasi huffed "I wouldn't expect you to save my -Removed by Moderator- again, because I won't be here." She wiggled her finger at him before dropping down and rubbing the dogs head "I've never had a dog before, so what do you like to do?" She said to the shepherd. She heard Marcous leave the room and stood up and followed, the canine at her heels, she turned a corner and went to check on Jynx. She was surpsrised to see the little white kitten still sitting in her place "Hey girl, look what we found." She motioned to the dog, the kitten responded with a mew and a bat of her paw. "Hermes, this is Jynx." She put the kitten near the dog ready to swing a punch if the dog attacked, but the dog didn't do anything except lick the little feline. Kasimia laughed and set the kitten down before standing up. "Hermes, Setz, Bleib." The dog did as he was told "Keep an eye on Jynx for me will ya?" the dog responded with a quiet bark. Kasimira exited the room and went to the others, as she entered a small room she saw the younger sister fall face first to the ground, Kasi ran over and kneeled next to her to lie her on her back, she looked at the girl's brother "What happened?" she re-adjusted her face mask and gloves before checking the girl's pulse, Still alive. She sighed "I think I'm gong to have to leave soon." She looked at the boy then back at the girl "I'm not sure why, but it feels like I have to go somewhere, anywhere.."

Seems like going to school in Germany is finally paying off xD))
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:30:02 pm by Kynvuu »

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Offline Poppyheart

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #27 on: October 24, 2012, 09:36:30 pm »

A cry echoed through the forest, the bird was emitting a soft chee-chee sound. Glancing at the bird, Jackie tightened her grip on her knife. Blue's cry meant there was something coming. Bracing herself, Jackie let a small breeze carry her hair from against her back until it fell down again. She heard the scattering of leaves, though the creature sounded small. She pulled the knife out from her small belt, holding it above her shoulder, ready to kill. A young fox came scampering across the leaves. Hesitating for a moment, Jackie threw the knife.

About an hour later, short puffs of smoke rose above the trees. Jackie's eyes were directed at a pile of wood in front of her, and she was slamming two stones together. "Is it even possible to make fires now? Honestly," she said to no one in particular. Soon great tongues of flame sprouted, charring the branches. Blue lept back, letting out a "scrraa" of disgust. Jackie giggled, the glanced at the young fox. She sighed. It was not infected and she wanted to make the most out of her kill. Sticking her knife in the flesh, she skinned part of the fox. When finished, there was still patches of fur here and there in the small area she scraped. Jackie picked up a piece of meat, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She poked a stick through it, hanging it over the fire.

When Jackie was done, twice had the meat fallen into the fire. But she got it out, and looked at the half-burned meat. She glanced protectively at her knife, which was coated in blood. Cutting up a bit of the meat, she opened her mouth. Slowly dropping the fox in, she chewed. "Aww, gross! Here, have your share," Jackie said, spitting out the fox meat and pushing the carcass of the uncooked fox to Blue. The bird hopped over, pecking at the cut part.

  "I am now officially a vegetarian." She said, watching the blue-feathered bird scrub the blood off his beak. Crooning with delight, he tore off another piece of meat. Jackie sighed, turning away. She tossed some mud-dirt on the fire, eliminating the light. Walking over to a tree, she started digging around the roots. Tucking her knife under her arm, Jackie tried to fall asleep.

Watching the human go to sleep, Blue lifted his wings and took off, rustling the leaves on the ground.

Scratch that part about Jackie being afraid of fire. By the way, every time I finish Jackie's part, I will add a small section about Blue. Just a sentence or two. Also, the only reason she is in the forest is because her house was out a few miles from town. She has always been a rural gal. Right now her fire could be seen by anyone from a nearby town. She is trying to find one.))
« Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 09:52:23 pm by Chearry »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #28 on: October 25, 2012, 11:47:59 pm »


Marcous felt tired. Too tired. He kept shaking his head, trying to keep awake. He stood up, leaving the girls, walking to the shower room, locking the fogged glass. He took off his clothes and started the water. The lines have been off for two days, but he knew that the police station had it's own Propane tank. He took made sure his face was wet, and he was ready to stay up late. He should've made himself coffee earlier. He took a long breath.

