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Messages - Skatmat

Pages: [1]
Look there, lots of public maps to download and explore c:
To install them, unzip the folders after download (if they are .zip or .rar format) and place the files where they go.
.fhm/.fho/.fhs/.fhw files ALL go into FeralHeart>exports.

Thank you!! :D

EDIT: Here comes my new question; How do I locate the portals leading to the new maps I just downloaded? o: How do I travel to the new maps? s:

EDIT 2: Now I see why Cape of Distant Worlds is called so...! (x

Game Help / How do I download and install new maps other have made?
« on: July 10, 2011, 10:11:10 pm »
I'm very sorry if this has already been asked, but I'm new here and don't know where to look... /:

Game Discussion / FH on Mac
« on: July 03, 2011, 04:49:03 pm »
Hi there, I don't know if anyone else has already done this, but I have found a way to get FH run on a Intel Mac using Wine (which is free).

Step 1: Downloading Wineskin;

Follow these instructions (of course with Feral Heart instead of Neverball):

Super easy! (: I have tried playing FH with different versions of Wine, yet Wineskin was the only Wine that worked.

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