Author Topic: FeralHeart Radio Return?  (Read 12825 times)

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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2021, 09:34:46 pm »
1. Chillax with the community, listen to some music sounds like a plan if you ask me!

2.Hmm maybe Red and White (Red background & white writing?) as it’s not too straining on the eyes, but that’s me whatever the community votes for really.

3.Hell yeah, music rocks!


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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2021, 10:53:50 pm »

2.Hmm maybe Red and White (Red background & white writing?) as it’s not too straining on the eyes, but that’s me whatever the community votes for really.

As someone who suffers from eye strain-- red and white together are not really ever good for writing. I would suggest more of a "dark mode" style of color schemes. Dark gray with lighter gray/white writing and that.

1. If there were a return of the Radio Show - what would you like it to be?
I like music-- listening to music with the community would be really fun. I've never really paid attention to talk show hosts but I did tune in a couple of times to hear what people had to say.

2. What colors/themes would you suggest?

as stated above more of a "dark mode" style that isn't too straining. I would even suggest the default forum colors as they aren't too bad.

3. Would you, the community, even like to see it return?
Yes! I think it would be a great addition to the community and I would love to tune in again sometime!

4. What time (please list your time zone so I can convert) would you like to see it if it did return?

EST - I'm available most times of the day so I'm sure whatever is most convenient for the majority of the player base.

Offline Telluric

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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2021, 04:12:00 am »
Maybe we could introduce guest speakers every once in a while or turn it into an unofficial "chat with a staff" thing where I can try to answer any questions y'all may have or something.
-discord eye emoji

1. If there were a return of the Radio Show - what would you like it to be?
2. What colors/themes would you suggest?
3. Would you, the community, even like to see it return?
4. What time (please list your time zone so I can convert) would you like to see it if it did return?
I. nothing super long nor super outrageous, just something to kick back with and play in the background if there's other things that i need to put more attention towards.
II.mgnhgmn darker theme with lighter highlights kinda like what the forum/most devices/sites have dark modes for just because it's what i'm accustomed to
III. sure, i never really attended the older ones but i have a different life now owu
IV. uuuuuuuuuhhh US central gang innat a sunuvagun because 99.9% of you are EST
they say the world is endin'

well maybe it's about time!
don't ask about the yellow flower
see you, space cowboy..

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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2021, 07:23:12 am »
1. If there were a return of the Radio Show - what would you like it to be?

In all honesty, the way it was prior to ending was perfect in my opinion, however if you've found a way that better fits you and the way you want to run it, then I'm all for it.

2. What colors/themes would you suggest?

I can get very picky when it comes to color schemes so I'll keep quiet on this one lol I'll take whatever you decide is best lmao

3. Would you, the community, even like to see it return?

Y e s  p l e a s e

4. What time (please list your time zone so I can convert) would you like to see it if it did return?


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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2021, 08:43:21 am »
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. also yes

Offline Burning_gold

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Re: FeralHeart Radio Return?
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2021, 02:32:09 pm »
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. also yes
yes indeed. ^
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