Author Topic: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|  (Read 37295 times)

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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2015, 12:25:11 am »
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline DangusMangus

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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2015, 09:15:48 pm »

Christina Parker
"Bite me."

Full name: Christina Parker.
Nickname: Chris.
Gender: Female.
Age: 23 years old.
Personality: Chris is mostly seen as a crazy woman that has a huge obsession for pies and cookies. when in stores, she always looks for chocolate chip cookies. If she won't find any, she'd go on a rampage and most likely destroy the whole store. Chris is dependable and quite a role model. She is friendly and nice, always there to lend a helping hand, along with noce and courageous words. She's a good listener and decision maker, an alpha or beta. She likes to joke around a lot, always try to put a smile on someone's face. Chris is strong-willed female, she'll always refuse to give up and will do her best at saving someone or standing last in the battlefield. Crazy, wild woman on loose. Call the police if you see her.
History: Chris was born in a poor family, her parents were alcoholics and she was the only child. At school she'd always get bullied, but in second grade she stood at the bullies and helped children who got bullied. That's how she became the most known student in school.
Chris got good grades and some parents were curious how girl who's a child of alcoholic parents get better grades than their children. She always showed her physical strength in gym and in class, her sharp tongue when annoyed, and her great learning skills during tests and classes.
The idea of joining the army crossed her mind when she was in 11th grade, during a presentation about soldiers. She joined the army when she was 18, there she met Theo who's she accompanied to today. She prove her strength in battlefield with that male right next to her, climbing to the best spot during those few years. When they were able to leave back home, Chris didn't want to any single bit, but she had to anyways. When she got back, the first thing she saw was a huge mess in her parents' flat, along with stench that caused the girl to head outside for a second. When she came back in with a scarf around her nose and mouth, upon investigating she found her parents laying dead on the kitchen floor, only moments before they attacked the girl. Killing them and then realizing that it's the end of the human race struck the world, she went out to find Theo and survive with him.
Chris' companion is Milo, a Bengal Malinois. This canine has been by her side ever since she left the Army. For her great work, they gifted her a young pup, that now grew up into a tall and strong dog. Milo is loyal and very protective of Chris', Theo and his fellow friend Major. Inseparable from his owner, Milo tends to always stay by her side, knowing, that the girl can get attacked any time, both by humans and other zombies.
M16, (the last one). She has mastered the use in this gun, her main gun.
Army knife, always in a small socket in her belt.
Other: She's immune to zombie's bites, a bite on her neck proves so.

Theo Benedict
"Okay, I get the point, just shut up."

Full name: Theo Benedict.
Nickname: None as of yet.
Gender: Male.
Age: 25 years old.
Personality: Theo is an easy-going guy that prefers to make friends and stay calm rather than go aggressive at people he doesn't know. Of course, there's a small portion of self-defense and protection is there. He's not selfish, more likely, he's generous. Open minded and strong willed.
History: Meh. Maybe next time.
And his name is Major, a black shepherd that as well has been by Theo's side since he elft Army. Gifted a black puppy that now is his loyal companion, Theo has never wanted to get rid of this dog, and never will. Major is intelligent, strong-willed and enthusiastic canine, trained to be a soldier in a battle field.
A black rifle M16, his most favorite gun. Though, he prefers to use AUG and AK, still, M16 is his love.
Other: End!

Theo snatched his hand flashlight from his pocket, tucking it between his teeth with his gun now holding on a strap over his shoulder. Rushing his hands over some chicken conserves, he snatched boxes that still seemed to still be in date before heading towards the water bottles. Without even checking if the water is good, Theo threw the bottles into the leather bag, along with conserves, before with a sigh he'd casually head towards the candy shelves.

