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Topics - saffie515

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Presets & Markings Tutorials / How to get bi-coloured eyes on presets
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:55:33 pm »
Okay, so a lot of the people I know who make presets aren't aware of how to make their characters have two different coloured eyes. This tutorial will show you how I do it and I will also add screenshots to it to make it easier.

First you need to decide what colours you want your eyes to be, obviously. Mine is going to be a Blue Merle dog preset, so one eye is going to be brown, and the other blue to make it realistic.

After you've made you're eyes how you want them to be, (Colours etc.) you save them in the preset folder you wish. A notice will pop up if you have saved them as the same name. To prevent this, name one of them 'preset_(Number on Folder)Leye.jpg' instead of the regular 'preset_(Number on folder)eye.jpg' . Replace 'Number on Folder' with the number on the preset folder you are using. Also, make sure the one you include the 'L' in is the one you wish to be the left eye.

Now you've got that saved, you're going to need to mess with the coding. I know, not one's favourite job.
Open the material file in notepad and scroll down until you find this:

Make sure that it says 'L'and not 'R' in the parts circled in red.

Now, look here:

In between the '2' (Or whatever number preset you are using), and the 'eye.jpg', you must add an 'L'. So it looks like this:

Now, save and exit the notepad. Load up FH and go to Preset Maker, and get the preset you'd like to use.

Taa-Daa! Bi-coloured eyes!

Please if you had any issues with this, comment below. I will try to help you out as much as I can.
I hoped you enjoyed this tutorial!

Presets & Markings / Saffeh's presets (Will do requests for free)
« on: February 20, 2013, 06:08:39 pm »
So, I decided to try and make some presets. I'll upload some of them here.

First ever preset:


The next few are just some random ones I did because I was bored.

This one has bi-coloured eyes and a scar. She's like the canine version of the Lioness below her (Oh, and don't worry, I know her nose was huge when I first made her, but I've fixed that now xD).

And this one, is actually my favourite. I think she is one of the best I've done:

There isn't a picture of it, but she does have bi-coloured eyes. One is green and one is blue, and the scar on the side of her face is only across the green one.

Now, these are some of the ones I did for other people. All credit goes to them for the design ideas and everything, all I did was make them into a preset.

For moonshade on the forums. (I think that's the right name, correct me if not.)

For xXLivXx In game.

For Lilac.

This one is my favourite so far. It's a dog with blue merle markings. This one also has bi-coloured eyes to make it as realistic as possible. One is brown and one is light blue. I entered this one in the preset contest.

An image of the eyes:

This one I named milkshake xD :

My first ever glowing preset:

I might, in the future, make some of them public.

I have more but for now these will do. And If anybody wants some sort of preset doing, feel free to ask me. c:

I've started doing free requests, and if  you do want one, please fill out this form and comment below:

Canine or Feline?:
Realistic fur texture?:
Do you need this urgently?:
Reference picture(Would prefer if there was one but it is not needed):
Description(NEEDED if there isn't a reference picture):

I CAN do transparent, glowing/glow in the dark and two-sided presets(Including bi-coloured eyes) if you want.


1) Clowny(Peanut)
2) ZexStorm
3) Lexy
4) Taylor
5) CelticTheWolf

Sorry the list is full right now. If you'd like a preset doing, please wait until a space is available.

Meshes / Log Mesh Zip File
« on: October 27, 2012, 11:49:46 am »
Well, I don't know even if there is one already, but I do know that I was unable to find Sly's or anyone else's log/Hollow Tree mesh that wasn't a .rar file. My Feral heart for some reason won't let me use .Rar files when it's a mesh, as it will never show up and I don't know why. But for anyone who also needed to find it or anything like that etc. etc. I have made it a .zip file. All rights for the mesh go back to the original owner, Slycan (Correct me if I got that name wrong, that's what I remember, and I have a terrible memory ._. XD) Okay, so here is the download:               

And if there are any issues with downloading it, or any other problems, tell me and I'll try to fix it.

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