(I'm going to fix it up later.)

Offline Poppyheart

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2012, 11:53:39 pm »

When she woke up, the girl stretched and lifted herself to her feet. A strange bird fluttered down onto some branches. Jackie hovered for a moment, then took off. She darted past trees, hopping through the shadows. Carefully avoiding any light, she skidded to a stop. Panting, Jackie had run at least a quarter of a mile in just three minutes*. She leaned against a tree, looking high up into the branches.

Jackie felt like her stomach was going to flip. High places worried her. You can die so easily, she thought, think about falling from one! The top! Closing her eyes and shuddering, she continued on. Looking at the strange blue bird still following, she blinked sadly.

"You think there's others like us, Blue?" Her words barely split the eerie silence of the woods. "We will find that town, I know it," she added. Regaining her breath, she trudged on. At one point, there was a muddy area. Hesitating, Jackie prodded the sludge with her toe. She crouched down. It was at least twenty feet, and no trees grew so she could leap across the roots. Must have been a river, Jackie thought curiously, but how did it come to be like this? She flinched, suddenly realizing that it was because of that infection. Not wanting to get the sickly germs on her flesh, Jackie hustled on, heading what should have been downstream.

Deep in the woods, something stirred. A flock of crows sputtered from the trees, shrieking that horrible "caw," that they were known for. Widening her eyes, Jackie flinched. Blue screeched in alarm as well, slamming into her shoulder with more warning cries. Pulling her knife out, she looked around. "A bridge!" She echoed, spotting a brown long shape not too far away. Tensing her muscles, more birds cried out into the sky. Their black shapes were bigger than the first flock. "Whatever it is, it's getting closer," she said. Blue lifted his wings, spreading them and pulsing upward into the sky. Jackie slowly nodded, breaking into a fierce run for the bridge. "God help me!" She whispered.

Finally, the wooden bridge came into view. The sickened brown mud sloshed only about five inches under it. Jackie heard leaves stirring, gasping. A large black creature came into view, and she tried to spin around and run, though her warning was too late. It tackled her, bloodshot eyes glimmering with menace. Jackie's eyes started tearing. She could not reach her knife. Was she really going to die like this? Letting out a scream, she writhed under the massive animal. Was this..A dog? How? It was taller than normal, and much more ferocious. No. A wolf. Snapping jaws teared at her, though never touching her flesh. Not yet anyway. Already the wolf was clinging onto her so that his claws ripped at her left arm.

A loud shriek echoed through the woods. Jackie was looking at her arm. It was split open, and blood was flowing heavily. Jackie recalled how her beautiful bird, Blue, had saved her.

The blue bird slammed himself against the wolf's flank with his talons digging into the side. Jackie had enough time to wrench her knife from her pocket and lash it against the wolf. His eyes were a milky white, proving the canine was infected. Struggling to her knees, she tackled the wolf  as it snapped at Blue. Then she hung on, clinging as hard as she could. The wolf was thrashing too much for her to kill it...

Remembering the wolf's body go limp, she shuddered. Scraping some leaves from the ground, she wrapped them around her arm until she could grab her bandage roll later. She was too...Tired, dizzy...A thud bumped across the ground. Jackie fell to the ground, dizzy. The leaves were turning red. They did though, act as a blood protector.

Blue sadly watched his friend fall. He lifted his wings and flew to the town. It was a shriek of horror as well as a cry for help.

*-It's possible.

By the way,
Pink=Battle moment from memory
Red=Moment from memory
Italics=Thought or spoken words
*=Something important at the bottom of post about the last sentence.
Cyan=Something Blue did.))
« Last Edit: October 30, 2012, 11:57:53 pm by Chearry »