 Grabbing his favorite candy that weren't even close to expiration, Theo opened a donut that was still good to eat. He headed out on the road, now having his flashlight toggled off with his gun's flashlight toggled on. Standing there by the entrance with a chocolate donut between his teeth, he wasn't really paying attention to his surroundings, which is a big mistake of his.
 Only fellow barks of his companions caught his attention, a dragging sound behind a car took his attention straight after. Instantly grabbing his gun with his brows narrowed, Theo began to head towards the car with his gun pointed at who ever there was. Still, he wasn't done with the donut; he had it between his teeth. "Herrow?" Shouting out in a muffled voice, that anyone would resemble of a zombie's sounds, he inched closer to the car.
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2015, 11:49:54 pm »

Kennedy-Leigh McCally
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
Location; Looting in the city
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Hunter and Kaisza - Z's in the store

Jacob Bennedict
""It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Location; Block of secure flats - groups safe place
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Tonx, Tebo and Sooty

After a while of waiting, it was obvious that the beasts had no intention of moving. Great, just what Kennedy wanted right now ... Looking back at the two canines, she'd signal with her hand for them to move out. The beasts seemed to have moved towards the back of the store, although their growls and groans could still be heard, along with the growling of the mutant dog as it seemed to get in to some 'fight' with one of the walking. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she'd slowly and quietly make her way down the broken-down escalators. Crouched low, with the bag over her shoulder, gun in one hand and spiked club in the other, it appeared that the skies were growing dark. She needed to move out now or she'd be trapped in the store, in complete darkness with those creatures. Quietly, she'd quickly step towards the last flight of escalators. Breathing heavily, Ken seemed to have came in to contact with something hard whilst looking behind her. Growling, she'd draw herself back and stand up, just managing to dodge out of the way as a beasty threw itself at her. Swinging the club, she managed to smack it in to the zombies head, sending it flying to the ground. However, the sudden commotion had caught the attention of the beasts at the back of the store. Looking back, it seemed they were running towards her. "Sh*t ..." She'd mutter to herself "Come on guys, move!" She'd call, stopping the two canines from turning and fighting.

The building was growing darker by the second, and the streets couldn't be any better. Narrowing her eyes, the woman would pick up her pace, growls and screeches coming from behind her, becoming louder, their uneven steps echoing through the building. There'd be no time to push the door open properly, she'd need to just run, and hope for the best. Turning herself slightly, she'd ram her shoulder in to the door, it seemed to jerk open slightly however, she managed to break the glass and roll out on to the street. Well, that was one way to do it. Picking herself up quickly and wiping the glass from her clothing, it seemed her cheek had a small cut on it, along with her arm and hand. It could have been worse. Grabbing her weapons and the back, the lass would quickly set off again. Followed by the two dogs and the hoard behind her, Kennedy ran down the street. Their sickening shrieks echoing through the darkened streets as they attempted to hunt her down. Although, it'd only be a matter of time until those mutant canines caught up with her. Maybe she'd have to fight instead of flee, if she didn't get back to the car quick enough. Now and then the woman would turn, shooting down anything that she was able to, the club also came in to contact with any beast which popped out in front of her.
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2015, 11:52:20 pm »

Kennedy-Leigh McCally
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
Location; Looting in the city
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Hunter and Kaisza - Z's in the store

Jacob Bennedict
""It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Location; Block of secure flats - groups safe place
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Tonx, Tebo and Sooty

After a while of waiting, it was obvious that the beasts had no intention of moving. Great, just what Kennedy wanted right now ... Looking back at the two canines, she'd signal with her hand for them to move out. The beasts seemed to have moved towards the back of the store, although their growls and groans could still be heard, along with the growling of the mutant dog as it seemed to get in to some 'fight' with one of the walking. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she'd slowly and quietly make her way down the broken-down escalators. Crouched low, with the bag over her shoulder, gun in one hand and spiked club in the other, it appeared that the skies were growing dark. She needed to move out now or she'd be trapped in the store, in complete darkness with those creatures. Quietly, she'd quickly step towards the last flight of escalators. Breathing heavily, Ken seemed to have came in to contact with something hard whilst looking behind her. Growling, she'd draw herself back and stand up, just managing to dodge out of the way as a beasty threw itself at her. Swinging the club, she managed to smack it in to the zombies head, sending it flying to the ground. However, the sudden commotion had caught the attention of the beasts at the back of the store. Looking back, it seemed they were running towards her. "Sh*t ..." She'd mutter to herself "Come on guys, move!" She'd call, stopping the two canines from turning and fighting.

