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Topics - Silhouette

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Game Discussion / We can't RP together? [Species clumping issues]
« on: August 11, 2013, 07:14:21 pm »
Now before anyone says anything please let me clear up that I am NOT talking about species hate necessarily. (There is a thread for that someone else made.)

I have noticed an ever growing trend among role players in Feral Heart that was practically nonexistent during Impressive Title's (the original). It appears to me that some people now seem to have the opinion that you /cannot/ role play a wolf and a lion (or a tiger and a fox, or a racoons and a hyena, or anything for that matter) together in a role play and that they HAVE to be the same species OR if they're not they HAVE to be at war. .....What? Now I know some characters, on behalf of the player have hate toward a species for one reason or another. I'm not talking about that. I mean people who just have this idea stuck in their head that you HAVE to play the same species as them in order for a RP to work, be it filled with hate, discontent, and conflict....or not.

[ALSO note I am NOT talking about joining into someone's RP who is "Lions ONLY" or "Hyenas ONLY" or "Wolves Only" etc. I'm just talking about people you randomly advertise or ask to RP with you and they go along with it.] It irks me to no end that half the time I ask someone to RP, they ask what species that /I/ am on, jump on a character of that species and then come find me when they really would have preferred to play their other species char, and I wouldn't have minded, and I told them that.  OR they don't switch because they don't know what species I have until they come find me but then they're overly apologetic to me when they get there because goodness forbid they're roleplaying a feline while I have a wolf out.

.....Where on Earth did this cats vs dogs vs everyone else trend come from? I remember a bit of it existed in Impressive Title, but this trend is all over the place now. Just.....why? Why do people feel the need to keep hyenas with hyenas, wolves with wolves, lions with lions, even when its not a one species-only group roleplay. Like if its just a two or three person RP? What is it that is so wrong with having different species together [In an UNREALISTIC roleplay, not a realistic one because I realize its not realistic for an African Lion to encounter a North American gray wolf in the wild] I don't get it.

Game Discussion / Object Maker
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:45:30 pm »
Many have told me "I don't know how to work Object Maker" or if they do, then its only to set up downloaded meshes. I'm curious though, how many of you actually build something using Object Maker? And it doesn't even have to be using the shapes to make like, a building or anything. It could be as simple as having multiple trees coming out at the same time so you can place more at once more easily.

 I can't remember where it was but I recall seeing a thread where someone built like, a mini boat/ark somewhere on the forum a long time ago, among some other things. Perhaps I'm a bit of an oddball but I would love to know what some things others have made or tried to make. The absolute favorite of anything I've ever made using it is a lighthouse. I attempted to make an electrical tower for a more urban map and failed.  I know I'm not alone here, so do any of you use object maker?

Game Discussion / Blind Downloading, Do you do it? [Maps]
« on: July 23, 2013, 02:31:04 pm »
I'm just curious given the number of replies to threads informing people that they need to include screenshots with their map download link, do any of you refuse to download maps that do not provide screenshots? Or on the other hand, do any of you download the maps without knowing whats in it/without a screenshot or two?

I personally don't most of the time because I am a map maker myself. I have made roughly 40 or so maps myself (although I do not keep every single last one in the Cape or installed) and that's a LOT of room to take up in the Cape. On top of that, I have two or three public maps I like, as well as the maps that my friends make as many of them are map makers too. So its really not worth my while to download something I cannot see because it can be a pain to remove if I don't like it.

Sure, a name helps like "Sunrise Forest" helps some but lets be realistic. Everyone has their own idea of what a "forest" should look like. So if you stuck a bunch of same-size oak or fir trees really close together on a single grass tex...I'm sorry but while you may call it a forest, I won't and odds are, I won't want it. And if I have no screenshots to know if your forest is like that or not, I'm not going to waste my time trying to find out. On the flip side of things,  you could make something really spectacular but if you don't give screenshots, how is anyone ever to know what it looks like?

Just about the only time I "download blind" is from a friend who has made maps before that I  know with some confidence its probably worth getting without having to see it first.

So my question again is, do you download maps from threads that do not provide at least a picture or two? Or do they have to have pictures?

Finished Maps / Tundra based map [The Frozen Realm] PUBLIC
« on: July 19, 2013, 03:35:46 am »

Finished Maps / Treehouse Map [Treetop Settlement 3-Maps] PUBLIC
« on: July 19, 2013, 03:02:48 am »


I'm sure everyone has dealt with this at least once, if not more. You approach a group and ask them if you can roleplay with them for a while. They accept with open arms and that's great....only where did they go?

Realize I am not talking about situations where your own character's behavior (or even your behavior OOC) may be provoking people into running off/not wanting to RP with you, I'm talking about people who either you ask them or they ask you to RP and their character does not linger long enough to give you really much time to interact with them.

Now, I know that some characters are simply like this. They don't want interaction, they want your character to go away and that is fine. However, if you have a character like that and want to RP with somebody, you need to give the other person a little more wiggle room EVENTUALLY to DO or SAY something... otherwise, its not roleplaying. Its sitting on opposite ends of the map role playing with yourself and that defeats the purpose of inviting someone else to RP.

 I have plenty of characters myself that would rather climb to the top of Ascension Island just to avoid talking to someone but even they have their breaking points. Usually the way most players get around dealing with their anti-social characters....well...anti-socialness is tiring them out. Hey, everyone has to sleep sometime right? Or they create an excuse about waiting to meet someone in that very place so that they /can't/ leave. Things like that.

 These little add-ons may seem pointless but they really do help the person you are role playing with. Because lets face it, no one is going to be really enthusiastic about role playing with anyone who's character, anti-social or not (as I have seen some completely social characters do this too! Why? I don't know.) if every conversation or interaction made two-posts in ends up with your character leaving to some unreachable or difficult to reach location or going out of range.

Some of us don't always have nosey or persistant characters who are willing to chase another around the map inquiring about why they're upset and moody. In fact, most of mine would probably do what most normal human beings would and just shrug it off and go find something more interesting to do, but /that/ does not make a roleplay. I personally find these situations extremely frustrating, to the point I just don't feel like RPing with someone who is going to do that consistently for the entire RP. You asked me to roleplay, not play tag. What do you guys think? Is this kind of behavior acceptable all of the time? Frustrating? Perfectly fine? What are your thoughts?

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