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Topics - acna2009

Pages: [1] 2
Site/Forum Help / What just happened?
« on: September 22, 2014, 05:11:59 pm »
Okay, so.
I just logged in and noticed that my name was changed to 'Anca,.,.,' instead of 'Anca'
I tried changing it back but it said it was taken.
I don't remember changing my name to 'Anca,.,.,' so my question is:
Did someone hack me because he/she wanted my name?
If not, anyone knows how to fix this?

Game Help / Two questions
« on: September 10, 2014, 07:57:06 pm »
Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
Anyways, I've seen in maps that some meshes light the place up, but there's no glow particle like the crystal, it's like a glow effect that lights a part of the place up, Here's what I mean:

I really wanna add this effect to my maps, anyone knows how to do this?
And another question, I've seen in some maps that grass, trees, etc. waves. I've also seen on the forums that you need the FH + folder and extract the files from there since they wave in FH +, but the thing is I don't have it. Is there any other way to make them wave?


Game Help / How do you convert meshes?
« on: August 24, 2014, 09:18:57 pm »
I made a model with Sculptris and I would like to use it in my FH maps.
The thing is, Sculptris exports them as .sc1 files. Anyone knows how to convert this into a mesh? Or at least convert it into something that can be converted into a mesh?

Presets & Markings / My preset C:
« on: May 22, 2014, 09:08:59 pm »
My preset is finally done yay owo
No- you wont be able to use it
I just posted this so ppl can download and see me with it in-game

Game Help / Cape not working??
« on: May 19, 2014, 03:43:33 pm »
When I go to Cape of Distant Worlds, the game keeps loading then says 'Connection Lost' or sometimes it says 'Failed to connect to main server'.
This happened to 3 more other friends of mine.
We also tried re-installing FH too, but it didnt help.
Any ideas how to fix it, or what happened to it?

Game Discussion / Does wings really make you unrealistic?
« on: April 10, 2014, 12:26:43 pm »
I hope this thread wasnt made, cuz I didnt see it but anyways.
So, recently, I have seen many people calling others 'unrealistic' or 'newbies', just because they use wings.
And they were actually not new players. I even have one myself, she was my first character that I made since I joined FeralHeart, and I still play on her. I mostly play with her at night, since she is that kind of 'night wolf' and stuff.
I have also seen, many people that have wings mostly go to Temple Of Dreams. They consider themselves angels, and say that they watch over the world and other animals, sometimes fly over the 'earth'. But they only do it at Temple Of Dreams; And the question is, why? Well, one of my friends, told me once in whisper, that they doesnt go to other places, because people will call them 'unrealistic' and other stuff.
I honestly think, that they should go to other maps, and fly over and watch other players. Not just lay in those flower circles and look at the sky all the time, doing nothing. They should go and REALLY fly and watch over them,maybe even RP! Thats what makes the game fun!
Now, I want to ask you a question;
Should people stop using them, or just continue being their real characters? Should people stay in Temple Of Dreams and just watch the sky, or go fly over the plains and watch other players and RP?
What do YOU think about wings?

Game Help / FH has now viruses?
« on: April 08, 2014, 12:18:54 pm »
I hope this is in the right place
Anyways, many of my friends that wanted to download FH said that it has a virus. They said that they downloaded it from the official website (This one lol), and that when the download bar finished downloading FH, their Anti-Virus blocked it saying that FH has a virus
First time I did not believe them, so I tried to download it on my laptop. But it said that it has a virus.
And the first time I got the game, (Now 1 or 2 years ago) it didnt say anything about it, and now it does
Did someone change the real link? Or is it something wrong with our Anti-Viruses?
Someone please answer, my friends finally got an account and cant wait to download the game!
Tyvm! ?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Please....
« on: March 23, 2014, 10:15:35 pm »
First of all:
Sorry if this has been already made, I didnt find one, so thought of making it.
Uhm... Yea, My favourite game, Free Realms is closing, which means, that I will loose my whole Warrior Cat Clan. And it was one of the first and strongest Clans in the whole game!  :(
We decided to move to FeralHeart, so we could keep the Clan alive, but our leader and almost the whole Clan cant come, due the registrations.   :'(
So... Can the staff please change it and let the registrations be open, like before? I would apprectiate ALOT if they would be open again! There are only 8 more days left, then FR is closing, and Im really afraid tht Im gonna loose my friends. Many other Clans and our allies are moving to FH. Actually, all the Clans and Packs want to move. So yea... You will get maybe over 3000 more new players? Im not lying, the game is HUGE. It has or maybe even over 3.000.000 players.
Anyways, like I said before, could you please open the registrations?
Tyvm! ~ ?

Hello there everyone, Anca (acna2009) here with a tutorial, on how to make a realistic dog character! c:
I bet, many of you saw this kind of dogs:

First of all, some of them might be new, or never had a dog before, but hey, we all were new once, right?

Alrighty, now, back to the tutorial.
So, before you make your dog, think which breed you want to make. I will make a German Shepherd Dog for example.
After you decided which breed to create, name it, and pick the gender and type the breed's name (If its too long, then make it shorter, German Shepherd Dog - GSD).
Also, dont forget! If you never saw this breed before, go to Google and type the breed's name and click on images. Im pretty sure that TONS of them will pop up.
Then go back to your game, and change to canine, of course.
Stay on the step I (1), then choose the height, muzzle and stuff like that. It has to look like the breed, like, you cant make a tiny Great Dane, or a huge Chihuaua.
Here are some examples:



Thats the shape of how a German Shepherd Dog should look like.
Onto the next part;
Now, go to II (2).
I would pick wolf tail, because GSD's are mostly fluffy x3 The mane doesnt really matter, you can have any mane you want to, or maybe even maneless. Ears, I think normal and sharp would be the best. And tuft 'Back, Elbow Tuft' or just 'Full Tuft' (FLUFFY FLUFFY FLUFFY XD)



Yep, you guessed right, III (3)!
Eyes, I think 'Fire' would be the best, because they look pretty realistic and kinda cool. x3 Markings are going to be German Shepherd, all of them, on all body parts. Duuh, it wouldnt be one then XD Ok, maybe if you have a preset, anyways.
Examples, again (I didnt color the yet, so they are yellow):



Step IV (4). Yes, you may use items if you have. Muzzle and collars are the best. But no wings! Or any other crazy items, like tusks, overgrown fangs, lightsabers etc.


And finally, V (5).
Now, this is one of the most important parts, where you color it.
Your character MUST be the REAL color of the breed, like, you cant make a blue Husky, just because blue is near the color black, etc.



And done! Now you can have fun with your dog! C: Hope this helped! If you still need help, just post below and I will try my best! ^_^
~Le credits~
Ala - My dog irl lol
Oh, look! The doggy is happy! :D

New tutorials coming soon!

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