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Topics - Toffeers

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Crashes at title and before
« on: April 19, 2020, 01:05:20 am »
So, I've done everything. I've downloaded the 1.17 update and replaced the .exe with the 1.17a .exe. But after clicking on the .exe  it loads and then crashes. When booting up it doesn't give me the ability to choose what rendering subsystem to use and it sometimes not even register my processor.
After the crash I checked the FH Log under the .exe and it says this;

Capabilities:: VertexProgram: YES
Capabilities:: FragmentProgram: YES
Sound:: Initialized: YES
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumWater.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: fhPodiumWater.cfg failed!

What should I do?

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