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Messages - kangaroux

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
(( Will post in the morning, I can't stay awake right now -.- ))


(( it's fine, I'm not sure what to post for now, so I guess I'll just wait ^^ ))

(( It's my fault for abandoning it in the first place ^^' no worries, I'm just glad you're still interested :D Take your time. ))

(( bump~
Finally finished my post! Sorry for the wait x3 ))

(( Thanks for being so understanding, you guys. ^^
And well, I'm going to post again tomorrow morning; I would do it tonight, but I want it to be good and I'm pretty sleepy...
 I really hope FusedHearts comes back too. :( It looks like you two are the only ones left. If none of the people who had WIP applications say anything within the next few days, I'm just going to add in another male wolf character that I've made, cut the flow of wolf characters, and just have those four wolves be the main ones in the story. It'd even out the gender ratio, too; the other members with wolves have been quiet enough that I'm gonna consider them out of the Rp for now, but if they wanna come back, that'd be ok. c:
I won't accept any more wolf hunters, either; if the ones we have (besides Jenica) are inactive, then we'll just have one. Even before the rp died, they didn't see much action.
Just trying to tidy up as we revive this thread <3
I promise, promise, PROMISE not to let this die again unless something really tragic happens in my personal life! And if that does happen, I give permission to whoever wants to RP them to take control of my characters while I'm gone so I don't hold the story back.
I really wanna see this thing through to the end c:

(( 'sup guys, I'm finally back... >.>
I can't believe I just left this poor rp for dead. I feel really terrible for it..
I just completely lost all my inspiration for it, y'know? That's a really lame excuse, I know, and I'm so so so sorry :'(
I was going through a tough time, and I was into other things besides Wolf's rain that cheered me up, if that makes sense. Even so, I shouldn't have abandoned it like that, and I feel bad for letting it die.
However...! Im willing to revive it if you all are? :) I see some lovey-dovey feelings developing; that'll be fun to have in the rp. ;) And some new applications. I believe we can keep this thing going to the end if everyone's still into it.
How 'bout it?


Bump again~

We all need to meet up on the game sometime. :3


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