The building was growing darker by the second, and the streets couldn't be any better. Narrowing her eyes, the woman would pick up her pace, growls and screeches coming from behind her, becoming louder, their uneven steps echoing through the building. There'd be no time to push the door open properly, she'd need to just run, and hope for the best. Turning herself slightly, she'd ram her shoulder in to the door, it seemed to jerk open slightly however, she managed to break the glass and roll out on to the street. Well, that was one way to do it. Picking herself up quickly and wiping the glass from her clothing, it seemed her cheek had a small cut on it, along with her arm and hand. It could have been worse. Grabbing her weapons and the back, the lass would quickly set off again. Followed by the two dogs and the hoard behind her, Kennedy ran down the street. Their sickening shrieks echoing through the darkened streets as they attempted to hunt her down. Although, it'd only be a matter of time until those mutant canines caught up with her. Maybe she'd have to fight instead of flee, if she didn't get back to the car quick enough. Now and then the woman would turn, shooting down anything that she was able to, the club also came in to contact with any beast which popped out in front of her.
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2015, 11:53:52 pm »

Kennedy-Leigh McCally
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
Location; Looting in the city
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Hunter and Kaisza - Z's in the store

Jacob Bennedict
""It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Location; Block of secure flats - groups safe place
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Tonx, Tebo and Sooty

After a while of waiting, it was obvious that the beasts had no intention of moving. Great, just what Kennedy wanted right now ... Looking back at the two canines, she'd signal with her hand for them to move out. The beasts seemed to have moved towards the back of the store, although their growls and groans could still be heard, along with the growling of the mutant dog as it seemed to get in to some 'fight' with one of the walking. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she'd slowly and quietly make her way down the broken-down escalators. Crouched low, with the bag over her shoulder, gun in one hand and spiked club in the other, it appeared that the skies were growing dark. She needed to move out now or she'd be trapped in the store, in complete darkness with those creatures. Quietly, she'd quickly step towards the last flight of escalators. Breathing heavily, Ken seemed to have came in to contact with something hard whilst looking behind her. Growling, she'd draw herself back and stand up, just managing to dodge out of the way as a beasty threw itself at her. Swinging the club, she managed to smack it in to the zombies head, sending it flying to the ground. However, the sudden commotion had caught the attention of the beasts at the back of the store. Looking back, it seemed they were running towards her. "Sh*t ..." She'd mutter to herself "Come on guys, move!" She'd call, stopping the two canines from turning and fighting.

The building was growing darker by the second, and the streets couldn't be any better. Narrowing her eyes, the woman would pick up her pace, growls and screeches coming from behind her, becoming louder, their uneven steps echoing through the building. There'd be no time to push the door open properly, she'd need to just run, and hope for the best. Turning herself slightly, she'd ram her shoulder in to the door, it seemed to jerk open slightly however, she managed to break the glass and roll out on to the street. Well, that was one way to do it. Picking herself up quickly and wiping the glass from her clothing, it seemed her cheek had a small cut on it, along with her arm and hand. It could have been worse. Grabbing her weapons and the back, the lass would quickly set off again. Followed by the two dogs and the hoard behind her, Kennedy ran down the street. Their sickening shrieks echoing through the darkened streets as they attempted to hunt her down. Although, it'd only be a matter of time until those mutant canines caught up with her. Maybe she'd have to fight instead of flee, if she didn't get back to the car quick enough. Now and then the woman would turn, shooting down anything that she was able to, the club also came in to contact with any beast which popped out in front of her.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2015, 11:55:20 pm »

Kennedy-Leigh McCally
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
Location; Looting in the city
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Hunter and Kaisza - Z's in the store

Jacob Bennedict
""It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Location; Block of secure flats - groups safe place
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Tonx, Tebo and Sooty

After a while of waiting, it was obvious that the beasts had no intention of moving. Great, just what Kennedy wanted right now ... Looking back at the two canines, she'd signal with her hand for them to move out. The beasts seemed to have moved towards the back of the store, although their growls and groans could still be heard, along with the growling of the mutant dog as it seemed to get in to some 'fight' with one of the walking. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she'd slowly and quietly make her way down the broken-down escalators. Crouched low, with the bag over her shoulder, gun in one hand and spiked club in the other, it appeared that the skies were growing dark. She needed to move out now or she'd be trapped in the store, in complete darkness with those creatures. Quietly, she'd quickly step towards the last flight of escalators. Breathing heavily, Ken seemed to have came in to contact with something hard whilst looking behind her. Growling, she'd draw herself back and stand up, just managing to dodge out of the way as a beasty threw itself at her. Swinging the club, she managed to smack it in to the zombies head, sending it flying to the ground. However, the sudden commotion had caught the attention of the beasts at the back of the store. Looking back, it seemed they were running towards her. "Sh*t ..." She'd mutter to herself "Come on guys, move!" She'd call, stopping the two canines from turning and fighting.

