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Messages - catcarryer

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Here it goes!

Character Name: Daichi

Username: catcarryer

Brief RP Sample:
Daichi's eyes looked around wildly, wagging his tail as the plains grew darker. The darkness contrasting towards his light colored pelt. The brutes steps were halted by the scent of unfamiliar wolves, pinning his auds towards his head he stayed low amogst the grass. Daichi already had enough for one day, his brusies were already too much for common herbs to handle. He heard the sound of pawsteps getting closer. The male tried to blend in to the grass he was in, but it was no use, the wolf could already be seen in the horizon. Now he knew it was his final straw.

Character Size and Height (1st Step of Making a Chara)

Now, have you seen a cat as big as a teenage lion in real life before? *Stares at some warrior cats*. Well, its fine, if you're not planning to be a huge ass kitteh. But you need to friggin... Reserch... On... How... Tall... Or... Fat... Your... Chara... ISH. Because it gets annoying when we see huge lion cubs or wolf pups flyin' around.

1. Get a reference picture to your chara!

Now you might wanna get one of these, since you need it for the color of your character as well as the proportions. Ill be using Ezio Auditore here, a character from Assassins Creed 2. I also will be cosplaying him as an undead at the party.

Feline or Canine?

See what model fits the character the most. Feline characters are more for the anime characters or robots & Mecha. Wolves seem to look good for human-like creatures or humans, like Titans, Mythology, or people in general. So I'll be using a wolf for Ezie's cosplay.

Head Size?


Installing Item and Marking Packs

Its actualy quite easy to put these bundles of joy into your game so you wont have to see blinding marshmellow felines and canines around.

When you get the pack, it will be in a .ZIP file, these are compact files that can be opened by using a free program called WinRAR. You may search up on that and install it, as soon as that is done, open the .ZIP file. You will see many files in the .ZIP. Now... find a file called markings.cfg , once you have found it, open up where you saved your FH stuff. Most likely it will be installed on your Local Disk or C: Drive. Open the folder and place the .cfg file in. If it says there is another file in the name of markings.cfg, just say replace. Then, go back to the .ZIP. There will be many .jpeg pictures which are black and white, In the FH folder go to Media>Textures. Place all the picture files in there and then open FH. There you go! Now you have new markings to play with!

Now, do you want some daggers or some cool bracelets on your character and only got the Christmas Hat? You only need to download the Pawesome Item Pack, it has been recently updated to V4 with new items.

Now, to start off. Like the markings it will download as a .ZIP. Open it in WinRAR and find a file called items.cfg and put it in you FH folder and replace the old one. Now, when you get to the other stuffs place it all in FH>Media>Items. Run your FH and go play with your new weapons for awesomeness!

Next will be a guide in character settings in the first page.

Jynkz's Character Tutorials!

Hello there fluffies! Have you ever had an urge to cosplay or impersonate your favorite character in FH? Well, this little thread is made just for that! Since I see a Halloween party is about to be celebrated I have made this tut for the convenience of you guys!

What you might need is Mass Markings and a copy of Pawesome Pack V4. You can surf the internet for the links to the downloads because I don't remmember where I found them. ^^; Gomen! But, I remmember that someone posted a link to the pack somewhere in the forums...

Now, without further ado I would be starting this little tut, starting on how you should install the packs.

To Our Beloved Staff

Beloved staff, sorry if I'm a bother, but I think this has to be made! We need more active staff because FH was a bustle. Kov-san is working on a Facebook game yes, I play it and say its quite a thrill. Though, I feel that FH should have a continuation. Or atleast one of you guys askin Kov-san for the source code and continue what he has left behind! This game is as popular and awesome as Aro'kai that now has been canceled. This game has lots of potential, if we waste it its a very big mistake! So, will you please start updating the game? Ja?       ^w^ b

The rencarination of Feral Heart shall begin!

Table Of Contents

- In The Memory Of General
- Map Plans
- Vote For A Name!
- Screenshots
- Download
- To Our Beloved Staff


NONE YET!! ^ D ^

The rencarination of Genny shall begin!

Table Of Contents

- In The Memory Of General
- Map Plans
- Vote For A Name!
- Screenshots
- Download
- To Our Beloved Staff

Vote For A Name!

All the names will be listed here!

A little surprise map will be named by you guys! All I can tell is that it has many different biomes and camps, Ill leave the rest to your thinking. Reply if you think you have a nice name with the little app below!

Forum Name:
Main Character Name:
Map Name Suggestion:

The reincarination of Genny shall begin!

Table Of Contents

- In The Memory Of General
- Map Plans
- Vote For A Name!
- Screenshots
- Download
- To Our Beloved Staff

Have A Nice Day!

Map Plans

To start out there will be 3 maps, General's Grave is the main map which is quite small and has a big tree in the middle and three wooden tunnels. The Tree represents Genny's soul and body, so the three tunnels are aspects that are more or less his personality and mood.

If you go in the tunnel with the flowers, it will lead you to a large cave with a high celling. This is the Advertisment Cave, where RP's may have a stall and advertise. If the cave gets more crowded, I will make seperate maps for each roleplay! There will be the Warriors and Clans section that is in the huge trees, there are a total of 7-9 stalls for the clans to choose from. The highrock with the den on it is for the administrators to keep watch. Does the same with all similar posts. There will be a Lion Pride, Wolf Pack, and other roleplay spots there. Mind that the cave is preety tall and can hold some winged RPs up there. There are also some floating islands that are connected to the ground for easy access for the non-winged RPs. Mind here that you can't talk in General without advertising! Thats why its called an advertising cave anyways.

If you go in the tunnel with rocks, moss and a small pool of water it will lead you to a vast oceanic land filled with interesting landmarks. These are the Chatting Lands, where you can disscuss and play around with other members. If the place gets crowded, I certainly will make another map for that. Note that there will be a jump game every last friday of the month! The fastest Feline and Canine will have a free preset or map from me, so practice those jumping skills!

A little surprise map will be named by you guys! All I can tell is that it has many different biomes and camps, Ill leave the rest to your thinking. Reply if you think you have a nice name with the little app below!

Forum Name:
Main Character Name:
Map Name Suggestion:

The reincarination of Genny shall begin!

Table Of Contents

- In The Memory Of General
- Map Plans
- Vote For A Name!
- Screenshots
- Download
- To Our Beloved Staff

Have A Nice Day!

In The Memory Of General

When General was around, the Flourite Plains thrived with RP's of any kind. Until the day that General was cut off.
The FH community had a plauge of members, them leaving because of this matter.
Also strikes, that led to no avail.
 I've deccided that Genny needs another chance!

 So, the reincarination of Genny shall begin!

Table Of Contents

- In The Memory Of General
- Map Plans
- Vote For A Name!
- Screenshots
- Download
- To Our Beloved Staff

Have A Nice Day!

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