The building was growing darker by the second, and the streets couldn't be any better. Narrowing her eyes, the woman would pick up her pace, growls and screeches coming from behind her, becoming louder, their uneven steps echoing through the building. There'd be no time to push the door open properly, she'd need to just run, and hope for the best. Turning herself slightly, she'd ram her shoulder in to the door, it seemed to jerk open slightly however, she managed to break the glass and roll out on to the street. Well, that was one way to do it. Picking herself up quickly and wiping the glass from her clothing, it seemed her cheek had a small cut on it, along with her arm and hand. It could have been worse. Grabbing her weapons and the back, the lass would quickly set off again. Followed by the two dogs and the hoard behind her, Kennedy ran down the street. Their sickening shrieks echoing through the darkened streets as they attempted to hunt her down. Although, it'd only be a matter of time until those mutant canines caught up with her. Maybe she'd have to fight instead of flee, if she didn't get back to the car quick enough. Now and then the woman would turn, shooting down anything that she was able to, the club also came in to contact with any beast which popped out in front of her.
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2015, 11:56:02 pm »

Kennedy-Leigh McCally
"When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
Location; Looting in the city
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Hunter and Kaisza - Z's in the store

Jacob Bennedict
""It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."
Location; Block of secure flats - groups safe place
Status; Alive
Health; Healthy - a few cuts and bruises
Accompanied by; Tonx, Tebo and Sooty

After a while of waiting, it was obvious that the beasts had no intention of moving. Great, just what Kennedy wanted right now ... Looking back at the two canines, she'd signal with her hand for them to move out. The beasts seemed to have moved towards the back of the store, although their growls and groans could still be heard, along with the growling of the mutant dog as it seemed to get in to some 'fight' with one of the walking. Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, she'd slowly and quietly make her way down the broken-down escalators. Crouched low, with the bag over her shoulder, gun in one hand and spiked club in the other, it appeared that the skies were growing dark. She needed to move out now or she'd be trapped in the store, in complete darkness with those creatures. Quietly, she'd quickly step towards the last flight of escalators. Breathing heavily, Ken seemed to have came in to contact with something hard whilst looking behind her. Growling, she'd draw herself back and stand up, just managing to dodge out of the way as a beasty threw itself at her. Swinging the club, she managed to smack it in to the zombies head, sending it flying to the ground. However, the sudden commotion had caught the attention of the beasts at the back of the store. Looking back, it seemed they were running towards her. "Sh*t ..." She'd mutter to herself "Come on guys, move!" She'd call, stopping the two canines from turning and fighting.

The building was growing darker by the second, and the streets couldn't be any better. Narrowing her eyes, the woman would pick up her pace, growls and screeches coming from behind her, becoming louder, their uneven steps echoing through the building. There'd be no time to push the door open properly, she'd need to just run, and hope for the best. Turning herself slightly, she'd ram her shoulder in to the door, it seemed to jerk open slightly however, she managed to break the glass and roll out on to the street. Well, that was one way to do it. Picking herself up quickly and wiping the glass from her clothing, it seemed her cheek had a small cut on it, along with her arm and hand. It could have been worse. Grabbing her weapons and the back, the lass would quickly set off again. Followed by the two dogs and the hoard behind her, Kennedy ran down the street. Their sickening shrieks echoing through the darkened streets as they attempted to hunt her down. Although, it'd only be a matter of time until those mutant canines caught up with her. Maybe she'd have to fight instead of flee, if she didn't get back to the car quick enough. Now and then the woman would turn, shooting down anything that she was able to, the club also came in to contact with any beast which popped out in front of her.
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2015, 04:41:57 am »
Uh, Taylor, you posted like... 5 times. xD))
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2015, 05:09:31 am »

{Oh my! xD The site kinda messed up :/ Do you know how I can get all but one deleted?}
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Re: "Is this really the end?" |Remade| |Post Apocalyptic Rp| |Currently Open|
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2015, 12:33:33 pm »
Without a mod they won't be gone. :/ ))
In-game - Orchee
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